PJ Fleck Can Be Heard Almost Everyday


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Sunday on the Huddle
Monday on the Gophersports Show with Justin Gaard
Tuesday on KFAN from Senser's at Noon and Weekly Press Conference
Wednesday on FOX9 TV Show at 6:30pm
Thursday on KFAN with PA at 11:30am (Recorded on Wednesday's)
FRIDAY I believe is only day with no media
Saturday Game day with recorded interviews and post game press conference.

He also does a short weekday segment on WCCO. I heard Dave Lee promoting it one morning while I was eating breakfast.

Great access all week to hear the latest on the Gophers from PJ. I think it is important for developing the program to keep PJ Fleck and Gopher Football in the thoughts of as many people as possible. I like the billboards and I think all the social media stuff is great. Like a lot of people I am busy throughout the week so I get Wednesday nights to catch the Fox 9 show. I followed Ohio State for a while on twitter to compare the difference but I gave up on them. Not sure if I noticed they did more marketing but the OSU brand is so strong they might not need it.

I wish these were all centrally accessible.

There are different media outlets so it won't happen, but it would be nice.

I think there are enough unique listeners on each platform that a lot of people can be reached.

However, if you are all-in on anything Gophers related, I can understand that the talking points could be repetitive. Just have to keep in mind he's going after a different demographic in each interview, so it's understandable to have considerable carryover of the talking points.

Sunday on the Huddle
Monday on the Gophersports Show with Justin Gaard
Tuesday on KFAN from Senser's at Noon and Weekly Press Conference
Wednesday on FOX9 TV Show at 6:30pm
Thursday on KFAN with PA at 11:30am (Recorded on Wednesday's)
FRIDAY I believe is only day with no media
Saturday Game day with recorded interviews and post game press conference.

See, now this is why I have no time for the guy!

Sunday on the Huddle
Monday on the Gophersports Show with Justin Gaard
Tuesday on KFAN from Senser's at Noon and Weekly Press Conference
Wednesday on FOX9 TV Show at 6:30pm
Thursday on KFAN with PA at 11:30am (Recorded on Wednesday's)
FRIDAY I believe is only day with no media
Saturday Game day with recorded interviews and post game press conference.

I see opportunity...

He is on now on KMSP.

He is ubiquitous. We ask for a guy who is a consummate public coach who can recruit, and we've got one.

He's just doing it to promote himself and RTB.

I like to count how often he says RTB vs Ski-U-Mah just to make sure it's a tolerable balance.

If it ever skews to far to the Row-The-Boat, I write letters to Kaler.

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