Pete Najarian with another smart forecast: Gophers football headed in right direction


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per La Velle:

Najarian has been encouraged by what he has learned about the Gophers' recruiting class, pointing out the school was able to land a handful of prospects from the state of Florida, which hasn't happened often. He's stood on the sidelines at games and has noticed bigger and more athletic players in maroon and gold.

Combined with the returning players and adjustments to the coaching staff, he likes where things are headed. The next step, Najarian argued, is that the athletic department needs to do more to consistently sell out Huntington Bank Stadium while the Gophers are on the upswing. Announced attendance averaged 46,140 this season in a stadium that holds 50,805 — but it looked much less than 46k a few times.

So, Pete, did the Gophers have a successful season or did they survive the season?

"I just think the program is in a really good spot," Najarian said. "It is great when we should be mad that we are 8-4. I think if you go back far enough, you would say, wow, we would kill to be 8-4 some seasons."

Go Gophers!!

Pete, instead of praises, why don't you throw in some serious NIL money in the pot to get higher-level recruits and to keep current good players from transferring?
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It's too late! PJ Fleck has rewired our neural pathways to expect better things ahead for Gopher Football.

I like Pete, but did anyone think they were going in the wrong direction??
Well, if you follow some of the in-game threads, posters there think we're heading the wrong direction in my opinion.

Pete floating statements like this because he still wants to be AD, which I think would be awesome. If Coyle packs his bags, I'm all for Pete comin' onto the boat. He's got more connections to deep pocketed boosters than pretty much anyone in the state.

Pete floating statements like this because he still wants to be AD, which I think would be awesome. If Coyle packs his bags, I'm all for Pete comin' onto the boat. He's got more connections to deep pocketed boosters than pretty much anyone in the state.
Pete would be an absolutely wonderful fundraiser.

I trust Pete's football forecasts much more than his financial forecasts so I suppose this is good news.

Well, if you follow some of the in-game threads, posters there think we're heading the wrong direction in my opinion.
As probably the single most bearish person on the board this year, I don't think Gopher football is headed the wrong direction. I had a specific issue with a specific coach which has sense been resolved. Even if it wasn't, I still wouldn't have said that Gopher football was heading the wrong direction.

Pete, instead of praises, why don't you throw in some NIL money in the pot to get higher-level recruits and to keep current good players from transferring?
I don't generally tell people how to spend their own money.
It wouldn't hurt if alumni could help steer players towards jobs or investment' that give advice that would help the players make the most of there advertising potential, and increase there own personal NIL or
help bank accounts.

Yes..virtually 80% of the commenters over at the StarTribune/Gopher football articles.
Yeah and most of those commenters over at the Start Tribune bad mouthing the Gophers are Badger, Hawkeye, Husker, and Bison alumni and faithful. Those hardcores that want failure for our team and think they are benefiting their own rooting interest, by ripping the Gophers and talking bad about the Gopher Football program to the locals. A lot of trolls like PantherHawk and Los Venebles, NDSU Lakes guy hang out in those comments sections in the Strib. Full of trolls.

In his book Pete talks about the influence Lou Holtz had on his life. Specifically how Holtz brought in speakers/guests from the business community to motivate the players and talk about how you don't have to be born on 3rd base to be successful. Hard work will get you there.

I would love to see Pete officially involved in Gopher athletics. I've also made a lot of money following his advice so I'm probably bia$ed.

In his book Pete talks about the influence Lou Holtz had on his life. Specifically how Holtz brought in speakers/guests from the business community to motivate the players and talk about how you don't have to be born on 3rd base to be successful. Hard work will get you there.

I would love to see Pete officially involved in Gopher athletics. I've also made a lot of money following his advice so I'm probably bia$ed.
I think they should create a position for him in the Athletics Department as a Liaison to spearhead fundraising and raise booster interest. He will be an excellent face of the University. Mark Coyle is good at his job running the Athletics Department. But, he is not a very public persona type.

If Mark Coyle ever decides to move on, Pete Najarian can slight over to the AD position seamlessly. His family are Gopher legacies and bleed Maroon and Gold through and through. The question is what type of chemistry does he have with PJ Fleck?

I like where we are at with President Joan Gabel and AD Mark Coyle fully supporting Gopher Athletics. Again, what is missing is the fundraising acumen. PJ Fleck can be an excellent fundraiser, but he has a lot on his plate already.

That would be a good long strategy. Not so much for short sellers!
That’s why you buy low, sell high.

Not sure what the fascination is with PN as the AD. Why would anyone hire someone with absolutely no athletic department experience to run the show? It would be a recipe for disaster.

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