Phil Mackey on "leadership and generosity of Jerry Kill"


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Nov 12, 2008
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This is from a Facebook post from this morning. Gonna post the whole thing in case you're not on Facebook. It's an impressive story.

I just wanted to share a quick anecdote that shines a light on the leadership and generosity of Jerry Kill, who many of you probably heard say, “I will never step foot on the U of M campus ever again” on our radio show last week – a comment that rubbed a lot of Minnesota football fans the wrong way.

I ran into Jerry last night at a charity event benefitting the Prairie Care mental health group, which helps people of all ages who deal with depression, anxiety and/or other mental health issues (I have suffered from depression, which runs in my family, so this cause means a lot to me).

Jerry was the keynote speaker (he flew in from Kansas in the morning), and he captivated the room for 30 minutes – telling his story of mental and physical health problems, and inspiring people to check their egos at the door, which is something he admits he didn’t always do.

I don’t want to share too much, because this was a private event and Jerry was speaking to a dinner crowd, but many people probably don’t realize the transformation Kill has gone through over the past year. Jerry hit “rock bottom,” as he described it, when he was forced to step down from the University of Minnesota in 2015. In addition to his lengthy battle with epilepsy, Jerry also battled depression. He was sleeping 2.5 hours per night. He was overweight. And he was too proud to ask for and accept professional help.

Now, he meditates (!!), he eats clean, he is as slim as I’ve ever seen him, he’s full of energy, and he told the room, “Tough people get help when they need it.” He is excited to take on the role of offensive coordinator, because A.) it will allow him to maintain a much healthier lifestyle than head coaching would allow, and B.) it allows him to continue engaging in his passion of teaching and coaching football. He seems to have found a healthy balance.

At the end of the night – when the live auction was just about to wrap up – Jerry walked back up to the front of the room and said he had one more item to add to the auction. On the spot, he raised thousands more dollars by offering up field passes + Rutgers tickets + his own house in New York for lodging to the winning bidder.

Jerry Kill is an incredible leader, a generous human being, and someone who has the ability to admit when he is wrong or has made mistakes. I’ve always respected him, but I respect him even more after seeing his leadership and generosity in person last night.
Wishing him the best.

So glad Coyle is protecting us and saving us from Jerry Kill and his ilk.

Best of luck to Jerry and his family. What he did say did rub me the wrong way. Not taking care of himself screwed us big time. Even though he said he was never going to coach again I wish him the best of luck at Rutgers.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

So glad Coyle is protecting us and saving us from Jerry Kill and his ilk.

That's not fair. Coyle doesn't really care about Kill and Co. he cares about his hide and hopes no one notices his complete and total failure at leadership since 9/2. Doesn't mean there weren't other people with lots of culpability (Claeys and Kaler to name a few).

Wonder how much the turmoil with mega tongue, the need to do so much fundraising and the attack on his and his teams character by the EoAA played into his issues.

It is an interesting take by Mackey. Ever since he has been on 1500 he has trashed Gopher football. Mackey and Judd do this repeatedly.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best of luck to Jerry and his family. What he did say did rub me the wrong way. Not taking care of himself screwed us big time. Even though he said he was never going to coach again I wish him the best of luck at Rutgers.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Coach was a complete mess when he left here. This stuff absolutely sucks. I live it everyday as I have a spouse that suffers. Depression, anxiety, coupled with physical disability, it's brutal.

Kill really is using his life to bring awareness as a living example.

Mackey was pretty tough on Kill and needing to move on last week. Goes to show you don't know what is going on in another's life.

It's truly amazing what Kill has accomplished while dealing with this at the same time. I hope being a coordinator allows better management.

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Now, he meditates (!!), he eats clean, he is as slim as I’ve ever seen him, he’s full of energy, and he told the room, “Tough people get help when they need it.” He is excited to take on the role of offensive coordinator, because A.) it will allow him to maintain a much healthier lifestyle than head coaching would allow, and B.) it allows him to continue engaging in his passion of teaching and coaching football. He seems to have found a healthy balance.[/I]

Very impressive that Jerry has taken up meditation, it's helpful for all personality types but especially for the obsessive perfectionist. I hope that when football season begins he is able to devote the 1-2 hours per day to the life balancing activities he taken up; meditation, sleep, excercise and healthy eating all take time but will make him a better coach if they remain a priority.

Very impressive that Jerry has taken up meditation, it's helpful for all personality types but especially for the obsessive perfectionist. I hope that when football season begins he is able to devote the 1-2 hours per day to the life balancing activities he taken up; meditation, sleep, excercise and healthy eating all take time but will make him a better coach if they remain a priority.

