Peter Najarian


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Of the names that have been mentioned I think that Najarian makes the most sense. He fits all the requirements and his name alone would bring recognition. His family has strong ties to MN, the U of M, and the medical field, which we hear time and time again how important that is to the U of M.

We don't need an AD who needs on the job training. Not happening.

Don't get me wrong, I like Peter. But I don't want an alumni, former employee, or anyone that grew up here. The last 50 years should be used as an example. We need to take a radically different course. That cannot be achieved by the same old faces with the same old ideas. I also agree with the Beav.

Of the names that have been mentioned I think that Najarian makes the most sense. He fits all the requirements and his name alone would bring recognition. His family has strong ties to MN, the U of M, and the medical field, which we hear time and time again how important that is to the U of M.

sounds bullish to me:)

Some of you guys over-estimate the desirability and attractiveness of AD jobs. Most people go into that field because they are not qualified for employment that will pay them more money for less work. I don't think that is where Najarian is at in his career. If he takes the AD job it will cost him millions of dollars during his tenure at the U.

Let's face it, the main job of the next AD is going to be to find more avenues of fundraising to help advance us in the arms race. There are other assistants in the AD office that deal with the day to day functions of our sports. Whoever we hire needs to have a clear vision on how to find new flows of donations and also strike up a relationship with local corporations. If this is someone who comes from the private sector like Peter, then great, if it's someone who comes from another AD position who's had success doing this type of thing, great. I think it's too early to say Peter wouldn't work and the thought of "we can't hire someone who hasn't been an AD before" doesn't make sense. The job/role of an AD had changed dramatically the last 10 years. ADs don't need to know the in's/out's of running the dept as much as they need to know how to spearhead relationships with people who have lots of $$$ and how to lay out a clear vision of advancing the brand.

Don't get me wrong, I like Peter. But I don't want an alumni, former employee, or anyone that grew up here. The last 50 years should be used as an example. We need to take a radically different course. That cannot be achieved by the same old faces with the same old ideas. I also agree with the Beav.


Don't get me wrong, I like Peter. But I don't want an alumni, former employee, or anyone that grew up here. The last 50 years should be used as an example. We need to take a radically different course. That cannot be achieved by the same old faces with the same old ideas. I also agree with the Beav.

So basically, you want to rehire Joel Maturi?

I kid.

The AD's office has plenty in the budget for quality middle managers...we are going to need someone that has vision, can generate $$$$ from donors and understands that the big 3 are priority in any decision they make.

Don't get me wrong, I like Peter. But I don't want an alumni, former employee, or anyone that grew up here. The last 50 years should be used as an example. We need to take a radically different course. That cannot be achieved by the same old faces with the same old ideas. I also agree with the Beav.

Tim Brewster was a radically different hire.

we are going to need someone that has vision, can generate $$$$ from donors and understands that the big 3 are priority in any decision they make.
And why is an option trader/tv personality with a ponytail that guy? Other than he's rich and he used to play football, I still have no idea why in the world people think this guy would be a good hire.

And why is an option trader/tv personality with a ponytail that guy? Other than he's rich and he used to play football, I still have no idea why in the world people think this guy would be a good hire.
See Dave Brandon at Michigan. What he lacks in experience as an administrator he may be able to make up for with his ability to be a great spokesman and fundraiser for the department (his strengths from day 1 imo). He could catch up on the administrative side with the help of a great right hand man. The AD job is a risk no matter what, Maturi was highly successful at Miami of Ohio but couldn't make the jump to higher level as past results indicated he would.

So basically, you want to rehire Joel Maturi?

I kid.

Tim Brewster was a radically different hire.

Maturi is from Minnesota.

I want an experienced AD, and someone that knows how to run a massive athletic department. Sorry, I just don't see anything in his resume that even smacks of AD abilities.

Maxy, by your measure, Najarian would actually be a total Brewster-like NFL TE coach hire: personality-wise and experience-wise. Just sayin'.

See Dave Brandon at Michigan. What he lacks in experience as an administrator he may be able to make up for with his ability to be a great spokesman and fundraiser for the department (his strengths from day 1 imo). He could catch up on the administrative side with the help of a great right hand man. The AD job is a risk no matter what, Maturi was highly successful at Miami of Ohio but couldn't make the jump to higher level as past results indicated he would.
Dave Brandon was the CEO of a major corporation. He already had a ton of experience managing an operation far larger than the University of Michigan Athletic Department. You can't say anything even close to the same about Najarian. Not all business experience is created equal.

Najarian would no doubt be a good choice in my opinion. High level administrative positions like this are more about finding an AD who has a vision and can find the right people to run the department. AD's should not be micromanaging women's volleyball or crew team, they have assistants and such for that. ADs at big (key word) athletic programs are more about delegation and fund raising than actually steering the ship on a day to day basis.

That being said, I think Fiore has the inside track for the AD job. At first I was skeptical but after reading more about the guy I like him more and more. Hopefully if he can replicate some of his success at Stony Brook here we'll be able to hold on to him long term. Stability in the ADs position is the most important indicator of confidence and health in a program.

Najarian would no doubt be a good choice in my opinion. High level administrative positions like this are more about finding an AD who has a vision and can find the right people to run the department. AD's should not be micromanaging women's volleyball or crew team, they have assistants and such for that. ADs at big (key word) athletic programs are more about delegation and fund raising than actually steering the ship on a day to day basis.

Pete Najarian is someone I know played for the U, I've seen him on TV and I've heard of his three questions:

1) What is his vision?
2) When has he delegated?
3) When and how much has he fundraised?

Maturi is from Minnesota.

