PiPress: Tubby wants Gophers to set a timeline on a practice facility

Tubby's being a jerk. 2013 is the tentative date. Smith apparently wants it written into his contract, which is ridiculous. U doesn't have $15 million to spend, does not have $15 million in sight, yet Tubby wants his contract to say when the facility will be built. I'm not generally a Joel Maturi fan, but I support him on this. Making contractual promises on something like this is irresponsible. What the AD ought to do is:

1. Tell Tubby he is free to look for other jobs. We're offering you a lot of money for an uninspiring performance. You've hardly earned your right here to act so high handed; or

2. Tell Tubby he will contractually promise a soft time line on a facility provided Tubby a) donates back $500,000 of his salary each season during the life of the contract to i) make his salary commensurate with his tenure and ii) provide seed money to inspire other donors to match; and b) makes frequent fund raising appeal trips to wealthy donors. I have no idea if he's doing anything like this; the feel seems to be that Tubby asks a lot without doing a lot.

The feel I also get is that Tubby feels he is too good for the program and that we are very lucky to have him. Frankly I think that he's lucky to have found such a soft landing spot, while being able to leave Kentucky without a pink slip.

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