Please post if you attend practice


Active member
May 24, 2009
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If you have been to any of the practices please post what you saw. If 10 people all post the same thing, then the rest of us can be pretty sure what those 10 are seeing is accurate. If 10 people post, and 5 say one thing and 5 say another then ... well, we may have to hold off judgement for a while.

It is a slow time of year so if you have been to practice give the rest of us a gift by posting, so we can take the slightest positive comment and spin it into a grandiose dream of future glory!

The practice rules limit what can be put up on the internet.
Kill ran a very up tempo practice today. Intensity was very high.
The passing game has received a lot of attention this spring. Come to practice and you will see a lot of balls flying through the air.
Quarterbacks have looked very good this spring, again they have been throwing a lot of passes. Dominic McKinzy is very talented. He has beautiful throwing mechanics. Six foot ten inch Nate Wozniak has very high potential. (no pun intended) He can pull down those high passes and run. Good luck to the defensive backs. Pirsig is an absolute beast. He's about the biggest human being you will ever see. The Defensive Backs are athletic and fast. They can also deliver a hard hit.
Coach Kill looks great, he's slim, trim and has a healthy glow.

The practice rules limit what can be put up on the internet.
Kill ran a very up tempo practice today. Intensity was very high.
The passing game has received a lot of attention this spring. Come to practice and you will see a lot of balls flying through the air.
Quarterbacks have looked very good this spring, again they have been throwing a lot of passes. Dominic McKinzy is very talented. He has beautiful throwing mechanics. Six foot ten inch Nate Wozniak has very high potential. (no pun intended) He can pull down those high passes and run. Good luck to the defensive backs. Pirsig is an absolute beast. About the biggest human being you will ever see. The Defensive Backs are athletic and fast. They can also deliver a hard hit.
Coach Kill looks great, he's slim, trim and has a healthy glow.

Thanks Johnny - this is what I was looking for. I don't want any practice rules violated but the sort of generalities you posted are helpful and I don't believe break any rules.

It doesn't surprise me they are working on the passing game.
They were terrible last year and even a small improvment would work wonders for the offense.

Uh oh...I seem to remember people saying the same thing about Jewhan Edwards :p:p

Jewhan made one of the best plays I have ever seen a D tackle make. It was a game against Iowa - they were on the goal line going in - Jewhan hit the center so hard the center flew back and hit the QB who was handing off to the running back. The QB was knocked off balance and fell into the running back and both went down. I haven't seen a play like that until Rasheed came along.

It is too bad Jewhan couldn't have played for Coach Kill. Things might have turned out differently for Jewhan

Jewhan made one of the best plays I have ever seen a D tackle make. It was a game against Iowa - they were on the goal line going in - Jewhan hit the center so hard the center flew back and hit the QB who was handing off to the running back. The QB was knocked off balance and fell into the running back and both went down. I haven't seen a play like that until Rasheed came along.

It is too bad Jewhan couldn't have played for Coach Kill. Things might have turned out differently for Jewhan

I was actually making a pun off of johnny's unintended pun. He had very HIGH potential...

I was actually making a pun off of johnny's unintended pun. He had very HIGH potential...

Sorry, I'm not very smart. I've always said it ain't easy going through life being stupid!

Jewhan made one of the best plays I have ever seen a D tackle make. It was a game against Iowa - they were on the goal line going in - Jewhan hit the center so hard the center flew back and hit the QB who was handing off to the running back. The QB was knocked off balance and fell into the running back and both went down. I haven't seen a play like that until Rasheed came along.

It is too bad Jewhan couldn't have played for Coach Kill. Things might have turned out differently for Jewhan

In 1960, the Gophers were undefeated & no. 2 in the nation & Iowa was no. 1. They came to Memorial and Tom Brown knocked Bill Lapham, their center, into qb Wilburn Hollis who then fell backwards. Great play by a great player.

It is too bad Jewhan couldn't have played for Coach Kill. Things might have turned out differently for Jewhan

I think Jew-Jew had the chance and chose to throw parties. He wouldn't have lasted long anyway.

Surprised how thin Thieran Cochren still looks. But it didnt stop him from having a great year.
Yes McKinzy throws a bullet with great form. Kinda short but built very solidly. Rhoda threw a nice ball as third string qb. Leidner looked fine.
Wanted to watch the placekicker competition but ddnt see it. Wonder when they are working on it.
Trying Berkley Edwards at returning kicks. Fumbled one.
Campion still used at right tackle. Pirsig eventually?
Wozniak looks like a big ten center.
Wolitarsky looking much better. Should be a real force.

Thanks Johnny Olson and Doc1001! Good stuff.

Go Gophers!!

Surprised how thin Thieran Cochren still looks. But it didnt stop him from having a great year.
Yes McKinzy throws a bullet with great form. Kinda short but built very solidly. Rhoda threw a nice ball as third string qb. Leidner looked fine.
Wanted to watch the placekicker competition but ddnt see it. Wonder when they are working on it.
Trying Berkley Edwards at returning kicks. Fumbled one.
Campion still used at right tackle. Pirsig eventually?
Wozniak looks like a big ten center.
Wolitarsky looking much better. Should be a real force.
Took me a minute, then figured you meant bball.

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