Phil Miller On Running Game


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Miller has a story on the Gopher running game and a couple of other tidbits. We should quit complaining about coverage if we can't support the good coverage that's out there. The Strib is trying we should help them out. Hell, if half the realists around here alone click on it, it will be a huge success!

Oh yeah, someone who is on a lot fewer "ignore" lists then me should re-post this. :drink:

I check for Phil Miller articles a couple of times a day. He already has my attention. And I have a feeling he has the attention of his marketing department too.

I'm with you guys. Strib has done a much better job this season and I appreciate it.

Good article. Also, a good and fair analysis of Weber's play.

Miller has a story on the Gopher running game and a couple of other tidbits. We should quit complaining about coverage if we can't support the good coverage that's out there. The Strib is trying we should help them out. Hell, if half the realists around here alone click on it, it will be a huge success!

Oh yeah, someone who is on a lot fewer "ignore" lists then me should re-post this. :drink:

I've been trying to double my clicks by clicking on it at work and at home. Trying to support the effort one click at at time!

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