PiPress: Raise should lift Jerry Kill's salary out of Big Ten cellar


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Marcus:

"We want to work hard in that area," Teague said. "It is going to be an issue going forward, because he's the lowest paid by several thousand dollars. I don't know if we're always solid on what that number is, because you have bonuses and other elements that go into other coaches' salaries. But we've got to get him up. When you're in the bottom of the league, and at the bottom by far from the 11th place coach, that's an issue. So we've got to work hard to do that. Jerry feels good. He knows that I'll help him in those areas moving forward because it's important."

Teague said it's just as important to keep the salaries of Kill's assistants and staff competitive with the rest of the Big Ten.

"We're working in those areas, too, because it's a free market," he said. "People leave and get paid more."

Briefly: Teague also said it was "inevitable" that the Big Ten would expand its football
league schedule to 9 or 10 games a season. He said, "I would think it probably would land more at nine."


Go Gophers!!

STrib: Kill's pay ranks last in Big Ten, but Teague says he'll "work hard" to change that

Teague said the continuity of Kill’s staff is one of its great strengths. The AD said he’d likely address the assistant coaches’ contracts next year.

“There were games this past year we won because of great coaching, and they’re on top of it,” Teague said. “I think their recruiting class was solid as a rock. They are so confident in what they do on the recruiting side, how they evaluate. They don’t fall victim to the stars -- the five-star and the four-star [players]. Granted, I’m sure they'd love a couple five-stars, they’re human, but where they are now, they’re getting kids they think can play."


Go Gophers!!

How about we wait to raise Kill's pay from the bottom of the Big Ten until we stop finishing at the bottom of the conference?

It's hard enough to retain staff without money being an issue. Pay them.

Hasn't happened once under Kill. Try harder.

Your right we haven't finished last however in both years we have finished last in our division (tied for last with Iowa in 2012) and in terms of overall we have finished 10th and tied for 9th. Not really sure any of that justifies a pay raise at this point beyond some tiny bump to get him out of last maybe.

Still don't get why any of this is even being brought up because it seems like it should be such a non issue at this point. When Jerry wins he will get a pay raise, doesn't deserve it until that point.

Still don't get why any of this is even being brought up because it seems like it should be such a non issue at this point. When Jerry wins he will get a pay raise, doesn't deserve it until that point.

Because perception matters. Pay for last-place results, get last place, what do you have to complain about? Paying him more increases expectations, so everyone should be happy with that. "Deserve" has nothing to do with it; people get paid way more (and way less) than they deserve all of the time. Kirk Ferentz is getting paid $3.9 MM (aka more than thrice Kill's salary) and Gary Andersen is getting paid $2.7 MM (aka 2x+ Kill's salary) despite zero experience coaching (or playing for) a BCS squad - and people expect Kill to compete with these guys. Do we want to send the message that football is more than 3 times as important at Iowa than Minnesota? Do we want to give the impression that we're ok with Wisconsin paying their coach more than twice what we pay our coach, despite our coach having a better resumé coming in?

Because perception matters. Pay for last-place results, get last place, what do you have to complain about? Paying him more increases expectations, so everyone should be happy with that. "Deserve" has nothing to do with it; people get paid way more (and way less) than they deserve all of the time. Kirk Ferentz is getting paid $3.9 MM (aka more than thrice Kill's salary) and Gary Andersen is getting paid $2.7 MM (aka 2x+ Kill's salary) despite zero experience coaching (or playing for) a BCS squad - and people expect Kill to compete with these guys. Do we want to send the message that football is more than 3 times as important at Iowa than Minnesota? Do we want to give the impression that we're ok with Wisconsin paying their coach more than twice what we pay our coach, despite our coach having a better resumé coming in?
Oh come on.....Kirk Ferentz isn't making 3.9 million because of anything he's done in the last few years, and to bring up that awful contract as a point of comparison isn't exactly boosting your argument.

Does anyone actually believe that Kill is being offered another BCS job? You pay someone as much as you need to pay them. You don't give them extra money just because.

