PiPress: Jerry Kill not ready to reveal QB plan

While the fans here will bash one youngster or the other at the qb position....

I wonder if he's planning to start Mitch...

regardless of which one the Coach decides to start and play, neither one of them will be adequate for the "uber" quarterback critics who reside on this web site: the buck will stop on the shoulders of Coach Kill. His job approval ratings will rise or fall based upon the play of a couple of kids who may not even be 20 years of age.

So the coach will continue to call his own shots re: who starts and plays at the qb position. The youngsters will receive too much blame and abuse at the hands of all the qb "experts" who do their best rip jobs on the kids...but, in the end it will be the coach who silently suffers with each incompletion...each sack...each interception or thankfully is relieved with each completion, each first down and each td pass.

Yet, make no mistake, the coach has more time left on his contract than either of these kids have eligibility remaining as a soph. and/or a red-shirt freshman seasons. So, the good Coach Kill really has NO worries...

It is better to be the coach than to be the young quarterback around this place.

I must divulge that I root for which ever quarterback is playing and in the game and handed the keys to the offense by the good Coach Kill!

Shouldn't the headline read, "Nelson hasn't decided who he's going to start at qb yet." ????

per Marcus:

"Everybody talks about the quarterback position," Kill said. "In our situation, we went through three of them last year. So we're glad we have two of them who are capable of playing, very bright young men. We feel like that's good. If we play both of them or play one -- sometimes the game dictates what you do and what kind of rhythm they get in. But we're going to say one way or the other because we don't want everybody else to know."


Go Gophers!!

regardless of which one the Coach decides to start and play, neither one of them will be adequate for the "uber" quarterback critics who reside on this web site: the buck will stop on the shoulders of Coach Kill. His job approval ratings will rise or fall based upon the play of a couple of kids who may not even be 20 years of age.

So the coach will continue to call his own shots re: who starts and plays at the qb position. The youngsters will receive too much blame and abuse at the hands of all the qb "experts" who do their best rip jobs on the kids...but, in the end it will be the coach who silently suffers with each incompletion...each sack...each interception or thankfully is relieved with each completion, each first down and each td pass.

Yet, make no mistake, the coach has more time left on his contract than either of these kids have eligibility remaining as a soph. and/or a red-shirt freshman seasons. So, the good Coach Kill really has NO worries...

It is better to be the coach than to be the young quarterback around this place.

I must divulge that I root for which ever quarterback is playing and in the game and handed the keys to the offense by the good Coach Kill!

Just like we got away from our game plan against Iowa, you got away from your game plan with this post Wren. The coach's approval rating is not going to be affected by our analysis of the quarterback play, at the end of the day, it will be based on B1G wins AND losses. He shouldn't worry about agreeing with us about who should start, he should be worried about winning some conference games this year.

regardless of which one the Coach decides to start and play, neither one of them will be adequate for the "uber" quarterback critics who reside on this web site: the buck will stop on the shoulders of Coach Kill. His job approval ratings will rise or fall based upon the play of a couple of kids who may not even be 20 years of age.

So the coach will continue to call his own shots re: who starts and plays at the qb position. The youngsters will receive too much blame and abuse at the hands of all the qb "experts" who do their best rip jobs on the kids...but, in the end it will be the coach who silently suffers with each incompletion...each sack...each interception or thankfully is relieved with each completion, each first down and each td pass.

Yet, make no mistake, the coach has more time left on his contract than either of these kids have eligibility remaining as a soph. and/or a red-shirt freshman seasons. So, the good Coach Kill really has NO worries...

It is better to be the coach than to be the young quarterback around this place.

I must divulge that I root for which ever quarterback is playing and in the game and handed the keys to the offense by the good Coach Kill!

