Per MV, new gopher site

that decker catch against cal is by far my fav highlight.... he just got drilled

That is awesome can't wait to see what the website is all about!

musical score?

can anyone tell me where I have heard that song playing in the video. I thought it was in the movie "war of the worlds" by steven spielberg but I can't find it there. Love it!

Love the preview.

Thanks, MV!

Better than coffee, gets the heart going!

You can't discount the two end of the year victories as anything but positive signs for the future.
Those two wins showed the heart and resolve of some key players, some have moved on, many are still here. Guys like Stoudemire, Gray, Lair, Mcknight, Eskridge, Bennett, Rallis will pace the rebuild.
Damn proud and excited to be a Gopher fan, we're not out of the woods yet, but I think somewhere now there is a real light at the end of a 50 year tunnel.
Love it.

can anyone tell me where I have heard that song playing in the video. I thought it was in the movie "war of the worlds" by steven spielberg but I can't find it there. Love it!

Kuato is right. It's not from the official score/soundtrack by Hans Zimmer, but it was written for the Inception trailers that were released before the film.

The dept used it for the bball intro video this season as well which is fine by me since I love this song. :)

A nit-pick: they should never, ever post any footage whatsoever from the debacle that ws the USD game

A big plus: it's the best footage of the Gopher student section that I've seen (even if it is for about one second of the video). I hope one day the entire crowd gets into the Zombie Nation song. My opinion - in two years of gopher fb at TCF, the only time they've have timed the playing of that song correctly was the Iowa game when they played it just before the start of the 4th quarter, just after Sweet Caroline (which I still don't understand why the music person has hitched himself/herself to that song as THE song between the 3rd and 4th quarters).

The U does a good job with these micro-sites...I'm looking forward to the launch of this new one.

Go Gophers!!

A nit-pick: they should never, ever post any footage whatsoever from the debacle that ws the USD game

A big plus: it's the best footage of the Gopher student section that I've seen (even if it is for about one second of the video). I hope one day the entire crowd gets into the Zombie Nation song. My opinion - in two years of gopher fb at TCF, the only time they've have timed the playing of that song correctly was the Iowa game when they played it just before the start of the 4th quarter, just after Sweet Caroline (which I still don't understand why the music person has hitched himself/herself to that song as THE song between the 3rd and 4th quarters).

Well said about the dude who runs the music in the stadium!! He does an awful job the majority of the time!

Fuc& yes! I can't wait for fall. It's too bad I have an entire summer to enjoy first!

I'm seriously ready to go run through a brick wall after watching that video. This video should be shown to every baby born in the state of Minnesota everyday of their lives until Gopher Pride is drilled in their head. I've never even step foot in the state of Minnesota before, but watching that video makes me proud I selected being a Gopher fan instead of being a Buckeye fan and cheering on a coach with ZERO INTEGRITY.

I'm seriously ready to go run through a brick wall after watching that video. This video should be shown to every baby born in the state of Minnesota everyday of their lives until Gopher Pride is drilled in their head. I've never even step foot in the state of Minnesota before, but watching that video makes me proud I selected being a Gopher fan instead of being a Buckeye fan and cheering on a coach with ZERO INTEGRITY.


Yeah.. I'm about to run through the wall now. That was epic. Times infinity. I would love to have a hard copy of that video.

The only thing I would change was to add the two big hits from the Iowa game to it.. The Run by Q, and The Hit by Troy (that caused the fumble). But otherwise.. EPIC!

I'm seriously ready to go run through a brick wall after watching that video. This video should be shown to every baby born in the state of Minnesota everyday of their lives until Gopher Pride is drilled in their head. I've never even step foot in the state of Minnesota before, but watching that video makes me proud I selected being a Gopher fan instead of being a Buckeye fan and cheering on a coach with ZERO INTEGRITY.

Love hearing that! BTW, what's your story?

Yeah.. I'm about to run through the wall now. That was epic. Times infinity. I would love to have a hard copy of that video.

I'll see your epic, and raise you an inimitable!

Go Gophers!

