Get real. Basketball is a big business. The population of D1 basketball players and the collective qualifications they have as students is not in the same universe as the general student population who cannot get into school without the right qualifications on test scores and GPA. Beyond that the athletes face temptations that the average run of the mill student does not. Then the icing on the cake is that this is a city university with a ton more outside distractions nearby than your more isolated campuses have. Monitoring these kids is a whole lot more difficult than hiring and monitoring a good AD for example.
I'm tired of the constant firing and hiring cycles here. Tubby Smith was a great coach who had the wind at his sails, the town viewed him as the program savior and locals were lined up to help him succeed...and the best he could do was .500 in the Big Ten in 6 years. This is a tough, tough job and one that will require a heap of energy and recruiting and yes a fair amount of luck and support to succeed at in a big way, such as compete for a Big ten title. We have a guy that is showing the energy, that recruits hard, and who has just finally assembled good talent of his own and we want to cut his legs out. No thanks.