Pioneer Press Gopher Coverage


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Feb 7, 2012
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Does anybody else notice how terrible the Pioneer Press Gopher coverage is? They still have articles/blogs on their page about Andre McDonald sticking with the Gophers and Ingram joking the bball team for junior college! What gives?

Does anybody else notice how terrible the Pioneer Press Gopher coverage is? They still have articles/blogs on their page about Andre McDonald sticking with the Gophers and Ingram joking the bball team for junior college! What gives?

It's starts with their beat writer. Marcus Fuller is downright comical if you follow him on Twitter. Absolutely clueless. I have a hard time deciding if some of his tweets are sarcasm or not.

Let's face it. The Pioneer Press has more in common with a weekly shopper than a daily newspaper. It takes no more than ten minutes to read anything of value in it.

Let's face it. The Pioneer Press has more in common with a weekly shopper than a daily newspaper. It takes no more than ten minutes to read anything of value in it.

It's not just the Gophers. Their sports coverage is very poor.

Me thinks they have budget issues.

It's not just the Gophers. Their sports coverage is very poor.

Me thinks they have budget issues.

19, you are too kind with your description of the PP sports section.

I would have said it this way: "It's not just the Gophers. Their entire sports coverage sucks."

Don't you mean the Western Wisconsin Pioneer Press? As many or more articles about the "happenings" in Cheeseland than there are about Minnesota. Oh well, it's not like it's published the state capital or anything . . . . :-(

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