Phil Miller blog: Gophers knew stakes, which makes loss worse


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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I guess the moment when I realized how badly Saturday's game was going to go for the Gophers came ... wait, let me check my notes ... oh yes. The opening kickoff.

C'mon, they talk all week about taking responsibility, about focus, about eliminating mistakes -- and by the way, kickoffs were a specific priority -- and the first play, an ugly line-drive that didn't come close to staying in bounds, contradicts all that?

Ugly. I knew Northern Illinois would be better than most fans realize, that they are a decent mid-level team. But I admit, I believed the Gophers (and their coaches) when they swore this week that they were going to halt this slide before it consumed their season. They understood how high the stakes were.

That's why this loss is worse than the South Dakota upset. There were reasonable alibis for the first two losses -- they took USD too lightly and underestimated the mobile quarterback, and then played much better against nationally ranked USC -- and the season opened with such promise in Murfreesboro. I understand the postgame locker room was pretty rough tonight, even some tears, and I don't doubt it. This one likely came as a real shock to some of the players, many of whom likely expected gradual improvement.

But there were few signs of that improvement on Saturday. The running game didn't work, special teams were a disaster (though stripping NIU of a kickoff was a nice payback), and tackling has gone from an annoyance to a five-alarm fire. Many of the statistics are weirdly positive -- Adam Weber threw for 373 yards, for instance, second-most of his career -- but the reality in the stadium was not. The Huskies just looked like the better team.

And that's got to hurt the Gophers most of all.

Go Gophers!!

I wonder who was shedding tears in the locker room. At least it shows some heart. Or maybe it was Brew realizing he just blew a million dollar a year gig.

I understand a conservative game plan when you are playing a team with superior talent. Control the ball and minimize the oponents chances.

When you are playing a team with inferior talent don't you open up the game plan a little bit and assume you can make up for any mistakes.

That tells me more about the coaches perception of this team than anything. They don't even feel they could beat Northern Illinios. If that is the case good riddance, don't bother closing the door on the way out.

I understand a conservative game plan when you are playing a team with superior talent. Control the ball and minimize the oponents chances.

When you are playing a team with inferior talent don't you open up the game plan a little bit and assume you can make up for any mistakes.

That tells me more about the coaches perception of this team than anything. They don't even feel they could beat Northern Illinios. If that is the case good riddance, don't bother closing the door on the way out.

I am not defending the coaches at all but this notion that the Gophers are immensely talented still baffles me. What tangible evidence is there of such? If you are looking at recruiting rankings to prove this the rankings have become progressivley worse each year under Brewster. As Miller points out NIU looked like the better team. That points to the fact IMO that the talent level on Minnesota is comparable to a good MAC team and not that Minnesota is trotting out athletes that are far superior. That is just a falsehood that keeps being brought up.

Maybe this idea of all the talent comes from the theroy that Brewster is/was a great recruiter therefore the talent must be better based on that or the 17th ranking is his first class made everyone believe that proves the talent is an upgrade. There are just no signs that this is true.

When you put medicore talent with bad coaching we are seeing the result.

I am not defending the coaches at all but this notion that the Gophers are immensely talented still baffles me. What tangible evidence is there of such? If you are looking at recruiting rankings to prove this the rankings have become progressivley worse each year under Brewster. As Miller points out NIU looked like the better team. That points to the fact IMO that the talent level on Minnesota is comparable to a good MAC team and not that Minnesota is trotting out athletes that are far superior. That is just a falsehood that keeps being brought up.

Maybe this idea of all the talent comes from the theroy that Brewster is/was a great recruiter therefore the talent must be better based on that or the 17th ranking is his first class made everyone believe that proves the talent is an upgrade. There are just no signs that this is true.

When you put medicore talent with bad coaching we are seeing the result.

I agree 100%. Many of the current starters would be second string at best at the top programs.

Exactly, which is why Brew should really be fired. Because he failed to be a good recruiter. He was so highly touted as the best recruiter and I don't think he has done a good job of doing that. The one thing he was supposed to be good at and he can't even do that well.

he has upgraded the talent-I do believe that-but is unable to coach and develop them, obviously. I believe someone here pointed out that we out recruit Boise State!! Okay, so clearly that means we have a deficit in the coaching dept. (and/or the Boise coaching team is out of this world, which is not a stretch). Imagine what Boise's staff could do with good players!!! Unreal.

I think Brew may have recruited better athletes. The question is are they better football players. As of now it doesn't seem so.

I think his ability as a recruiter is still fine. He has improved the level of talent at the school. A top football player needs to be given reasons to deny the top football schools in order to attend MN. Until then, hidden gems and diamonds in the rough are basically a reality IMO.

His abilities as a HC and teacher, however, are definitely under question. I guess I have to acknowledge that the turnover in Coordinators had more to do with Brew then other opportunities, though Fitch was clearly a bad hire. As for Cosgrove, getting a quality person by that time was pretty much over with.

I don't see how you could come away from this game thinking the offensive game plan is the problem. The glaring problem is the top recruits on D....Cooper, Tinsley, Carter, Kirksey, Wilhite, Jacobs....out of position, not tackling.

I don't see how you could come away from this game thinking the offensive game plan is the problem. The glaring problem is the top recruits on D....Cooper, Tinsley, Carter, Kirksey, Wilhite, Jacobs....out of position, not tackling.

The Defense is atrocious. Our d-line gets pushed around and the lb are no where to be found. We are going to get blown out in so many games this year due to our D.

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