Same people complaining about this are no doubt whining about the U's commitment to football, the importance they place on football, the dollars dedicated to football....but hey, who cares if Tim Boeckman (sic) or Kevin Wilson make more than Coach Kill (p.s. in the 1 year and 2 years they've been there respectively, check out their staff turnover....8-10 new coaches between them?)

Same people complaining about this are no doubt whining about the U's commitment to football, the importance they place on football, the dollars dedicated to football....but hey, who cares if Tim Boeckman (sic) or Kevin Wilson make more than Coach Kill (p.s. in the 1 year and 2 years they've been there respectively, check out their staff turnover....8-10 new coaches between them?)

To me these are two different issues. You need to keep the assistant coach pay in line with the Big Ten average but for the head coach, Kill wanted a long term deal and he got one. No one is out there trying to woo him away and he has yet to win consistently enough to know he is going to be worth sinking more money into so why in the heck would you give him a raise? He is going to be the same coach if you pay him 1.2 million or 5.2 million it is not like he is suddenly going to become a better coach because you pay him more money. When he earns it he should get it until that time there is no reason at all to pay him more money right now.

Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin all paid what they had to in order to get the guy they wanted to lead their team. Just because their guy cost them more than our guy cost us doesn't mean we should suddenly pay our guy more. But hey what the heck let's increase his pay and his buyout after 2, 2-6 seasons. That seems like a smart business decision.

Kill will have an even better record after the upcoming season....they will be forced to pay him after another Bowl game.

Kill will have an even better record after the upcoming season....they will be forced to pay him after another Bowl game.

Only if it is a really good bowl game and other programs start sniffing around. If he rides a soft non-conf schedule to a lower tier bowl game that won't be enough to justify a raise. Now if the team looks competitive in the Big Ten and wins more conference games then maybe you start talking raise but until then you are just throwing away money for no real reason.

Seriously? There are actually people commenting on this thread who actually believe Kill does not deserve more money? You must be freaking nuts.

When you consider the absolute *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#hole Basement Brew left the program, a complete and utter disasterous wreck, and you bone heads actually have the audacity to think that taking the program to a bowl game in year two of his recontruction doesn't qualify him to be something other than the lowest paid HC in the B1G?

Some of you *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#heads really need to check yourself in to a mental facility and have your head examined or cracked open to actually see if there is anything in there.

My head hurts just thinking how moronic some of you must be.

Seriously? There are actually people commenting on this thread who actually believe Kill does not deserve more money? You must be freaking nuts.

When you consider the absolute *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#hole Basement Brew left the program, a complete and utter disasterous wreck, and you bone heads actually have the audacity to think that taking the program to a bowl game in year two of his recontruction doesn't qualify him to be something other than the lowest paid HC in the B1G?

Some of you *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#heads really need to check yourself in to a mental facility and have your head examined or cracked open to actually see if there is anything in there.

My head hurts just thinking how moronic some of you must be.

We went 6-6 last year by beat a bad UNLV team, an overmatched New Hampshire team, a Bad Western Michigan team, a Terrible Illinois team, and a below average Purdue team. The only impressive win last year was against Syracuse so yeah 6-6 and a bowl game is great but you do get that Kill has not even out preformed basement Brew to this point and I would argue Brew inherited far less than Kill did when he took over back in 2007.

You want to toss a coupe 100K at him to get his salary even with the other guys at the bottom fine, but he hasn't done anything yet to justify more than that. But just to be sure I will go ahead and set up an appointment with a mental facility, always kind of wondered if I did have anything up there maybe I don't....would certainly explain some choices I have made over the years....

Seriously? There are actually people commenting on this thread who actually believe Kill does not deserve more money? You must be freaking nuts.

When you consider the absolute *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#hole Basement Brew left the program, a complete and utter disasterous wreck, and you bone heads actually have the audacity to think that taking the program to a bowl game in year two of his recontruction doesn't qualify him to be something other than the lowest paid HC in the B1G?

