PiPress: When football returns to campus, game-day festivities will return with it

This would not be new for the U. I know that the Trumpet section came to play "Kill, Maim, Pillage, Burn" by our tailgate area for the past few years when we tailgated near The Old Spaghetti Factory. They have been breaking off since at least 2006. They knew our group w/ Sour and PLG and were always more than willing to come by.

As KG said above, here's a YouTube clip of us vibing off some trumpet action before the 2006 Homecoming game against Indiana. Here's another clip from when the trombones came through the same area a little later, and here's another clip of when the trumpets and sousaphones/tubas (who'd just finished playing "We Ain't Goin' No Where," which is fantastic when played by just these folks) ran into one another during their respective wanderings around the tailgate lots and decided to play the Rouser. This was something we became accustomed to as part of our tailgating rituals during 2004, 2005 and 2006. Then tailgating became a crime and we just started drinking alone prior to the game in the darkest corners of our houses and thinking about lost loves (aka the Studwell method).

Long story short, this would not be something new to the U - it would likely just be something new to many observers.

the marching band brings nothing to the table

Wow. Just wow...

On other notes... I agree that the street closing excuse is only half the matter. Yes, the city might have their say in the matter and be putting up a stink. But we are talking a 10-15 minute march from 15th Ave (or closer - Church St?) to the stadium. The city could easily allow this - hardly worse than certain waits for lights. I think the logistics of the band having to leave the stadium area, get in formation, then march back presents a huge issue that the band directors don't particularly want to deal with each game. It is easier to have a march around or something similar then a plaza performance each week. I really do like the idea of letting the bandos go around in mini groups to play for bars, fans, tailgaters, etc then meet back up for a march around. The march around could have a very similar effect that the march up University did, but I doubt it would be as cool. Maybe the admin. is planning something in Williams similar to OSU's deal. I doubt it, though, since attendance at pep rallies has been pretty bad in recent years. They'd need to make it integral to the Victory Walk and provide a good reason (other than to support your team) to be there.

Don't you all wish that as fans with a lot of good ideas, we could get paid for contributing this information by working for the athletic dept. marketing group? We have the voice of the fans and some good ideas, and we are already writing them out and discussing possible challenges to them - half the work they already get paid for!

The band should march down University. This is one of the "old" traditions that I was looking forward to reviving. The band director's email (Tim Diem) is diemx003@umn.edu. I don't think it is his fault, but please send him an email telling him to revive this great tradition.

Sometimes I wish there would be less planning and more just happenings...know what I mean?

Just a thought, and maybe it wouldn't work due to "logistics" as well, but what about the marching band march down the new Scholar's Walk? It's about the same width as the one shown in the Ohio State film (though clearly narrower than University Avenue), and would provide the opportunity for the band to march, basically, from Northrup Auditorium to the stadium without tying up a single car's worth of traffic. Plus, it would truly be a "March Through Campus", so to speak, sending them directly to the alumni center, where they could have a rally on the knoll South of the center, and then march across the street and into the stadium.

I'm all for trying to keep the old traditions as much as anyone, but could this be a workable compromise? Just a thought I had in passing...

Just so we're clear, the Marching band will no longer be housed in Northrop. The band will be housed in the stadium. I know most of you know, this is just for those that don't.

MN March DTF:
Just so we're clear, I know the band is housed at TCF. Just so we're clear - that doesn't mean the band should stay off campus or never leave the stadium. It should be allowed to march around campus on game day - it is a MARCHING band.

Oh believe me, we'll be marching. Just the locations are subject to change. We'll likely be doing a little experimenting to see what works/doesn't work this year.

Just so we're clear, the Marching band will no longer be housed in Northrop. The band will be housed in the stadium. I know most of you know, this is just for those that don't.

I see your point. But i don't see why it matters in the end. Back in the day you marched from Northop to the stadium and then walked back to Northrop after the game. Now you go to the stadium, get your things, get inspected, walk to Northrop and then March to the stadium. Then after the game, you don't even have to go back to Northrop. Its the same distance of walking/marching.

I like the Scholar's Walk suggestion, but one of it's negatives is that there is no frat row. But i like the idea.

And i really like the OSU skull session idea. It could happen in Williams or Mariucci. Probably would be easier to fit the whole band on the covered (obviously) surface at Mariucci than on the floor at the Barn. Plus it is easier to fill Mariucci (10,000 vs. 14,600) if we find it hard at first to get tons of people involved with this sort of 'new tradition'. Actually the Sports Pavillion could work too (5,700).

Maybe someone who was in the band could help me with this, but I remember getting woke up on game days by the band or maybe just the drumline playing while walking down university when I was in school (97-02). It was way before the game started (maybe 7-8am) but served as the perfect wake up and start drinking alarm. I always thought that they walked over from wherever they kept their stuff, down university, turned on to 17th and then over towards the practice field/bus pickup...

Maybe someone who was in the band could help me with this, but I remember getting woke up on game days by the band or maybe just the drumline playing while walking down university when I was in school (97-02). It was way before the game started (maybe 7-8am) but served as the perfect wake up and start drinking alarm. I always thought that they walked over from wherever they kept their stuff, down university, turned on to 17th and then over towards the practice field/bus pickup...

The drumline would march from Northrup--where they picked up their gear-- to the Bierman complex for early morning practice on game days.

I love the idea of the band breaking up into pep bands and go around and fire people up. But if any one thinks that going and playing at the Super Block before about 9:30 is crazy. If you really want to piss off a college student wake them up really early. Also many will be hungover and that makes it even less fun.

Well then wake their asses up!

Well then wake their asses up!

going to the super block wwould be a gigantic waste of time. if the freshman arent up by that time they either arent going to the game or arent going to be into it enough to go watch a marching band.Also, Lets face it, most freshman going to the games are going to want to go to a gathering/party/tailgate befor the game. Who is going to be hanging around the superblock and the nazi CA's and get wrote up. So either they will all be in their rooms ooooorrrrr they will be in dinkytown or frat row. It would be sweet if the band could walk through dinkytown

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