Pioneer Press: Gophers, Fleck have holes to fill this spring


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Nov 11, 2008
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For new head coach P.J. Fleck, the Gophers’ first spring practices next week will resemble Christmas.

“I haven’t seen one guy catch a pass yet,” Fleck said in an interview in mid-February. “I haven’t seen one guy run the ball yet. That is the exciting thing about spring, is to unwrap all your presents and see what you have.”

Fleck will get his first glance at the Gophers roster on the field Tuesday and Thursday. After a weeklong spring break, the Gophers will reconvene March 21 and build up to the April 15 spring game at TCF Bank Stadium.

Here are a few storylines heading into spring ball:


From tempo to organization to buzzwords, Fleck said he holds “the most unique practice you will see.” Gophers fans will get to check it out during open practices March 28 and April 4.

One example of his unique style could come when a tight end fails to use the proper blocking technique.

“PECS!” Fleck said he will yell, replacing what could be a longer coaching moment with a snappy word containing a lot of meaning.

“I want your elbows together, thumbs up,” Fleck explained. “(The tight end’s) hands are outside that defender, get them inside that defender as tight as you possibly can. You are loosing the horizontal battle with that defender.”

“What we don’t do is explain on the field,” he added. “We explain in the classroom.”

Go Gophers!!

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