FORMO, i've posted my story a few times, but I'll do it again just for you
I grew up in Northeast Ohio, in suburban Youngstown, Ohio. During my childhood I developed my love for the Browns, Indians, Cavs.....but never took to the Buckeyes, instead I took a fascination with the Gophers because of two reasons...The usage of game footage in my favorite show, Coach, and the colors were the same as the school I attended. In the late 90's when the internet started to get worth a crap, I was able to take my love to the Gophers to the next level by following them more and ordering Gopher clothing and items online. A few seasons ago I was able to see my beloved Gophers play in football at Kent State (35 minutes from me), and then at Bowling Green (about 1.75 hours from me)....I refuse to go to tOSU for a football game, my hatred for tOSU won't allow me to anywhere near that stadium on a gameday...I hate hearing the OH-I0 Chants and walk out bars in Ohio when they start playing Hang on Sloopy until the song is over. The place I'm having my rehearsal dinner at this summer is on the campus of Youngstown State University and has their pasta named after the sweater vest...I demanded the name be removed from the menu...I don't want my big weekend to be associated in any manner with tOSU, and maroon will be the feature color of our wedding. Anyhow....I'm poor, and trying to save up money to make it to the fine state of Minnesota to see a game, either at TCF or the Barn. I've been to Scotland, UK though

but thats only because my fiance (over here on a swim scholarship at Youngstown State) is Scottish and paid for my ticket, lol. I wore a Gopher shirt everyday I was there though, proof in the picture below.
So as you can tell, two things stick out about me, I love the Gophers, and HATE OHIO STATE. I take a lot of crap from Buckeye fans, always asking me when I'm going to convert, so this year for my birthday, I got the Minnesota M put on me, to make my loyalty permanent. GO GOPHERS.