Some of you *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#heads really need to check yourself in to a mental facility and have your head examined or cracked open to actually see if there is anything in there.

My head hurts just thinking how moronic some of you must be.

I don't understand fans like this. "Basement Brew's" teams won 3, 3, and 2 (FIRED prior to wins in year 4) Big Ten games in the 3 years prior to Jerry Kill's arrival. Since that time the Gophers have won 2 conference games in each of Kill's first two years. "Basement Kill" would be more accurate than "Basement Brew" at this point in there respective careers at Minnesota. It amazes me that people forget that Brewster had to start kids he recruited after being hired in January (ie true freshman who had not committed anywhere before late January of their Senior years) and people act like Kill had it tough...

Back to the issue of a pay raise. Kill agreed to a contract and then got an undeserved 2 year extension after some of the worst football we have seen early in his first season at Minnesota. He already got one adjustment to his deal without accomplishing anything, why give him a second adjustment (this time a raise) without him outperforming his initial agreement. So far, we've had two seasons of Kill and two season of the Gophers finishing at/near the bottom of both the Big Ten standing and the Big Ten recruiting rankings. I don't see the "need" to raise the pay of someone who has performed at this level and I find it absolutely RIDICULOUS that a University like Minnesota would comprehend rewarding a coach with such meager results. Jerry Kill just got the University to run scared away from UNC at a price of $800K and now we need to RAISE his salary for the privilege of having a coach who's not prepared to play UNC in year 3?

I want a basketball practice facility, I want money for potentially needed buyouts (Tubby, possibly Borton, possibly Kill), I don't want to spend that money on paying off UNC OR giving a raise to a coach who is 4-12 in Big Ten play and who was rarely competitive in those 12 losses. Lets cross the bridge of a raise for Kill when his team approaches .500 in the conference.

Teague and Kill have an understanding of what pay raises are going to be over the course of Kill's contract.

Teague inherited the deal. Norwood sat down with Kill and they hashed out what expectations are versus compensation. I'm sure Kill and Norwood are friends but they aren't connected deeply in a professional manner, Kill isn't Teague's hire.

I don't doubt for a second that Teague will raise Kill's pay to be commensurate with the success he delivers But if Kill bites off more than what he can chew salary wise then Teague would dump him. I just don't think Kill is going to jump the gun on demanding raises for him and his staff until they get this team hummin', and that might take another few years and two or so bowl games (hopefully one in Florida).

We went 6-6 last year by beat a bad UNLV team, an overmatched New Hampshire team, a Bad Western Michigan team, a Terrible Illinois team, and a below average Purdue team. The only impressive win last year was against Syracuse so yeah 6-6 and a bowl game is great but you do get that Kill has not even out preformed basement Brew to this point and I would argue Brew inherited far less than Kill did when he took over back in 2007.

You want to toss a coupe 100K at him to get his salary even with the other guys at the bottom fine, but he hasn't done anything yet to justify more than that. But just to be sure I will go ahead and set up an appointment with a mental facility, always kind of wondered if I did have anything up there
maybe I don't....would certainly explain some choices I have made over the years....

Well said, I could not agree more.

I said pay him because he is our coach and I want him to succeed. What I really meant was pay the staff, while I'm not sold on any of them in the littlest. I would rather have them intact while Kill is trying to figure this thing out.

Some Minnesota fans suck. They equate supporting the program as blindly supporting without criticism whomever the coach is.

Only if it is a really good bowl game and other programs start sniffing around. If he rides a soft non-conf schedule to a lower tier bowl game that won't be enough to justify a raise. Now if the team looks competitive in the Big Ten and wins more conference games then maybe you start talking raise but until then you are just throwing away money for no real reason.

Pretty sure we have 'thrown away money' on A LOT worse decisions, so I have no problem with giving him a raise.

