Pitino's presser notes on suspending Dorsey, Mason and McBrayer for the season


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Nov 5, 2008
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Here you go:

Richard Pitino:
• Obviously, you saw the release, I had to make some difficult decisions, after a few days talking things over with my staff and Beth we had to do this. I believe we had to do what was best for the situation. There are student privacy laws, so I can't answer a lot of things. Tomorrow night is Joey King's senior night, he deserves a big send off. I was extremely proud of the way these guys played at Illinois.
• We made the decision today to suspend them, that's all we're going with now. We're not going to speculate anymore
• Truthfully what changed - I shouldn't of answered it that way, I wasn't prepared, I answered it the wrong way. Nothing really had changed, more time had passed. A lot of hard thinking.
• It was my decision in the end. We met with our staff over and over, I spoke with Beth numerous times, it's something that we felt was best for our program and best for our culture.
• How did they take the news? I think when you make tough decisions, in the end, you've got to get them to understand that it's the best thing for the team and the best thing for you, hoping, moving forward this makes it better for the program
• Should you recruit better? Always looking to get better, always trying like heck to not make mistakes, more than anything, we made a decision that would benefit our program.
• Any changes to recruiting? We're always trying to do our homework and make the best decisions for the University of Minnesota.
• They will be practicing, they just won't play.
• Reflecting on him as a Coach - at the end of the day, you've got to make decisions that are the best thing for your bball program and university. It may not always be that popular.
• They understand that playing her is a privilege. If you don't live up to those things, there are consequences.
• You'd be lying to say "I don't care what people think," I believe in our culture, from a men's basketball standpoint. When it comes to our program, we're going to stay true to that. It's important to us to make sure everyone is acting the right way.
• When you talk recruiting, we thought we were starting over a little bit. We're going to hold your kids accountable, you talk about that in recruiting. This is a great opportunity, when we're entrusted with your son, we're going to do everything possible to make sure these guys leave better people.
• Do you feel disrespected? It's always difficult when you make these decisions. I'm responsible for everyone that's been brought here except Buggs, and when there's bumps in the road, we go through those together. I want them to become better people. It's not always smooth sailing.
• We'll have 8 players in uniform tomorrow night.
• They do have training for players at the beginning of the season, you're constantly trying to teach them.
• Can you beat WI with 8 players? We did not prepare for Stephon Sharp playing the 1, and Gilbert playing the 2, and the heart that they showed going into the game gave me a lot of excitement. We didn't win, so people won't talk about it, but the effort they gave…Sharp played 39 minutes, he had scored 4 points, and he scored 19.
• Any criminal investigation? I'm not aware of any criminal investigation.
• Thought about adding walk-ons, but we don't have a lot of time right now. We thought about a manager or 2.
• I wouldn't know how to speculate that.
• Did they address the team? Yeah. That was a difficult situation, but at the end of the day, you've got to do what's best for the team.

Thanks; that explains Pitino's earlier statement where he said he anticipated they would play. I can see how thinking and talking to other wise individuals would change his mind.

I've been disappointed in Pitino this season, but this is the correct decision and it seems he has handled it well, for a coach who hasn't had much experience in this type of situation. I have no reason to believe this wasn't his decision to suspend them for the rest of the year....he stated it was his decision I take him at his word that it was his decision. I also think that if these guys want to come back next year, they should be welcomed back to the team. I'm sure they have gotten the message about what is expected of them. Obviously I'm not privy to all the information Pitino is, but if he wants them back, and they want to come back, I would have no problem with them coming back.

I've been disappointed in Pitino this season, but this is the correct decision and it seems he has handled it well, for a coach who hasn't had much experience in this type of situation. I have no reason to believe this wasn't his decision to suspend them for the rest of the year....he stated it was his decision I take him at his word that it was his decision. I also think that if these guys want to come back next year, they should be welcomed back to the team. I'm sure they have gotten the message about what is expected of them. Obviously I'm not privy to all the information Pitino is, but if he wants them back, and they want to come back, I would have no problem with them coming back.

I agree.