I want an experienced AD, and someone that knows how to run a massive athletic department. Sorry, I just don't see anything in his resume that even smacks of AD abilities.

Maxy, by your measure, Najarian would actually be a total Brewster-like NFL TE coach hire: personality-wise and experience-wise. Just sayin'.


My non-rocket-science Steps:

Step 1: Experience with massive athletic department with emphasis on Development,
Step 2: Click on this website: and identify list of potential candidates,
Step 3: Find out what the person from list (Doug Smith from Baylor, for example) is making, and
Step 4: Make offer greater than what person (Doug Smith from Baylor, for example) is making.


Call Jim Fiorre and be done with it.

Pete Najarian is someone I know played for the U, I've seen him on TV and I've heard of his three questions:

1) What is his vision?
2) When has he delegated?
3) When and how much has he fundraised?

+ 48 bajillion

Pete Najarian is someone I know played for the U, I've seen him on TV and I've heard of his three questions:

1) What is his vision?
2) When has he delegated?
3) When and how much has he fundraised?

He's gone to the U and played there? Damn that puts him miles ahead of some of our past ADs, hell I'd even put that he DIDN'T go to Wisconsin as a plus for him. And he's a football player as well huh... I don't want to make any unfounded or ridiculous assumptions but I got a feeling that football would be a high priority for him so I'll give him points for a vision.

Delegation examples? I mean he's good enough at "telling people what to do" that he made tens of millions of dollars. I'd say he's got that down.

His business now is money. I'm sure he knows plenty of people with it, and knows the buttons to push. (think investing)

I'm not saying he's the best choice, I'm not saying he's MY choice, but I don't have a doubt he would do a better job than Maturi and would reprioritize things in athletics.

Delegation examples? I mean he's good enough at "telling people what to do" that he made tens of millions of dollars. I'd say he's got that down.
He's an options trader and market analyst. That requires no personal skills whatsoever.

It seems like people either (a) don't know what an AD does or (b) think that any rich person is going to be a good manager with lots of rich friends who will, for whatever bizarre reason, give their money to Minnesota sports.

Dave Brandon and Najarian are not the same thing. If Najarian was a successful CEO who managed lots of people that would be one thing, but he's not. He's a stock trader, which is about as close to an AD as hiring a successful brain surgeon or musician.

This is even worse than the D2 coach some people wanted to hire just because he played for Minnesota. At least that guy was a coach.

He's gone to the U and played there? NOT A QUALIFICATION Damn that puts him miles ahead of some of our past ADs, hell I'd even put that he DIDN'T go to Wisconsin as a plus for him. And he's a football player as well NOT A QUALIFICATION huh... I don't want to make any unfounded or ridiculous assumptions but I got a feeling that football would be a high priority for him so I'll give him points for a vision.

Delegation examples? I mean he's good enough at "telling people what to do" that he made tens of millions of dollars. OFF THE PEOPLE HE TOLD WHAT TO DO. IT AI'NT HIS MONEY, WHAT DOES HE CARE? I'd say he's got that down.

His business now is money. I'm sure he knows plenty of people with it, and knows the buttons to push. TAKING OTHER PEOPLES MONEY AND MAKING MONEY FOR HIMSELF AND THEN HE HAS TO GIVE IT BACK. HMMM. SORRY, THAT'S NOT FUNDRAISING. (think investing)

I'm not saying he's the best choice, I'm not saying he's MY choice, but I don't have a doubt he would do a better job than Maturi and would reprioritize things in athletics.


He's an options trader and market analyst. That requires no personal skills whatsoever.

It seems like people either (a) don't know what an AD does or (b) think that any rich person is going to be a good manager with lots of rich friends who will, for whatever bizarre reason, give their money to Minnesota sports.

Dave Brandon and Najarian are not the same thing. If Najarian was a successful CEO who managed lots of people that would be one thing, but he's not. He's a stock trader, which is about as close to an AD as hiring a successful brain surgeon or musician.

This is even worse than the D2 coach some people wanted to hire just because he played for Minnesota. At least that guy was a coach.

Being an options trader doesn't imply personal skills you're right. The thing that implies personal skills is being someone who speaks about it to millions of people on the subject on t.v. The reason THOSE options traders are on tv is because they can speak about what they do intelligibly and personally. If you want to look past that and brush away pretty strong evidence that he's a likeable guy who could win a fanbase over? With being a letterman on top of it? Again, I'll repeat what I said in the first post, he's not even my first choice. I'm just making a case he wouldn't be a bad one.

Oh and highwayman read ^^ that for whatever info you need. Your post isn't worth my time responding to separately.

Being on TV isn't evidence of qualification for anything.

The retro 1980's skinny ponytail he rocks would be a unique accessory for a major conference AD. This thread and suggestion is a joke and a sorry commentary of our insecure, inferiority complex, provincialism.

And he's a football player as well huh... I don't want to make any unfounded or ridiculous assumptions but I got a feeling that football would be a high priority for him so I'll give him points for a vision.

Nebraska Omaha fans probably thought the same thing when they hired Trev Alberts as AD. He decided to drop football and wrestling (based on faulty budget numbers according to Outside the Lines).

The retro 1980's skinny ponytail he rocks would be a unique accessory for a major conference AD. This thread and suggestion is a joke and a sorry commentary of our insecure, inferiority complex, provincialism.

This about sums it up.

Tweet from Najarian:

"@petenajarian: @GoldenGopherFB @_Stoudermire11 Coach Kill has this ship turned and ready to really run against the Big-10"

Go Gophers!!

Pete is currently co-hosting NBC Sports Talk on NBC Sports.

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