The coaches approval rating will be based on Big 10 wins... ah never mind, about that.
I don't care who plays QB as long as they get better and make plays that give the Gophers a chance to win. That whole Weber/ Gray saga was about as much about the coaching changes, musical chairs and the constant change in offensive philosophy. Everybody wanted better from both and the constant change and in flux from the Brewster staff created part of the mess on the field that showed up on Saturdays.
Fisch had Weber throwing a baseball and tried to change a grown mans throwing motion for football, UGGH??????
They Weber and Gray were both hosed over by Maturi and Bruininks in the long run for the knee jerk hiring and firings, the real guys in charge really messed up and set the Gopher football program back 10 years, of which Kill is now trying to dig out of that nasty Maturi and Brewster mess. Neither Weber or Gray ever fit the coaching scheme they were forced to play in and the never ending changes in play calling and coordinators basically hurt both guys college careers. It was unfortunate it worked out the way it did for both guys. As hard as Weber could throw a baseball in high school thought he should have always pursued and MLB career as a reliever, A Webb that kid had a lights out fastball with movement when he wanted, he could be as hard to hit as anyone.
He could still have a career in MLB being able to control a fastball like that with the right change up.
He Weber should still try out for an MLB team, he isn't that old and could still make it in MLB if the NFL thing never works out. He was a dang good high school pitcher and good athlete. He had the moxy and grit of a closer, as a QB some of those skills would translate to baseball, he could start training today and I bet he would get signed if he pursued MLB. I think he would make it in professional baseball, you can't teach a fastball like that.

No bleedsmaroonandgold: I CLEARLY said: "...the coach has no worries..."

Just like we got away from our game plan against Iowa, you got away from your game plan with this post Wren. The coach's approval rating is not going to be affected by our analysis of the quarterback play, at the end of the day, it will be based on B1G wins AND losses. He shouldn't worry about agreeing with us about who should start, he should be worried about winning some conference games this year.

And, you haven't been paying enough attention: I have always maintained that any MODERN ERA Golden Gopher Football Coach who goes WINLESS in a Big Ten Season pretty much has NOT a SINGLE chance of surviving to the end of his contract (IF he has multiple years remaining). I guess I need to POUND HOME the fact that Conference WINS vs Conference LOSSES means so very much. Of course, the administration and the athletic directors here at the U of M have OVERPLAYED their "extend, buy out and fire..." game plan that they next time they try it the state legislators will laugh the prexy off the hill when he comes to them with his hand out wanting a cash infusion to get the University through the next year.

But, you, me and everyone else had BEST be hoping that Coach Kill wins at LEAST one Conference game in 2013. Otherwise he will be "out the door" within the next couple of years andmy Golden Gopher Football Program will be doomed to at least another DECADE of bottom basement finishes within the conference. My U of M Football Program can NOT afford to have to start over. Coach Kill holds my fate as a Golden Gopher Football Fan in his hands so I say: go with what you KNOW is the right thing to do with the qb situation Coach Kill. I will root for which ever qb is playing. And: I think you qb-expert-wanna-be dudes/dudettes are full of b.s. The one thing I do know is that you pretenders will pick and choose your favorite qb candidate and you will BASH the other one and some young kids will needlessly be bashed on the board by needless bashing pretenders who maybe were AL BUNDY-esque: "...I played h.s. football..." types.

That's your lesson for the day bleedsmaroonandgold.

Good analysis!

They ran some personnel grouping combination of:

21 (2 RB, 1 TE, 2 WR)
22 (2 RB, 2 TE, 1 WR)
31 (3 RB, 1 TE, 1 WR)

more than 50% of the time against SJSU and ran for the most yards by a Minnesota team in 7 years.

Conversely, against Iowa, they ran 11 personnel (1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR) more than 50% of the time by itself. In other words, they decided to put more of the weakest personnel group on the squad (WR) on the field way more than they had in any of the 4 non-conference games and, not surprisingly, couldn't do dick with it. As MV put it earlier this week, Limegrover decided that our weakness was better than Iowa's weakness, and centered his gameplan around it, which was a colossally stupid decision. Not only did we run our weakest personnel grouping more than half of the plays, we were far less diverse, employing only 6 different personnel groupings (10, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22) as opposed to 11 different (02, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32) in the SJSU game.

The 2x and 3x personnel groupings have been by far our most effective in the non-conference, and we didn't run any sort of 3x personnel grouping, at all, in the Iowa game. Not once. The famous "Golden I" (32 personnel) was not on the field once. People have been saying that we couldn't run the ball against Iowa. The fact is that we didn't even try to run the ball against Iowa - at least not the way we had been the previous 4 games and the end of last season.

Most coaches would rather play to their strengths and if they lose, they at least knew they put forth their best effort and the other team was just better. Limegrover tried to outsmart them by playing to our weaknesses and, again, it was insanely idiotic, especially in a rivalry game with program-changing implications.

Good analysis here. Not sure if this was alluded to in other posts, but I would have to think Mike Henry's injury dictated our strategy quite a bit. Shifting Maxx Williams, who is arguably our best TE, to mostly the FB role suddenly makes our TE depth hurt a bit. Not to mention it took away our most consistent threat in the passing game, IMO.

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