Penalties in College Football


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Don't get me wrong, I think that the Gophers have been killed by penalties this year. Some things are strange though. They set a record for penalties against Michigan State and win. They have 3 penalties against Illinois and lose. Go figure.

But PLEASE let's just drop the "lack of discipline" card. Take a look at this:

The Ten Most Penalized teams in 2008 in reverse order: BYU, Florida State, Oklahoma, Florida, USC, Florida Intl., South Florida, Georgia, TCU and Hawaii. Take away Florida Intl. and Hawaii and most of us would have swapped records and results with those teams.

Meyer, Stoops, Paterson, Carroll - lack of discipline?

Again, I think that the penalties committed by the Gophers have been quite damaging to their Offense.They've also have killed a lot of field position on Special teams and been just been plain inopportune, but unless you are going to hammer some of the winningest teams in the country, drop the "discipline" angle.

Since both members of last year's BCS Title Game each had 102 total penalties, maybe some coaches should put that number out in their goals for this season.


The Ten Most Penalized teams in 2008 in reverse order: BYU, Florida State, Oklahoma, Florida, USC, Florida Intl., South Florida, Georgia, TCU and Hawaii. Take away Florida Intl. and Hawaii and most of us would have swapped records and results with those teams.

Meyer, Stoops, Paterson, Carroll - lack of discipline?

Just think how much better they'd be playing if they played with discipline! Very good teams can still be good teams without discipline. Very mediocre teams cannot overcome the penalties.

Just think how much better they'd be playing if they played with discipline! Very good teams can still be good teams without discipline. Very mediocre teams cannot overcome the penalties.
Well said. That's pretty much the long and short of it.

Just think how much better they'd be playing if they played with discipline! Very good teams can still be good teams without discipline. Very mediocre teams cannot overcome the penalties.

I think you would have to look at the type of penalties.

Aggressive vs Mental. Mental penalties like not lining up correctly or delay of games, or things like that seem to me to lack true discipline.

I think where the line gets fuzzy is Aggressive penalties. Offsides for example. If your linemen are getting a feel for the QB's snap, and are trying to guess the snap to get a sack. Do you trade an offside penalty for a couple of sacks a game?

Well said. That's pretty much the long and short of it.


I strongly believe you are either hoping the football program fails and gets cut or your really not a gopher fan because you never say anything that you like about the program. must be a lonely life not enjoying anything. get over this hate for brewster and wait it out like a rational person. you drive me nuts with your debbie downer attitude all the time! go hang out with indiana fans for a week and then tell me how bad the gophers have it!

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