Plan for Saturday Protest


Aug 13, 2010
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New millenium protest with the next loss. Flood the MN Daily website with alumni and fan posts calling for Brew's immediate resignation. Each should only say this: Mr. Brewster. Thank you for your time. Resign today.

I doubt the administration pays any attention to GH. They will note the influx of readers on the Daily posting. Do it on every loss day and after a while, it builds some momentum.

He's gone at this point anyways, win or lose, maybe you could spend your time pulling for a victory instead. Just a thought.

New millenium protest with the next loss. Flood the MN Daily website with alumni and fan posts calling for Brew's immediate resignation. Each should only say this: Mr. Brewster. Thank you for your time. Resign today.

I doubt the administration pays any attention to GH. They will note the influx of readers on the Daily posting. Do it on every loss day and after a while, it builds some momentum.

I love it. Not the fact this endeavor would mean a Gopher loss, of course, but I love the passion. I have long said that Minnesota fans should be as outraged and obnoxious as Ohio State or Michigan fans when the program is not performing. It only means we are making progress when things like this are getting organized (IMO.)

New millenium protest with the next loss. Flood the MN Daily website with alumni and fan posts calling for Brew's immediate resignation. Each should only say this: Mr. Brewster. Thank you for your time. Resign today.

I doubt the administration pays any attention to GH. They will note the influx of readers on the Daily posting. Do it on every loss day and after a while, it builds some momentum.

Let me guess - you are pulling for the team to lose?

Failure to learn how to read

I said "at the next Gopher loss". In no way am I hoping for a loss this game or any other. My suggestion stands.

He's gone at this point anyways, win or lose, maybe you could spend your time pulling for a victory instead. Just a thought.

There seems to be a shift on these boards, at least how I interpret what I read.

Because of the fluid situation that is the University leadership Brew will be around for one more year.

If that happens I will have to get really drunk just to try and comprehend the decision.

Look, I want the guy fired too but just let it play out so that we have an orderly head coaching transition. The candidates will evaluate our fans and our university before they except the job and if we're firing someone (that hasn't broken NCAA rules) in the middle of the season it isn't a positive impression of the support he will receive.

Further, we still have a recruiting class to put together. Our current commits should see the writing on the wall and probably be looking around now to make sure they are making the best decision for themselves but firing Brewster now will just create more upheaval and earlier decommitments making it harder for the next coach to rerecruit them (assuming they fit the scheme).

There is more downside to firing Brewster now than there is upside. Be patient. The administration is well aware that if they bring Brewster back they won't fill the stadium next year and they can't afford to take that financial hit.

Being a former Daily writer, I can tell that the OP has no clue how annoying it is to delete spam posts. This won't get you anywhere, as more than likely your posts will simply be deleted shortly after they are posted.

Email the admin, don't punish the poor IT crew of a publication that has no power over the choice.

New millenium protest with the next loss. Flood the MN Daily website with alumni and fan posts calling for Brew's immediate resignation. Each should only say this: Mr. Brewster. Thank you for your time. Resign today.

I doubt the administration pays any attention to GH. They will note the influx of readers on the Daily posting. Do it on every loss day and after a while, it builds some momentum.

Nice idea, but I think a sit in at the student union would be more effective. Brandon and Andrea did something similar on an episode of 90210. It was quite effective and West Beverly High was never the same. They also buried a time capsule for future generations to see what life was like in the early '90's (I may be mixing up episodes now). When Brewster is fired you should make a time capsule and include this post. You can bury down by the Mississippi.

Best of luck

New millenium protest with the next loss. Flood the MN Daily website with alumni and fan posts calling for Brew's immediate resignation. Each should only say this: Mr. Brewster. Thank you for your time. Resign today.

I doubt the administration pays any attention to GH. They will note the influx of readers on the Daily posting. Do it on every loss day and after a while, it builds some momentum.

GH Admin: Please delete this post.


New millenium protest with the next loss. Flood the MN Daily website with alumni and fan posts calling for Brew's immediate resignation. Each should only say this: Mr. Brewster. Thank you for your time. Resign today.

I doubt the administration pays any attention to GH. They will note the influx of readers on the Daily posting. Do it on every loss day and after a while, it builds some momentum.


No need to protest. Everyone in this whole planet knows Brewster is gone after this year.

Your (and others) wrath is misplaced. Calling for Brewster to resign or be fired isn't very productive any longer. Do you honestly think the administration doesn't know the public perception of Brewster at this point?

Listen...Brewster lost me long ago but I'm not calling for his firing. I'm calling for the firing of those that hired the underqualified and overwhelmed coach in the first place. It's not Brewster's fault that he's the coach. It's the fault of the decision-makers that went cheap on the hiring. It starts with Maturi and ends with the President. The former made an awful hire. The latter is ultimately responsible for the restrained the list of available candidates because of budget constraints.

