Paul F'n Chryst?!?

Dec 20, 2008
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Just heard a rumour from a friend (an ex OSU player) that Paul Chryst - the Wisconsin O-coordinator - will be named our next Head Coach... Thoughts?

Just heard a rumour from a friend (an ex OSU player) that Paul Chryst - the Wisconsin O-coordinator - will be named our next Head Coach... Thoughts?

Sumbitch knows how to run the ball and maybe he can take his assistant buddies with him.

Not buying it. Maturi has repeatedly said it would be someone with head coaching experience.

Thoughts? You are as full of $hit as are the other 5,367 Threads,with 84,581 comments, about this,

Rumor is the new HC has coached in the past two days. This would eliminate Chryst. We shall see.

I know MN doesn't have nepotism laws, but if it's Chryst, Joel should resign or be fired immediately.

I'd be a hell of a lot more happy with Chryst than a Edsall, June Jones, etc.

I think Chryst would be a very good choice.

Count me among those who would rather have Chryst than Edsall (though I'm of course hoping for neither)

While most Badger fans feel that he is a great offensive coordinator, we dont think that he would be a good head coach. The coaching part is he has nailed, its the other parts of the job that he is weaker in. He does interviews with the media, but doesnt really enjoy the spot light. As for recruiting, he hates it. He only recruits QBs for UW, and even that he may only spot light 3-4 guys a year. As I type this, it dawns on me that he is pretty much the exact opposite of Brewster, which may not be that bad of a thing.

This is the kind of crazy talk that happens when a coaching search has gone on just a little too long.

Its not crazy talk. Do you really think June Jones would do well here? I doubt it.

Minnesota needs to get back to having a Glen Mason-like running game and a good defense. June Jones isn't going to deliver that. Chryst has a good shot at doing that.

Edsall - maybe, but I just think he is overrated. I don't see much upside in hiring him over Chryst, who would also have regional ties and recruiting connections in Wisconsin.

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