PantherHawk is back!!....

Since this thread has now become a Reusse bashing thread, I won't feel bad about hijacking it in a different direction.

I checked out the Scout site for UNLV. There are two forums. One is "Rebel Hoops" and the other is "Rebel Football and other sports." Apparently there is not enough interest for football to have its own forum.

And I thought us Gopher fans were swimming against a current of indifference. The UNLV football fans must be damned dedicated. Good for them, I hope their dedication is rewarded with success.

Starting in September.

Not true - I don't. Why would I want to read the same thing over and over again? Besides, If you read this blog it is pretty difficult not to read some paraphrased version of his latest rant. Not only is he a hack, he is a lazy, boring and a trite hack.:banghead:

^^^agree^^^ And he hates Kill and Gopher football.

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