Per Dave Schwartz from Kare11 Andre Mcdonald commits to Vandy

Honestly, I think I would rather lose him to Iowa.

I'd rather lose him to a nice school like Vanderbilt than tOSU or ND. So in that sense, I can live with it.

It's all over twitter now too. Very strange. Good luck Andre...

Well, sucks if true, though of course not unexpected after his de-commit. I would have loved to have seen him play for the Gophs, but at least he isn't going to the pigeyes. Good luck Andre.

Jamel Harbison had a Vandy offer and I wonder after he committed on Saturday that McDonald just slid into that spot for the Commodores.

Good luck to McDonald. Vanderbilt is a great school.

Vandy has surprisingly put together a pretty nice class beating out some pretty big name schools for some nice recruits.

I'm very happy for Andre. I would have loved to go to school at Vanderbilt.

He had Minnesota number 1 all along

Then it was iowa no questions asked

Now it is Vandy

ah.....ok then andre

He had Minnesota number 1 all along

Then it was iowa no questions asked

Now it is Vandy

ah.....ok then andre

Shut up. I had trouble making my college decision and I didn't even have the athletics side added to it AND I was only considering 3 places. When you have as many options as him it's not that easy to decide.

This seems way out of left field to me. Now I haven't been following his recruiting very closely but this is the first I've seen Andre and Vandy connected this closely. Andre needs to be a 5 star general with the level of secrecy in his recruitment. I'd trust him with a few classified national secrets. He even threw in the misdirection with Iowa.

Football success the same. Vandy has much more difficult academics. Life is about choices.

Coach Franklin is doing a really good job of recruiting there his first year at a school that is very difficult to recruit to. It can be done.

ESPNU Twitter - McDonald to Vanderbilt

Interesting the day after Harbison commits.

Sorry I missed the below thread. Feel free to delete

Like I said in the other thread.. PH was promising many Gopher fans that Andre was going to be a Jerkeye. As long as he doesn't sign with any of our rivals, I'm ok with this. Good luck, Andre!

It always hurts to lose in-state skill position players. Vandy is in a fun city, plays in a great conference, and obviously has great academics. If he wasn't going to choose the Gophers, I can't argue with his selection.

More bad news, but at least it wasn't Iowa

More bad news, but at least it wasn't Iowa

Agreed. Look, I can empathize with high school kids from the TC metro area wanting to go away (though I'd argue that moving from the suburbs to a dorm room on campus still gives you a college experience). What bothers me is when they go to Iowa or Wisconsin.

Gotta agree with most of you, Im just glad he didnt choose Iowa or tOSU, I can live with him choosing Vandy. We will see though, signing day isnt for a while, maybe he will see the light and stay home & help Minnesota.

Good for him - it's a great school academically. But Vandy? Wow. This really has no bearing on his football career, but I guess it's the only place with a more awkward basketball court than Minnesota.

Agreed. Look, I can empathize with high school kids from the TC metro area wanting to go away (though I'd argue that moving from the suburbs to a dorm room on campus still gives you a college experience). What bothers me is when they go to Iowa or Wisconsin.

Isn't going to Iowa or Wisconsin going away for college though? People may not like it, but Iowa City and Madison are considered fun college towns (not saying dinky town isn't fun) and for a lot of minnesotans it's like going away for college with the ability to get home quickly.

I don't fault any kid for picking the school of their choosing (probably should have held off on his original commitment though).

He backs out of the Brick House to become a Commodore. I'm working on a conspiracy theory involving Lionel Richie and the Free Masons.

Fine, go wherever you want. But why do major jocks care about academics? I'm not expecting to hear he's pre-med.

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