We went 6-6 last year by beat a bad UNLV team, an overmatched New Hampshire team, a Bad Western Michigan team, a Terrible Illinois team, and a below average Purdue team. The only impressive win last year was against Syracuse so yeah 6-6 and a bowl game is great but you do get that Kill has not even out preformed basement Brew to this point and I would argue Brew inherited far less than Kill did when he took over back in 2007.

You want to toss a coupe 100K at him to get his salary even with the other guys at the bottom fine, but he hasn't done anything yet to justify more than that. But just to be sure I will go ahead and set up an appointment with a mental facility, always kind of wondered if I did have anything up there maybe I don't....would certainly explain some choices I have made over the years....

I would certainly not argue that Kill inherited more than Brewster did. MAYBE, on paper, talent wise, but that doesn't mean much when you may lose some players to academic ineligibility. Some players left when Kill started because he was actually going to make them go to class and study, players like Jew-Jew Party 612 the club promoter, or whatever he called himself certainly didn't want to actually have to go to class. That's crazy.

If my memory serves me correctly, Horton even 'suspended' Michael Carter and Hageman so they could focus on there academics. It is also documented that the team GPA was REALLY low in comparison to what it has been in the past, and had to have a lot of attention just to get it back to respectability.

I want a basketball practice facility, I want money for potentially needed buyouts (Tubby, possibly Borton, possibly Kill), I don't want to spend that money on paying off UNC OR giving a raise to a coach who is 4-12 in Big Ten play and who was rarely competitive in those 12 losses. Lets cross the bridge of a raise for Kill when his team approaches .500 in the conference.

Could we negotiate a pay raise for Kill and staff that corresponds to a 1:1 decrease of his buyout, so it ends up being a net neutral decision if we ever had to buy out Kill? Or if he succeeds, we have been paying him closer to an appropriate level. The good thing about Kill, which Brewster did not have, is that even if he does not succeed here, he will have a HC job available elsewhere. I think Kill will reach Mason levels, with the potential to improve a little beyond that. I am skeptical he will ever make us a consistent second tier BIG team (MSU, Wisc).

We went 6-6 last year by beat a bad UNLV team, an overmatched New Hampshire team, a Bad Western Michigan team, a Terrible Illinois team, and a below average Purdue team. The only impressive win last year was against Syracuse so yeah 6-6 and a bowl game is great but you do get that Kill has not even out preformed basement Brew to this point and I would argue Brew inherited far less than Kill did when he took over back in 2007.

In November you said a win over Illinois would make it a successful season in your mind. What's wrong with a relatively minor bump in pay following a successful season? You act like Teague stole your wallet and is doling out c notes.

In November you said a win over Illinois would make it a successful season in your mind. What's wrong with a relatively minor bump in pay following a successful season? You act like Teague stole your wallet and is doling out c notes.

Right after the part of my post that you quoted I said you want to toss a small amount at him to bring him even with the other guys at the bottom of the conference pay wise fine. I just don't see a need to do anything substantial at this point because he hasn't earned it and you would be giving him more money just to give him more money.

Last season was successful from the standpoint that we managed to beat the bad teams on the schedule and equal our Big Ten win total from the year before but that level of success to me doesn't warrent a pay increase along with it.

My philosophy is this, when he earns it he should and will get paid. Doing it before he earns it makes no sense.

I have faith in Jerry Kill and his coaches, and I think Teague should give them a vote of confidence via pay increases (after this next season). Considering that our talent is improving, but still near the bottom of the conference, he is bringing the program along nicely. The won the games last year that they could have won and in my opinion played up to or over their abilities.
We aren't seeing nearly as many of the mistakes as we saw 3 and 4 years ago, and I don't think anyone would argue that the program has more discipline now.

I have faith in Jerry Kill and his coaches, and I think Teague should give them a vote of confidence via pay increases (after this next season). Considering that our talent is improving, but still near the bottom of the conference, he is bringing the program along nicely. The won the games last year that they could have won and in my opinion played up to or over their abilities.
We aren't seeing nearly as many of the mistakes as we saw 3 and 4 years ago, and I don't think anyone would argue that the program has more discipline now.

