The incessant complaining on Ben is damaging and self fulfilling.
- You complain about Ben nonstop in the only place (outside of the coaching staff) that recruits and families go for discussion and inside info on Gophers basketball.
- Any positive thread is quickly filled with negative jokes and complaining
- From the outsiders perspective it appears to be all negative all the time and that nobody trusts Ben or Richard or Tubby or whoever the next guy is.
- This makes Ben's job of attracting and keeping quality players a little harder (and he needs all the help he can get)
- Then when we dont get someone / or a top recruit leaves you have more to complain about - you are justified and complain even more.
Where the hell is Jason and Nadine or whoever runs things now? Find an admin or two, lock threads when they are played out, when people are clearly just FUDing you ban them for a week. W
hen you spot a guy clearly here to undermine the program on behalf of WI or UST you just boot them. Nobody will miss these people. As an alternative - just ban all of the positive fans to put us out of our misery.
OK -here it comes: (in my best dopey caveman voice) "If Ben was putting up wins we wouldn't be complaining" Thats BS you losers... you would still complain after every loss.