A more worthy protest would be one directed at those 2, not Brewster. If my company decided to promote me to a job I have no business performing but the pay and opportunity was too good to pass it up, I'm taking it. I'd give it my best, like I believe Brewster is doing. The list of persons most at fault if I blew at the job wouldn't start with my name. It would start with the directors and managers that gave someone so inexperienced and in over his head the opportunity in the first place.

Moral of the story: Direct your wrath at those that are responsible for putting Brewster in this position. Fire them. Any new AD would ultimately want an opportunity to hire his own FB coach so by default, Brewster would be out of a job anyways.


May be wrong, but I'm getting the impression the opposite is happening: people are coming to this board to support Brew - and it seems to be no accident. That said, count me out on a Daily blitz (I used to work there as a student), because Bruininiks and Maturi are fully aware of the situation and both have said repeatedly, "We need to win more games." As that is unlikely - though we may win against Purdue and/or Penn State - 3-9 won't hack it and Brew will be gone in December. He will be replaced by someone with more experience and we will be better off.

Fine, pull the post!

The great thing about disagreeing with a proposal is that you can without retribution or reprisal. Thanks for the input. Some think that Brewster should stay. That's fine. For quite a while I was a strong vocal backer of Mr. Brewster. But, I re-examined my view, and I found a few flaws in my arguement. So, as any critical thinker would do, I changed my mind.

Before the post is pulled, my posting opportunity taken away, let me just add this:

We pay for the right to be entertained, including victories and losses. We also pay Mr. Brewster and for the scholarships directly and indirectly by the purchases we make in support of the University. We pay for taxes which subsidize a portion of the stadium finances. And, some of us even pay for fees which directly pay for the stadium and team facilities. That said, I am all in. Part of my financial resources pay Mr. Brewster. So, I have a financial interest in who is the HC. Certainly, I do not have a fiduciary role in how he conducts his business with the team, so I am limited to communicating with my fellow fans. I suggested a virtual rally. Maybe the Daily was a poor choice. But, the vehicle of protest is a fair one.

I disagree that waiting is a sound idea. First, we can not prove the effect on recruiting if the coach is named prior to the end of the season. Second, recruiting has already stalled. Although it stalled last year at this time in the same manner. So, we can not determine whether or not there is a connection to potential downfall of recruiting or not. Besides, any notes, communication, email, letters, meetings or otherwise with recruits is the property of the University and not Mr. Brewster. Anybody can follow up with recruits and keep them interested and signed with the University as long as it is a University representative. I am sure there are effective recruiters that can be called upon to close the deal with these students.

Communication with the public in any transition is key. First message, we are committed to winning in the long and short term. Mr. Brewster has not accomplished either. In fact, over the next two - three years, it looks highly unlikely, unless there is a change of leadership.

We don't live in an era where time is a luxury. There is no time to develop a winning tradition other than right now. I was at a seminar recently where the speaker noted that the average termination time for non-performing new CEO's is 3 months from the day they take over. Performance is viewed in real-time. We need to upgrade our leadership standards to match the realities of today. By living in standards that are comfortable to yesterday will not move the team forward and will hurt the University financially.

There are a number of consequences that will ultimately rise to the surface in the current fiscal environment. First, overall athletic scholarships will be cut back. Mens and women's sports will be cut. Revenue sports will continue, if only they pay their weight and contribute to the overall financial health of the University. The general revenue money is likely to be pulled back to the educational side with the new president, no matter how sports minded that individual may be. A prudent view of the finances will require that the subsidy be pulled back so that the primary mission not take any more hit than necessary. So, that weighs on the necessity to move to better coaching and player performance. Frankly, if I were the U President, and you may thank your lucky stars I am not, I would require performance standards for athletic scholarships. They should not be offered unless the student exhibits commitment to winning, scholarship, and can help sustain the Athletic Department. I would pull athletic scholarships for those who can not perform and move those athletes into the general student body.

As for the new coach, and I really hope that there is one very soon, the standard is simple, more wins than losses. Rivalries matter. Graduation matters. Performance will be rewarded with continued scholarships and non performance will not. Pay will be commensurate with victories. NCAA violations will invalidate the contract and will be cause for dismissal.

This will be my final post on GH or any other site regarding Gopher Football or Tim Brewster. I wish the GopherHole community well.

The great thing about disagreeing with a proposal is that you can without retribution or reprisal. Thanks for the input. Some think that Brewster should stay. That's fine. For quite a while I was a strong vocal backer of Mr. Brewster. But, I re-examined my view, and I found a few flaws in my arguement. So, as any critical thinker would do, I changed my mind.

I don't think you really read the posts if you think there are those who feel Brew should stay. I haven't read any posts stating how happy they are with Brewster and the state of the program. I have noticed that most of the level-headed fans are questioning the booing, fire Brewster chants, boycotting games, etc.. ideas. Look, the guy most likely is gone. I wouldn't be surprised if he stays, but the odds aren't in his favor right now. What good will it do pull these stunts? I hope you stick around.

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