Part II: 7th Annual GopherHole Survey Summary


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
This summary report focuses on the last two parts of this year's survey: GopherHole/site-related responses and the fun questions. The answers to the questions were varied and extensive; however, there was commonality in the responses, too. The highest number of common or frequent responses are listed in descending order. I've selected quotes by members that amplify and give a flavor of the survey's responses. Community was a common theme articulated in a lot of the responses. Also cited is the board's activity and humor.

A. GopherHole/site-related Questions and responses

I. What do you like about GopherHole?

1) Articles by Nadine Babu, aka: GopherLady; Chris Monter; Rob Litt, Thom Wynn, BleedGopher links, Sports Huddle re-caps, etc.
2) Diverse opinions/insights/ ideas
3) Recruiting information

PavedWithGold: "Discussion with people who have a similar passion for Gophers athletics. New discussions and topics everyday."

alltimetwinsfan: "Links from Bleed, weekly updates from DL, contributions by others and the general community."

pharmacygopher: "Insights into the team you don't get from the media. Bleed's links."

Mulligan: "A community that often has decent discussions although one with too many village idiots that ruin them. The recruiting news and the regular contributors like Bleed, GopherLady,SS, DL, etc."

Hates Monikers: "Information and discussion about my favorite teams (mostly) from other fans. Love the recruiting information and press conference notes."

Zales04: "Community feeling, informative threads by prominent posters, Chris Monter interviews."

Pewterschmidt: "Diverse range of topics and opinions on the message boards. I like Selection Sunday's contributions in the basketball forum. I also like the redesign of the site."

II. What do you dislike about GopherHole?

1) Hijacking of threads.
2) Trolls
3) Name calling/petty bickering/personal attacks/negativity

GOFUR: "Posters who feel compelled to jump on others for minor mistakes."

GopherinPhilly: "Negative people who hijack threads with their own agenda."

Anderson8284: "Negativity. Name calling. Personal axes to be ground. I just seem to lurk these days, don't really want to post much anymore . . . some days the threads are unreadable."

Butch Nash Guy: "Pissing matches, get really old and seems like it is getting worse."

alltimetwinsfan: "The bickering . . . it's to the point where I don't post all that often anymore . . . I just read and chime in from time-to-time."

AuEGO4: "Hijacked threads and people making big deals out of grammar."

calminnfan: "Some very negative, degrading posts/posters, especially of players."

C. What improvements or changes that you would like implemented? (There was a laundry list of varied suggestions; however, most participants didn't name anything.)

Norman Dale: "Like the amount of leeway the moderator give posters."

paulser21: "Perhaps a way to flag a person overly aggressive or continuously hijacks threads."

soneillum: "More hockey coverage."

GophersInIowa: "Maybe interview opposing radio guys and beat writer before big games."

gopherguy05: "Slightly more moderation, removal of duplicate threads, etc."

brucelaupa: "Faster loading pages."

D. What do you think of the website upgrades?

The overwhelming response was very positive!! Several cited the look and ease of navigation. However, a number of respondents also mentoned the slowness of loading and logging onto the site.

E. Do you follow the Social Media?

Yes: 53 No: 23 Other: Did not answer - 34

FacebooK: 51 Twitter: 45 (Several respondents use facebook and twitter; some only use facebook or twitter.)

III. Fun Questions (Those that chose to respond had a wide range of answers. The demographics of this site played a role in the responses - the greater number of young respondents (18-40 yoa) would naturally focus on the most recent past, which is apparent in the below listings.)

A. Most suspensful game witnessed in person (the following listed most frequently).

1) Iowa 2011 football game.
2) Iowa 2010 football game.
3) Purdue 2005 football game.
4) Wisconsin 2005 football game.
5) Michigan 2003 and Wisconsin 2003 football games.

B. Best defense that you witnessed in person (the following listed most frequently).

1) 1997 Men's Basketball team.
2) 1999 Football team.
3) 1977 Football team.

C. Favorite Minnesota Marching Band Musical Selection.

1) Rouser
2) Minnesota March
3) Hail Minnesota

Note: The Rouser was the overwhelming choice . . . nearly doubled the Minnesota March.

As far as the final question - favorite rock 'n roll song you'd like the marching band to play during a game - there was no clear cut favorite. There were no duplicates.

Again, I want thank everyone that participated in this year's survey. The GopherHole community made the questionnaire a success.

The GopherHole Staff has a lot of information to consider as they review the website-related questions. There was a plethora of comments in addition to the ones that I listed in this summary. IMO, there were a lot of good comments and suggestions.

Thank you . . .

Go Gophers!!

As always, thanks DL65 and others for everything you do on this site. Much appreciated!

Additonally, I'm confident comments related to the site and its operations would be most welcome as well. (Not only during the running of the annual survey.) It's easily done by clicking on site info and emailing your comment(s). I've used the resource in the past and I have always received a response to my query or suggestion. Feedback is extremely important for site improvement: what's creating satisfied or dissatisfied members.

My .02.

Go Gophers!!

Well done DL. Should be in the Poster Hall of Fame, as usual.

I really like the poster rep idea like is on other sites.

Well done DL. Should be in the Poster Hall of Fame, as usual.

I really like the poster rep idea like is on other sites.
Oh man, poster rep might not end well for some people. Not saying it's a bad idea or anything, just all those negative scores I expect to see.

Maybe we can start a "Gopherhole Hall of Fame" and vote one person (or several) every year.

As a followup to my slowness comments, the site has been performing quite well of late.

As a followup to my slowness comments, the site has been performing quite well of late.

As a followup to brucekaupa remarks, there have been some changes important to GopherHolers since the running of this year's survey and the above summary.

Examples are as follows:

1) Norman Dale said (above) he appreciates the leeway shown to GopherHolers by the moderators. I would think most members feel the same way; however, we can become somewhat frustrated at times by the hijacking of threads, negativity, personal attacks toward members, etc. In recent days, according to a thread on the Off-Topic Forum, some posters have been banned. So, GopherHoler moderators are monitoring the discussions and will take action when necessary to ensure that this site isn't degraded to a perpetual food fight that can drive away members and insightful discussions.

2) sonellium requested more hockey coverage. The GopherHole Admins had increased Gophey hockey coverage before the Survey with stories by Thom Wynn. Since the Survey and this Summary the Hockey Forum has been established. The new forum is especially timely and lively with the Gopher Pucksers advancing to the Frozen Four.

3) gopherguy05 suggested duplicate threads should be removed. Many of the duplicate threads have been consolidated/moved, which has cleaned up the board's appearance.

I personally believe there has been less hijacking of threads in recent weeks. Maybe my perception is inaccurate, but the threads appear to remain on topic for the most part.

I'm sure you can cite other improvements that have taken place in recent weeks. It's important to note and recognize the GopherHole Admins for listening to our suggestions and taking steps to improve

What I'd like to see in the near future: I'd like to see some longtime, but alas missing, members return and contribute to the discussions. (As some said in the Survey, they mostly lurk now.) And, of course, it would also be good to see more new members participating as well. Welcome aboard Lurkers!!

Go Gophers!

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