Oh I bet SF24 would crawl out of Brewster jock long enough to argue just about anything that resembles a compliment to "hillbilly/white" Jerry.

We went 6-6 last year by beat a bad UNLV team, an overmatched New Hampshire team, a Bad Western Michigan team, a Terrible Illinois team, and a below average Purdue team. The only impressive win last year was against Syracuse so yeah 6-6 and a bowl game is great but you do get that Kill has not even out preformed basement Brew to this point and I would argue Brew inherited far less than Kill did when he took over back in 2007.

You want to toss a coupe 100K at him to get his salary even with the other guys at the bottom fine, but he hasn't done anything yet to justify more than that. But just to be sure I will go ahead and set up an appointment with a mental facility, always kind of wondered if I did have anything up there maybe I don't....would certainly explain some choices I have made over the years....

BB and Wisky went 7-5 last year, and yet he got a hefty pay raise and "promotion" to a head gig in the SEC.

Kill went 6-6 last year, with an O-Line comprised essentially of Fresh and Sophs, three different starting QB's (with a true FR seeing the most action and most starts), and one of the worst WR corps of any BCS conference team. At the start of fall practice, Kill had been on campus a whopping 19 months.

This will be Kill's third year with the program, and the third year for the Gophers in his system. More importantly, this will be the FIRST year that this team is PRIMARILY LED by upperclassmen on both sides of the ball. After THIS year, as well as next year, I'll feel comfortable making a judgment about where the program is heading. I struggle with grading somebody on their coaching efforts when they're playing Big Ten games with essentially teenagers on the Offensive Line.

Oh I bet SF24 would crawl out of Brewster jock long enough to argue just about anything that resembles a compliment to "hillbilly/white" Jerry.

Dont you know, if you're Caucasian with a southern drawl, you must be a hillbilly. I'm sure everyone's favorite cryptic poster will come and defend his opinion with a story supported by his behind the scenes knowledge that he just cant share.

BB and Wisky went 7-5 last year, and yet he got a hefty pay raise and "promotion" to a head gig in the SEC.

Kill went 6-6 last year, with an O-Line comprised essentially of Fresh and Sophs, three different starting QB's (with a true FR seeing the most action and most starts), and one of the worst WR corps of any BCS conference team. At the start of fall practice, Kill had been on campus a whopping 19 months.

This will be Kill's third year with the program, and the third year for the Gophers in his system. More importantly, this will be the FIRST year that this team is PRIMARILY LED by upperclassmen on both sides of the ball. After THIS year, as well as next year, I'll feel comfortable making a judgment about where the program is heading. I struggle with grading somebody on their coaching efforts when they're playing Big Ten games with essentially teenagers on the Offensive Line.

On the Wisconsin point Bielema didn't get what he got based on last season he got the promotion and big raise based on leading the team to 3 straight ROSE BOWL appearances. We can argue if they deserved to get there or not but that is a significantly bigger accomplishement than anything that has been done around here.

On the stuff about MN I agree completely but still don't think any of that justifies a raise which is what the thread is about.

Right after the part of my post that you quoted I said you want to toss a small amount at him to bring him even with the other guys at the bottom of the conference pay wise fine. I just don't see a need to do anything substantial at this point because he hasn't earned it and you would be giving him more money just to give him more money.

The problem is it's NOT a small amount of money to bring him even. He's significantly lower than #11. Like UNC buyout lower. At some point you can't pay minimum wage for a job and have people treat the guy with the same respect as a coach that makes double or triple.

That being said, I think having him finish this season at the existing pay would be fine. And unless he steps on his you know what, give him a healthy bump after the season.

Oh I bet SF24 would crawl out of Brewster jock long enough to argue just about anything that resembles a compliment to "hillbilly/white" Jerry.

Brewsters Jock? Oh how original.

I would agree that the team is more disciplined under Kill than Brew. For a white guy Kill is doing a great job in that area (smile).

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