POLL! - Do you know who Chip and Joanna Gaines are?

Do you know who Chip and Joanna Gaines are?

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Lol, love this poll but do not want them anywhere near GameDay.

I know who they are because of the guest speaker thread.

Nothing more than a couple re-hashed Than Merrills and Armando Montelongos.

I miss the Montelongos. The exasperated phone calls, kicking rocks, ripping the subcontractors a new one for not making the 36 hour deadline to put in a new foundation and replace the leaking roof. His high maintenance wife in the thousand dollar designer sequin jeans.

If I wrote what I thought about them on here I would get kicked off.

I miss the Montelongos. The exasperated phone calls, kicking rocks, ripping the subcontractors a new one for not making the 36 hour deadline to put in a new foundation and replace the leaking roof. His high maintenance wife in the thousand dollar designer sequin jeans.
Sadly, those kids didn't last. Divorced in 2011. As part of the settlement, she received $250,000 each year for 5 years for "spousal maintenance".
God bless America.

Say what you want about chip and jo, but they did pick Minnesota to beat ioaw when they were guest pickers. I gained a bit more respect for them after that.

Of course! I’ve seen almost every episode they ever produced. I’m a DIY/remodel junkie. It’s the perfect relationship default TV program.

My wife and her daughters actually took a week long trip to Waco just because of Chip and Joanna. Brought a lot of crap back home with them....the cupcakes were good though.

Of course I know. The Vikings hired them to install the under-field heating at TCF. Everyone knows this. There was a whole season of Rehab Addict devoted to this.

Of course I know. The Vikings hired them to install the under-field heating at TCF. Everyone knows this. There was a whole season of Rehab Addict devoted to this.

Flip this Stadium? Extreme Makeover, TCF edition? This Old Stadium? Flipping Out - MN Fan Edition?

they showed me how shitty the housing market is in waco. and to this day they are still polishing that turd.

they showed me how shitty the housing market is in waco. and to this day they are still polishing that turd.

I think folks in the major cities had a kitten over the housing prices. Being located in a Texan prairie and being best known for a crazy religious cult (possibly a couple of them) will do that.

Religious extremists? No they are not. Why do you say that? If going to church regularly is extreme, they are guilty.

The whole town of Waco is in one way or another. Either Branch Davidians or rape-enabling "Baptists."

You are associating Baptist’s and Branch Davidians? Your views look to be extreme.

Nothing wrong with the values of 99% of the Baptist’s out there. Thank goodness they are out there promoting family, values, marriage, etc.

The Gaineses have a few less than progressive views on LGBT folks. Otherwise Baptist values are mostly positive

The Gaineses have a few less than progressive views on LGBT folks. Otherwise Baptist values are mostly positive
As does anyone that actually follows the teachings of the Bible. Love everyone, yes. Anything goes, no.

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