PJ Fleck joined ESPN First Take this morning

Not sure if he answered any of the questions they asked but was still a great and powerful message to listen to. His point about listening, especially as someone who is typically in an authority position where they do most of the talking is really important.

More proof of how lucky we are to have him leading our football program.

Not sure if he answered any of the questions they asked but was still a great and powerful message to listen to. His point about listening, especially as someone who is typically in an authority position where they do most of the talking is really important.

More proof of how lucky we are to have him leading our football program.
Seems to me the hosts were kind of baiting him, and he would have none of it. He knew what he wanted to say and said it powerfully and emphatically. It all comes down listening and empathy. Great message.

Agree. So glad and thankful he's a Gopher.

Taking out anything having to do with the actual game, PJF is just a great leader. Not only by what he says, how he handles himself, but also who he surrounds himself with. Even look at the players, Morgan and Bateman are obviously talented football players, but they seem to be even better people. That says a lot. If this guy ever leaves I am going to be devastated for so many reasons.

And not just any home run -- a Kirby Puckett Game 6 walk-off "we'll see ya tomorrow night" home run hire.

No question that it's completely fair to consider Fleck one of the best coaches in the nation. Ability to recruit, coach, and lead all appear to be across the board A's. The turnaround in three years is incredible.

Just watched...i'm not teary eyed I just have something in both of my eyes at the same time.

Why would anyone want to age so quickly by being President?
This is a myth to me.
Age anyone 8 years between the ages of 40-79 and they’re going to look completely different.

This is a myth to me.
Age anyone 8 years between the ages of 40-79 and they’re going to look completely different.
I don't think so. Some look 20 years older by the time they are let free. Obama seemed to do fine with it but he was younger than most.

FWIW, somebody who has met him a few times told me that he's the same way in private as he is in public. A very positive, generous person. I hope that they can find a way to keep him for a long time.

I don't think so. Some look 20 years older by the time they are let free. Obama seemed to do fine with it but he was younger than most.
I think the older you are the more you age too.

Thanks PJ. You are one of the shining lights in this country.

This is what leadership looks like. If only some politicians could have this passion and compassion for their communities.

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