Phil Miller blog: Punting is like golf, and Gophers are in the rough

Gophers Are In Much Worse Situation Than "The Rough"

They're in the toilet!


At practice on Tuesday, I was watching Dan Orseske boom punts 50-60-70 yards in the air, and I got a feel for Jeff Horton's frustration with the punting game. Sure, there was a little breeze behind him, but Orseske was kicking the ball so high, his teammates began cheering some of the longest ones.
Well, its good to know he's still capable of kicking them at least. All year I've been going WTF because we all saw what he was capable of early last season. Here's hoping he gets his head right by next year if not sooner!

Well, its good to know he's still capable of kicking them at least. All year I've been going WTF because we all saw what he was capable of early last season. Here's hoping he gets his head right by next year if not sooner!

He played I think two games and maybe punted 6 times in those games combined??? im not sure thats enough punts to fully evaluate a punter. If he punts good in practice id say the coaches are not making the practice in game like situations or he is a "practice punter" and can not transition his skills over to game day when it counts. I hit driver really good on the driving range and never slice it!

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