Pitino's Coaching - He's getting it done!

Pitino and staff did have two fantastic coaching efforts these last two games, but as someone alluded to previously, it was a blunder on their part not to have Springs on the court in crunch time vs. Michigan State. It's hard to sit McBrayer down, but I'd do it when we get a little too loosey goosey. As far as Richard leaving town, I said it about six weeks ago that he won't leave until Coffey is done. I also think Washington may be in that category (i.e., Richard is not going to bail before that investment comes to maturity). I DO think he will leave town at that point though, since he's got no roots here and he's the prototypical upwardly mobile coaching prospect. I knew this success was coming last year when watching the play of Mason, McBrayer and Murphy at the home game vs. IU. They changed on that cold as hell Saturday afternoon and I could see this coming. Springs and Lynch and Curry coming in this year have really been solid additions. I credit the staff for this upgrade. Next year we get a freak in Mr. Washington. By all accounts, this kid could be the next Stephon Marbury. I can't possibly overstate how optimistic I am for the near future of this team.

I've been saying this privately, but I might as well blurt it out here. Next year's team will be a conference title contender.

I thought the same thing to myself last night. Then I punched myself for getting my hopes up.

I'd still like to see us run a successful play at the end of a half. Biffed it again at end of first half last night, throwing up a 3 with too much time left.

I guess I am getting a little greedy but would you play him in front of curry or springs this year?

No. Curry today is better than King last year when you consider defense. We could not defend any ball screens set by King's man. Yes King was a better scorer but he only averaged 11 ppg while playing an average of 30 min/game, taking 8 shots. You give Curry that run and that number of shots and he could get close to that production (we would likely win 8 games again).

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I've been saying this privately, but I might as well blurt it out here. Next year's team will be a conference title contender.

I'll believe it when I see it. If we have off the charts success this year with our additions for next year, I could be with you. But we're a long way off from that yet. A lot of things can happen between now and next season. Call me cautious.

I'll believe it when I see it. If we have off the charts success this year with our additions for next year, I could be with you. But we're a long way off from that yet. A lot of things can happen between now and next season. Call me cautious.

95-96 NIT
96-97 Final Four

There were no major additions for that Final Four year- just guys that got better. That said- you are right to be cautious.

I'll believe it when I see it. If we have off the charts success this year with our additions for next year, I could be with you. But we're a long way off from that yet. A lot of things can happen between now and next season. Call me cautious.

Are you purposely inviting my John 20:27 quip, or was that by accident?

Pitino isn't going anywhere after this year. If he does it will be a lateral move at best and he will have to likely rebuild a messy situation because he'll be replacing someone who got fired.

I'll believe it when I see it. If we have off the charts success this year with our additions for next year, I could be with you. But we're a long way off from that yet. A lot of things can happen between now and next season. Call me cautious.

You're cautious. What happened to faith and hope?

And the little coaching things that pay big dividends like the three different ways at the end that he got Mason open for the inbound pass. Especially the one having Mason set that screen.

They got the ball in to Mason for times in a row. There's no way Tubby's teams would have gotten the ball in 4 times in a row to anyone without burning 2-3 time outs or having a turnover never mind getting to their best FT shooter.

They got the ball in to Mason for times in a row. There's no way Tubby's teams would have gotten the ball in 4 times in a row to anyone without burning 2-3 time outs or having a turnover never mind getting to their best FT shooter.
LOL, truth!

Really happy for this team and it amazing the positive comments on Pitino from last year. I always thought he needed more time and kept my season tickets. Hopefully we have heard the last of the derogatory " little Ricky " BS. But this is GH so I imagine that will appear when they lose.

King would never be the 6th man on this team. He couldn't rebound or play defense. Captain Pump Fake isn't better than Curry or Springs.

Really happy for this team and it amazing the positive comments on Pitino from last year. I always thought he needed more time and kept my season tickets. Hopefully we have heard the last of the derogatory " little Ricky " BS. But this is GH so I imagine that will appear when they lose.

Just wait for the next loss and "little Ricky" comments will again be front and center.

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