PJ Fleck robo-call


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I just got a robo-call from PJ Fleck thanking me for renewing my season tickets. He was FIRED UP in his voicemail and he got me FIRED UP!!!!!!

Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for the heads up. My wife asked, "guess who called?". I said, "PJ Fleck!". And yes she thought he was amped up for season.

He left me a message as well, yelling about how I should renew my tickets, telling me to row a boat. He didn’t fire me up - to each their own.

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Damn MennoSota, you beat me to it! I had that song going through my head once I saw the words "excitable dude". Oh, and YES I got my PJ Fleck Robo Call today thanking me for renewing. We'll be back in Sec 117!
Great minds...

I wonder if the calls went out in order of Gopher Score?

I got a voice mail message as well. The machine transcribed the last part as:

"The roosevelt have fun with Scott mom and gogo."

I'm guessing it was actually "Row the boat, ski-u-mah and go Gophers," but haven't listened to it yet, so I can't be certain.

I got the call from PJ about an hour after I cancelled my season tickets of ten years.

I got the call from PJ about an hour after I cancelled my season tickets of ten years.

I'm curious why you continue to broadcast that you dropped your season tickets. Are you proud? Happy? Do you want us to congratulate you and tell you that you made the right decision?

I got an email with a custom Jersey image with my last name on it.

I assume that means that in case of emergency I get called to play QB....

I got an email with a custom Jersey image with my last name on it.

I assume that means that in case of emergency I get called to play QB....


The guy is doing everything he can to energize this fan base. I'm hoping we can toast to some on the field successes soon.

All I got was my daily call from a highjacked number from a woman named Elizabeth who offered me a great deal on a resort stay.

Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMyTailOff View Post
The guy is doing everything he can to energize this fan base except coach. I'm hoping we can toast to some on the field successes soon.

Sure. I think they said the same thing at WMU 5 years ago as well.

I got an email with a custom Jersey image with my last name on it.

I assume that means that in case of emergency I get called to play QB....

Apparently, you'll be throwing to me..or my wife. I think the Jersey was for her. Maybe after you toss a TD, PJ will set up one of those scholarship award deals. A_Slab_of_Bacon gets a SCHOLARSHIP!!! Delivered by Floyd.

Quote Originally Posted by WorkingMyTailOff View Post
The guy is doing everything he can to energize this fan base except coach. I'm hoping we can toast to some on the field successes soon.

Sure. I think they said the same thing at WMU 5 years ago as well.

Didn't say he couldn't, just said he hasn't yet. Of course he also out recruited the MAC in year one, so five years in he had the "best" roster in the MAC, and as we all know, coaching doesn't matter, only recruiting does. So we have the 2nd best in our division and the 7 best in the conference, so far. We'll see where we net out on that front in 5 years and how it translates into Wins and losses. I do like how PJ is trying to tie into the history of the program (well, not really, but it makes a good story anyway) by bringing back John Gutekunst's prevent offense.

I'm curious why you continue to broadcast that you dropped your season tickets. Are you proud? Happy? Do you want us to congratulate you and tell you that you made the right decision?

I just thought the timing was ironic. Further replies I am thinking of aren't very nice, so I will keep them to myself.

I just thought the timing was ironic. Further replies I am thinking of aren't very nice, so I will keep them to myself.

Just curious, in addition to the quality of opponents did the dates of the games impact your decision? It's odd this year, 3 home games in a row to start (1 Thur + 2 Sat), then only 1 Sat game from mid-Sept to mid-Nov with the Fri nite/Indiana game thrown in there.

Just curious, in addition to the quality of opponents did the dates of the games impact your decision? It's odd this year, 3 home games in a row to start (1 Thur + 2 Sat), then only 1 Sat game from mid-Sept to mid-Nov with the Fri nite/Indiana game thrown in there.

Certainly was a consideration. In, addition there are a couple of away games that really interest me, so unfortunately we will spend the dollars on away games this year rather than getting to Minneapolis, which we always enjoy.

I just thought the timing was ironic. Further replies I am thinking of aren't very nice, so I will keep them to myself.

That doesn't really answer my question. A Gopher fan forum seems like a weird place to brag about dropping your tickets and expecting to receive congratulations for doing so.

That doesn't really answer my question. A Gopher fan forum seems like a weird place to brag about dropping your tickets and expecting to receive congratulations for doing so.

Not congratulations - but maybe understanding. As in, "I don't agree with what you did, but I understand why you did it."

Jeez, DP, we're talking about a guy who lives in Texas - but still follows the Gophers closely, and was willing for years to invest the money to fly up here for games. That is a heck of a commitment. I would argue that he is more committed than a lot of the fair-weather fans in MN who don't show up for games if they don't like the weather forecast, or sell their tix to WI or NEB fans.

If he has decided he wants to do something different, that is his choice. he has every right to make that choice. And I suspect it was not an easy choice. I have no problem with what Houston did. Now, the people on here who think they have a right to judge who is or isn't a real "fan," that I have a problem with.

Not congratulations - but maybe understanding. As in, "I don't agree with what you did, but I understand why you did it."

Jeez, DP, we're talking about a guy who lives in Texas - but still follows the Gophers closely, and was willing for years to invest the money to fly up here for games. That is a heck of a commitment. I would argue that he is more committed than a lot of the fair-weather fans in MN who don't show up for games if they don't like the weather forecast, or sell their tix to WI or NEB fans.

If he has decided he wants to do something different, that is his choice. he has every right to make that choice. And I suspect it was not an easy choice. I have no problem with what Houston did. Now, the people on here who think they have a right to judge who is or isn't a real "fan," that I have a problem with.

Great points! Also, I hope that the Athletic Department hears concerns from fans like him. We don't have a fan base like OSU or Michigan. The department needs to do more to retain fans like Houston TXGopher.

That doesn't really answer my question. A Gopher fan forum seems like a weird place to brag about dropping your tickets and expecting to receive congratulations for doing so.

I was not bragging or looking for congratulations. Get a life!

What I see is a few folks who continue to overpay for season tickets trying to feel better about that decision by pretending it somehow makes them a better fan. Par for the course around here. Also absurd.

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Great points! Also, I hope that the Athletic Department hears concerns from fans like him. We don't have a fan base like OSU or Michigan. The department needs to do more to retain fans like Houston TXGopher.

I appreciate the comments from SON and STPGopher. My wife and I are both big fans of Gopher football and all Gopher sports, you might even say we are die hards. We will continue to support the Maroon and Gold and may even renew our tickets next year. If all things were equal and we lived in the MPLS area we would have kept our tickets this year. I hope I am kicking myself for missing 7 TCF Gopher victories.

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