If he is able to devote a few hours of his day to all that then they would really be giving him a reduced workload because I don't meditation is a typical part of a D1 coaches daily schedule in season. Glad Kill thinks he has thing under control, hope he is right, won't be shocked one bit when he goes right back downhill again. Might not happen as an OC but clearly he is angling to get back to high level head coaching and knowing how he is wired (based on his track record here), he will stop doing the things he is doing now in order to do what he needs to do to be a head coach and things will go right back to where they were.

Why was he in Kansas if he's the Rutgers OC?

I hoped that the next generation of twin cities media would be an improvement on the embarrassing reusse souhan generation, but Mackey and the young kfan crew have been extremely disappointing. Reflexively negative, pretentious, and hot takey. All that being said I'm glad he wrote something positive about kill. I'm on the fleck train but I still have a soft spot for kill and all he did. Kind of like how I'm all in on pitino but still have fond feelings for tubby.

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I assumed as much but still not even sure what that would mean.

That Coyle through Kill under the bus when he spoke about the culture of our team over the last few years since it was mostly Kills team, recruited by Kill and that Claeys and Sawvell where his guys.

That Coyle through Kill under the bus when he spoke about the culture of our team over the last few years since it was mostly Kills team, recruited by Kill and that Claeys and Sawvell where his guys.

I don't think Coyle was talking about Kill, considering PJ spent a while praising Kill.

Thank you for this post, Mackey. Nice to see non-snarkey material from a local pundit!

That Coyle through Kill under the bus when he spoke about the culture of our team over the last few years since it was mostly Kills team, recruited by Kill and that Claeys and Sawvell where his guys.
Hey, Captain Truth, learn how to spell.

Kill disagreed.

Did Kill say he didn't specifically like what Coyle said about Kill? or just was it more general about firing TC and all?

Inane talk about culture change is a pretty common thing with any change... let alone that PJ went on praising Kill at his intro.

I like Kill but Kill is a sensitive soul with a big personality, that's gonna result in a lot of clashes. Word has it he didn't work with anyone above O'brien much when he was here anyway.

Kill disagreed.
Yeah, I agree. Kill took personal offense to Coyle's comments about his boy, Claeys. But Claeys is not Kill. Kill wasn't the one tweeting a sloppily worded, politically unwise tweet, in contradiction to the agreement he made with his bosses. And Kill wasn't perfect as he himself acknowledged.
Kill is and was being emotional about defending one of his protégés. Claeys messed up b/c he's no head coach and probably doesn't have the capability to be a HC. He's a good DC and good with Xs and Os. But he was in over his head as a head coach. And, even though Coach Kill said he's learned to check his ego at the door, if he holds the opinion that Claeys was terrific as head coach as recruiting, attendance, and promotional activities eroded, then he's still got some work to do on his bias and ego.

I hoped that the next generation of twin cities media would be an improvement on the embarrassing reusse souhan generation, but Mackey and the young kfan crew have been extremely disappointing. Reflexively negative, pretentious, and hot takey. All that being said I'm glad he wrote something positive about kill. I'm on the fleck train but I still have a soft spot for kill and all he did. Kind of like how I'm all in on pitino but still have fond feelings for tubby.

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It seems that so many of the local media have ties from outside the state. Many from Iowa and Wisconsin.

Claeys is a very smart man. He was also a first year head coach. Any first year head coach is going to make mistakes, but they learn from them. To say he didn't have the capabilities to be HC is not accurate.
I am disappointed in the way the admin. let him go. Wish him nothing but the best in his future and hope he gets to do what he wants as far as coaching is concerned. whether that be as a DC or HC. I think he will be good in either capacity.
I now am very excited to see what Coach Fleck can bring to the Gopher Football Program. He certainly has the energy. Excited to see how that translates to his players this spring, next season and beyond as well as with the type of recruit he will bring in. Ski-U-Mah!

Jerry...... please move your schtick to Rutgers and enjoy the time you have left on earth. We'll do just fine without you setting a foot on campus.

Did Kill say he didn't specifically like what Coyle said about Kill? or just was it more general about firing TC and all?

Inane talk about culture change is a pretty common thing with any change... let alone that PJ went on praising Kill at his intro.

I like Kill but Kill is a sensitive soul with a big personality, that's gonna result in a lot of clashes. Word has it he didn't work with anyone above O'brien much when he was here anyway.

So Kill didn't work closely with Mega Tongue...shocker.

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