PiPress: 9-year-old St. Paul boy delivers petition to fire Gophers coach Tracy Claeys

Totally dislike the group using a 9 year old. Ridiculous and exploiting the poor kid. I feel Claeys is a decent guy and his tweet is being totally misunderstood. He is supporting his players who wanted to get more information and to get the players a chance to respond to the suspensions. Also disklike posters making this a left vs right issue. Cut the political bs posts.

Would love to hear the kid's thoughts on the report after he reads it. Horrible stunt. 99% of the people that are screaming for Claeys to be fired have never attended a Gopher football game and only started paying attention after the boycott pushed this front and center.

What's the old saying- Spend your life doing good deeds and no one remembers...but if you do 1 bad deed, no one forgets'?

Totally dislike the group using a 9 year old. Ridiculous and exploiting the poor kid. I feel Claeys is a decent guy and his tweet is being totally misunderstood. He is supporting his players who wanted to get more information and to get the players a chance to respond to the suspensions. Also disklike posters making this a left vs right issue. Cut the political bs posts.


Totally dislike the group using a 9 year old. Ridiculous and exploiting the poor kid. I feel Claeys is a decent guy and his tweet is being totally misunderstood. He is supporting his players who wanted to get more information and to get the players a chance to respond to the suspensions. Also disklike posters making this a left vs right issue. Cut the political bs posts.

I'm guessing these folks are regretting using the 9 year old, they probably are getting enough heat to know it wasn't the right move...Now, by their logic we should be demanding that he/she be fired from their jobs as political activists as they are openly supporting exploitation of a 9 year old as well as potentially violating child labor laws by making this child speak on behalf of them. It's shameful.

Does any of that sound familiar to them? Maybe the shoe is on the other foot perhaps?

MANY often wonder why Minnesota can't win anything in sports.

The fact this lame petition with < 3,000 signatures of mindless dolts got MORE media play locally than a Holiday Bowl victory IS the reason.

It isn't any more complicated than that. There is not one other Top 50 market where this Bitenc, her son, and the other guy standing next to them gets any coverage at all.

And the whole story is getting reported the way it is because of a few unfortunate and uniquely Minnesotan idiosyncrasies.

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