Philly guard Kai Shinholster commits to the Gophers.

Let's hope he's a quick draw when it's time to shoot.

puns aside - 247 shows offers from Boston University, Drexel, James Madison, LaSalle, Mississippi State, Missouri State, Penn, Radford, Rhode Island, Saint Joseph's, Saint Louis and Temple.

some quotes courtesy of 247:

"This situation kind of works out perfectly for me," he said. "This season they have seven seniors. When I get there next season they'll be starting over a little bit. They'll only have one returning guard so it kind of opens up opportunities to work, get that spot and play at the highest level.

"Along with the opportunity their play style allows me to be successful, he continued. " Coach Johnson spent a lot of time explaining to me how they play. It's very similar to how we play at Penn Charter and he's not the type of coach to draw up a play every single time up the floor. He's not the type of coach to be very controlling. He gives his players a lot of freedom. I heard that from him and the players who are there."

FWIW - the Strib describes Shinholster as an "under-the-radar prospect."
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Welcome home Kai! Go Gophers!

I did some searching, and I haven't come up with anything that tells me what type of player he is. I did see one mention about being a "slasher," but otherwise, nothing that describes his game or style of play.

he could be a really good player - I would just like to know a little more about what type of player he's supposed to be. I note he is listed on some of the recruiting sites as either a Shooting Guard or Combo guard. that does seem to be Ben Johnson's preference.

with all the Seniors leaving the team after this year, I suspect there will also be a number of Portal additions.

Went to a old-line hoity toity high school. Established by William Penn himself in 1689.

Among the first schools in the US to offer education to children of all religions, girls, and all races.

I did some searching, and I haven't come up with anything that tells me what type of player he is. I did see one mention about being a "slasher," but otherwise, nothing that describes his game or style of play.

he could be a really good player - I would just like to know a little more about what type of player he's supposed to be. I note he is listed on some of the recruiting sites as either a Shooting Guard or Combo guard. that does seem to be Ben Johnson's preference.

with all the Seniors leaving the team after this year, I suspect there will also be a number of Portal additions.
There is some pretty good video on him where it shows him to be a pretty creative finisher but good outside shooter (at least good form) as well.

He committed during his visit and cancelled his other scheduled visits. Video shows he needs to add 20lb or so of good weight if he is going to hold his own in the BIG. Thus he could be more of a developmental guy.

Video Highlights
I'd say the problem will be getting him signed before somebody steals him. He looks good to me. Is there a fall signing time for basketball?
IF, my research is close to accurate...there is a fall signing date on Nov 13, 2024 for a week.
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He committed during his visit and cancelled his other scheduled visits. Video shows he needs to add 20lb or so of good weight if he is going to hold his own in the BIG. Thus he could be more of a developmental guy.
He must have been playing it very coy with his post visit interview as nothing here suggested that he committed while in town.

I like it, nice size, decent looking stroke on his shot, can get to the basket. Welcome aboard!


He must have been playing it very coy with his post visit interview as nothing here suggested that he committed while in town.
Just reporting what he said verbatim on GI.

It will be interesting what Ryan James has to say after studying his film.

Just reporting what he said verbatim on GI.

It will be interesting what Ryan James has to say after studying his film.
I reread both GI articles and the article from Saturday with Ryan James said that he would be making his decision "very, very soon"... he didn't waste any time! Seems like a solid kid.

Video Highlights
I'd say the problem will be getting him signed before somebody steals him. He looks good to me. Is there a fall signing time for basketball?
IF, my research is close to accurate...there is a fall signing date on Nov 13, 2024 for a week.
When has that ever stopped other teams from trying to poach players?

OK - saw some video of him playing in what appears to be HS games. can hit the pull-up jumper, but also looks like he has a quick first step/dribble that he uses to get by defenders and drive inside.

I concur that he probably needs to get in the weight program and get bigger/stronger. but there seems to be a baseline level of athletic ability.

and let's face it - a program like MN is not in position to win NIL bidding wars for big-time recruits. the Gophers have to find guys like this, and that means taking some gambles by trying to land guys early before they 'blow up' on the AAU circuit and get the sharks coming after them.

develop HS guys and use the portal to fill gaps in the roster.

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