I've been disappointed in Pitino this season, but this is the correct decision and it seems he has handled it well, for a coach who hasn't had much experience in this type of situation. I have no reason to believe this wasn't his decision to suspend them for the rest of the year....he stated it was his decision I take him at his word that it was his decision. I also think that if these guys want to come back next year, they should be welcomed back to the team. I'm sure they have gotten the message about what is expected of them. Obviously I'm not privy to all the information Pitino is, but if he wants them back, and they want to come back, I would have no problem with them coming back.

+1. All the mouth breathers (especially the media ones) need to just shut it and let Pitino deal with it.

I wouldn't have thought it would be too tough of a decision to suspend them for the rest of the season. The season is virtually over and I don't think we were about to make a run in the Big Ten tournament. It would have been mighty embarrassing to have brought them back and then find out a criminal investigation has opened up. The tough decision will be whether they are back next year.

I was assuming that he had spoken too soon about the players playing Wednesday, and I was glad to hear him fess up about having spoken too soon. He is a likable and humble guy who you want to cheer for.

I was assuming that he had spoken too soon about the players playing Wednesday, and I was glad to hear him fess up about having spoken too soon. He is a likable and humble guy who you want to cheer for.

Might he have been thinking, letting them play gives the other players a chance to win the game, and keeps the others innocent in that way?

I wouldn't have thought it would be too tough of a decision to suspend them for the rest of the season. The season is virtually over and I don't think we were about to make a run in the Big Ten tournament. It would have been mighty embarrassing to have brought them back and then find out a criminal investigation has opened up. The tough decision will be whether they are back next year.

I'm actually impressed with Nate Mason's dad....it's nice to see a parent who isn't an enabler. It's a breath of fresh air!! I don't know much about Nate Mason at all, but based on that statements on ESPN from his dad, I really hope he stays and overcomes a mistake that he made. I believe he deserves that chance and if he returns the full support of the fan base. I'm hopeful all the kids can stay and learn from their mistakes...if Pitino wants them back. That's his decision though and I would support him on that decision.

I was assuming that he had spoken too soon about the players playing Wednesday, and I was glad to hear him fess up about having spoken too soon. He is a likable and humble guy who you want to cheer for.

Hmmm...I kind of think Pitino has been humbled a little bit by the last two years. One of the reasons I kind of disliked him was because I perceived him as arrogant and overly confident. I've actually softened a little bit on that the last few weeks...and I know the players really like him.

I'm actually impressed with Nate Mason's dad....it's nice to see a parent who isn't an enabler. It's a breath of fresh air!! I don't know much about Nate Mason at all, but based on that statements on ESPN from his dad, I really hope he stays and overcomes a mistake that he made. I believe he deserves that chance and if he returns the full support of the fan base. I'm hopeful all the kids can stay and learn from their mistakes...if Pitino wants them back. That's his decision though and I would support him on that decision.
+1,000 for Nate Mason, Sr.

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I wouldn't have thought it would be too tough of a decision to suspend them for the rest of the season. The season is virtually over and I don't think we were about to make a run in the Big Ten tournament. It would have been mighty embarrassing to have brought them back and then find out a criminal investigation has opened up. The tough decision will be whether they are back next year.

Well a 1 game run ;)

Here's an idea. Have the coach hold his press conference first, then issue the press release. It might help squelch speculation.

Just saying.

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His decision...

As a coach, I think you are thinking about your remaining players too in making your decision. Like he said, it is Joey's last home game...suspending the guys makes it hard for Joey...yes, I'm sure he understands. Suspending the guys, possibly makes it more difficult for Murphy's experience as a Gopher depending on lots of variables, and maybe his future. You are not just weighing the offenders...especially when it is your three ball handlers.

Illinois didn't really pressure Sharp...it'll be ugly if the remaining teams do. Pitino knows that. Our remaining games are likely going to spiral and the coach can't fix that...no coach. And that effects the remaining players making it easier to look for greener pastures possibly.

