Photo: Northrop Field ~1903


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Sep 21, 2015
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-Source, some guy on Reddit

Big crowd! Where was Northrup located? Is that the ROTC building just to the left?

The guys climbing light poles, or electric line poles up high to watch the game!! Look close!!!!

This is a great picture. If you blow it up you can see a lot more detail. Looks like Station 19 in background and obviously Prospect Park tower. And the guys on top of the telephone poles are incredible. Wouldn't see that today. Horse drawn carriages and autos. I wonder if this is from a national championship year? It says ~1903.

Lots of inconsiderate people standing in that crowd! </s>
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There are still remnants of the Northrop Field wall connected to the Armory on campus:

Scroll down in the article to see the pictures.

Gopher in history making history.


In retrospect, going further in history to last when PJ Fleck previews the 2019 season. When will the Gophers equal the 1903 team in wins?

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Those guys on the electric poles were flippin crazy. I get the heebie-jeebies just see that!

Great resolution on the old pic BTW.

That is the year Michigan that bought the Little Brown jug. The crowd looks like the Michigan game, but the scoreboard looks to have 12 point for Minnesota.
1903 season.jpg

Here is a pic from the 1909 game for the little brown jug, one yard and a cloud of dust:

I did an image search and it is the Michigan game where the little brown jug was first used as a water bottle.

This is a great picture. If you blow it up you can see a lot more detail. Looks like Station 19 in background and obviously Prospect Park tower. And the guys on top of the telephone poles are incredible. Wouldn't see that today. Horse drawn carriages and autos. I wonder if this is from a national championship year? It says ~1903.
The water tower wouldn't be build for another decade. If you zoom in you can tell the tower in the picture has straight sides.

It looks like this is from the Wisconsin game (final game of the season). Here is the same photo on the U's media site and you can zoom in enough to read the scoreboard.

Edit to add, it also looks like it was 1904. Don't be fooled by the 1904 Minnesota football page on Wikipedia. The 1904 Wisconsin/Minnesota game was actually held in Minnesota. The Wisconsin page has it correct.
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How many high school teams could score 6 points off today's Gophers?

Maybe a bubble screen to the State 100 meters champ?

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