FORMO, i've posted my story a few times, but I'll do it again just for you :)

I grew up in Northeast Ohio, in suburban Youngstown, Ohio. During my childhood I developed my love for the Browns, Indians, Cavs.....but never took to the Buckeyes, instead I took a fascination with the Gophers because of two reasons...The usage of game footage in my favorite show, Coach, and the colors were the same as the school I attended. In the late 90's when the internet started to get worth a crap, I was able to take my love to the Gophers to the next level by following them more and ordering Gopher clothing and items online. A few seasons ago I was able to see my beloved Gophers play in football at Kent State (35 minutes from me), and then at Bowling Green (about 1.75 hours from me)....I refuse to go to tOSU for a football game, my hatred for tOSU won't allow me to anywhere near that stadium on a gameday...I hate hearing the OH-I0 Chants and walk out bars in Ohio when they start playing Hang on Sloopy until the song is over. The place I'm having my rehearsal dinner at this summer is on the campus of Youngstown State University and has their pasta named after the sweater vest...I demanded the name be removed from the menu...I don't want my big weekend to be associated in any manner with tOSU, and maroon will be the feature color of our wedding. Anyhow....I'm poor, and trying to save up money to make it to the fine state of Minnesota to see a game, either at TCF or the Barn. I've been to Scotland, UK though :) but thats only because my fiance (over here on a swim scholarship at Youngstown State) is Scottish and paid for my ticket, lol. I wore a Gopher shirt everyday I was there though, proof in the picture below.
So as you can tell, two things stick out about me, I love the Gophers, and HATE OHIO STATE. I take a lot of crap from Buckeye fans, always asking me when I'm going to convert, so this year for my birthday, I got the Minnesota M put on me, to make my loyalty permanent. GO GOPHERS.

You freakin' rock Youngstown. I Wish I had the cheddar to help you to a game, but, I own five season tix and trying to get two more so I own my entire row. If you can get to the cities I will donate two tickets to you, just PM me if that could ever work for you. Good luck and I can't wait to hear about your first visit to the new Brickhouse!

You freakin' rock Youngstown. I Wish I had the cheddar to help you to a game, but, I own five season tix and trying to get two more so I own my entire row. If you can get to the cities I will donate two tickets to you, just PM me if that could ever work for you. Good luck and I can't wait to hear about your first visit to the new Brickhouse!

Yea, no kidding love it Youngstown.

On a side note, regarding the song Mind Heist from the movie "Inception," you can get it off iTunes for 99 cents under "Selected Music from Inception"

Ahhh.. You were the guy with the ink.. Awesome! Thanks for the refresher, as I read your post I was reminded that I did infact read your 'story', just your name got lost in the chasm that is my mind. =)

BTW, awesome story. =D

Yeah.. I'm about to run through the wall now. That was epic. Times infinity. I would love to have a hard copy of that video.

You can get it if you have an FLV downloader installed on your computer. I installed one as an add-on to Firefox and was able to download the HD version in about 5 minutes. You can also use it to download the webisodes off YouTube.

I can e-mail the file (about 18mb) to anyone who PM's me.

Now THAT'S a fanhood story right there. =) I especially love the pasta part.

You can get it if you have an FLV downloader installed on your computer. I installed one as an add-on to Firefox and was able to download the HD version in about 5 minutes. You can also use it to download the webisodes off YouTube.

I can e-mail the file (about 18mb) to anyone who PM's me.

Ha, thanks.. I actually went looking online for a downloader and found an addon for Firefox that does just that (I looked right after posting that, actually). And now I got the video. Thanks anyway man!

You freakin' rock Youngstown. I Wish I had the cheddar to help you to a game, but, I own five season tix and trying to get two more so I own my entire row. If you can get to the cities I will donate two tickets to you, just PM me if that could ever work for you. Good luck and I can't wait to hear about your first visit to the new Brickhouse!

Thanks....Some how some way I'm going to make it in the next two years. I can't wait to kick back some beers in the tailgate lot and meet some Gopher fans!!

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