Very difficult situation and we don't know what really happened overall and who did what... I'm not sure how anyone can attack Pitino or blame him... as was stated Mason's dad is a standup guy, Mason was/is? a good student...you can't predict this. McBrayer's mom didn't expect this from her son. Lotta people throwing darts at Dorsey and I don't know his background but you are telling me you think you can predict anybody on a D1 sports team is going to do what happened? Maybe and maybe not some teams shied away from Dorsey because of his character but more likely it was his shot and we were certainly not the only major program after him in recruiting.

Pitino can salvage this and should get the opportunity. If we lose all our players, that's a leadership issue and then who knows the outcome.

All I know is: the Pitino family has gone through absolute hell this season. I hope he gets to the other side as the Gopher coach!

I also think that if these guys want to come back next year, they should be welcomed back to the team. I'm sure they have gotten the message about what is expected of them. Obviously I'm not privy to all the information Pitino is, but if he wants them back, and they want to come back, I would have no problem with them coming back.

Absolutely not all of them if it turns out Dorsey was solely responsible for putting the stuff out there as has been suspected. He's been suspended once. So incredibly stupid I wouldn't trust that he's not going to do something again to embarrass the program and maybe drag others into another mess.

Notice I said "if." Also, this obviously might not be over. She might not be pressing the issue now, but she can certainly change her mind and press the issue. People go through stages. If she hits the anger stage this thing might really blow up.

If what Mason says is true, that he and Dupree didn't know Dorsey was going to put it up on Twitter, then what's the odds that the woman gave written consent to have it posted?? I doubt we've heard the end of this.

And I would assume that the administration, AD or Pres, made the decision to suspend for the rest of the season.

That's a good point. Help me out - do we think anyone has a copy?

The Internet has a copy. Somehow, somewhere someone will get it. Especially considering how many dudes sitting in their moms basement, alone, could benefit from it.

I wouldn't have thought it would be too tough of a decision to suspend them for the rest of the season. The season is virtually over and I don't think we were about to make a run in the Big Ten tournament. It would have been mighty embarrassing to have brought them back and then find out a criminal investigation has opened up. The tough decision will be whether they are back next year.

Bingo. Easy decision for the U administration to make. Glad they made the correct one, and given the current state of the program Richard was wise to agree with it. A no-brainer. The correct response is and was, "Yes, ma'am."

The real drama will play out once the season ends March 9. Who's invited back and who isn't, then who stays and who (if anyone) goes?

Pitino needs to take a huge step forward in the win/loss column, and have a squeaky clean year from a disciplinary perspective next year.

I wouldn't worry about Sharp bringing the ball up the court too much, Pitino could minimize pressure by passing the ball up. Let's hope he covered that in practice.

I don't think its necessary (tho here of course it is inevitable) to take this decision away from Pitino.
When big things go down, its always a 'team' decision, and often we have to try on decisions for a bit to how they feel. How did you feel about the idea that they were going to play tonight? It didn't feel great to me. How does this feel? Better.

A good supervisor leads a team member through a decision making process. If Beth was able to do that with Pitino to the point that he was able to make the decision and feel total ownership for it, I see no reason to take that away from them.

I don't think its necessary (tho here of course it is inevitable) to take this decision away from Pitino.
When big things go down, its always a 'team' decision, and often we have to try on decisions for a bit to how they feel. How did you feel about the idea that they were going to play tonight? It didn't feel great to me. How does this feel? Better.

A good supervisor leads a team member through a decision making process. If Beth was able to do that with Pitino to the point that he was able to make the decision and feel total ownership for it, I see no reason to take that away from them.

...and if that's the way it truly played out, then Beth deserves a great deal of credit.

...and if that's the way it truly played out, then Beth deserves a great deal of credit.
Nowhere in Pitino's voice and message do I hear anything that indicates he feels the decision was taken out of his hands. That is good work between AD and coach.

Beth's tenure as interim AD hasn't exactly been during a 'dead time'.
She certainly has had a chance to showcase her skills.

Great leaders take the blame and pass the credit.

They empower their employees rather than dictate to them.

Great leaders can do both. They're also strong enough to dictate/"suggest" to their employees when one of them prematurely says something he/she should not have said.

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