PantherHawk is back!!....


Aug 5, 2009
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This jerk has surfaced at the site knocking the Gophers, of course! Is this guy some disgruntled Iowa fan or what? Go Gophers!!:clap::clap::clap::cool::cool:

measure yourself by your enemies. well, we can throw out that idiom.

I don't think PantherHawk is really an Iowa fan. He's really more of an anti-Minnesota fan, totally dedicated to hating Minnesota. I don't recall him ever having a pro-Iowa post, he doesn't really even seem interested in how Iowa is doing; Iowa winning or losing seems to be irrelevant for him. It's fine to have a proper hate for rivals, sports wouldn't be the same without it. But supporting your own team should come before hating rivals.

Most forums - even Iowa forums - get tired of him and ban him. He just skulks around in whatever forums don't ban him. There has been a number of times where he has visited the forum of one of our non-conference opponents, and they initially welcome him, thinking he respects them. But they quickly tire of his insane rants, especially when it is clear that he doesn't have any respect for their team.

It's a sad way to go through life. When the Gophers lose, I can console myself by thinking "At least I'm not PantherHawk."

He's on twitter too and always saying bad things about Minnesota to potential recruits of ours. It's pathetic.

The guy is twisted. But, what a charmed sports fan life it must be to have all your energy put into rooting against the Gophers. It has been a hell of a run for the past 50 years.

Mentally diseased folks.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's clinically observed. Or will be some day.

He's kinda just talking to himself on that site. There's been maybe 30 posts made in the last two months and almost half of them are by him/her/it.

This jerk has surfaced at the site knocking the Gophers, of course! Is this guy some disgruntled Iowa fan or what? Go Gophers!!:clap::clap::clap::cool::cool:

I think Patherhawk moonlights as a StarTrib reporter known as Fatrick.

40 something year old man that plays with light-sabers, and poses as a 20 something year old attractive female on facebook to stalk highschoolers to sway them away from Minnesota...

anyone else see anything borderline illegal with this?

The guy is twisted. But, what a charmed sports fan life it must be to have all your energy put into rooting against the Gophers. It has been a hell of a run for the past 50 years.


He is an Iowa fan. A friend of mine that went to Florida visits their scout board and Pantherhawk visited. He was going off slamming us and then got into a big pissing battle that Iowa stole Vandenberg from the SEC schools. He was stating that all of the SEC schools were fighting hard to get him. He is really pretty pathetic.

He is an Iowa fan. A friend of mine that went to Florida visits their scout board and Pantherhawk visited. He was going off slamming us and then got into a big pissing battle that Iowa stole Vandenberg from the SEC schools. He was stating that all of the SEC schools were fighting hard to get him. He is really pretty pathetic.

That's the understatement of the year.

what about the possibility that pantherhawk is Ruesse is disguise? it makes perfect sense to me

I vote that we collectively ignore this pathetic little person and the moderators delete this thread. I am sure that he loves that he gets under the skin of Minnesota fans and what better way to show him how relevant he is to gopher football/sports than to totally ignore him.

I vote that we collectively ignore this pathetic little person and the moderators delete this thread. I am sure that he loves that he gets under the skin of Minnesota fans and what better way to show him how relevant he is to gopher football/sports than to totally ignore him.

Maybe I should not have brought this jerk up in the first place! Sorry, my mistake. Get lost PantherHawk! Go Gophers!!!:clap::cool02::cool::clap:;)

Maybe I should not have brought this jerk up in the first place! Sorry, my mistake. Get lost PantherHawk! Go Gophers!!!:clap::cool02::cool::clap:;)

Don't feel too bad. He's probably been here many times under a variety of names.

Pantherhawk probably just got another boner seeing another thread started about him.

Hi Pantherhawk, how's things?

Not just light sabers but Harry Potter too - yikes!

Can't believe pig boy wonderered over to the good side. It is amazing how pathetic some people's lives are. It is going to be fun stomping on ioweeeeeeeeee this year.

Pantherhawk probably just got another boner seeing another thread started about him.

Hi Pantherhawk, how's things?

Always thought they reason for his "mania" was because he couldn't do that..

Always thought they reason for his "mania" was because he couldn't do that..

I know why, Iceland. His mom's bff told me that he forgets to blow up his inflatable girlfriend.

You may be on to something there.

It'll be interesting when Reusse's arteries finally clog up and he passes to see if Pantherhawk also stops posting at the same time. It wouldn't really be all that surprising if they were indeed one and the same. Reusse enjoys nothing more than the demise of University of Minnesota sports, and he's been working at it for at least 3 decades. Writers tend to go under other pen-names all the times to trick audiences.

It is not simply mere coincidence that the Gophers haven't been all that good at major sports during his prominence; he has been a major player in the way his audience (a significant portion of Minnesota and surrounding WI area) generally disrespects Gophers' sports, which as the only D-1 FB and BB school in the state (and Dakota area, for a long time) should otherwise be a center of positive attention for area athletes. If Gopher sports were strong, what would he actually have to talk about? His livelihood fully depends on the Gophers failures.

After getting his @PantherHawk account closed I noticed he's now @PantherHawkA He goes after all of our recruits, but after awhile they must just block the idiot.

It's ridiculous to suggest Reusse could be Pantherhawk. If we've learned anything from his writing, it's that Reusse is far too lazy to have that level of pathetic dedication to tearing the Gophers down. He'd rather just collect paychecks every other week for an occasional spin down memory lane.

Though Reusse did make that stupid tweet to Tyus during hoops season... hmmmm.

It's ridiculous to suggest Reusse could be Pantherhawk. If we've learned anything from his writing, it's that Reusse is far too lazy to have that level of pathetic dedication to tearing the Gophers down. He'd rather just collect paychecks every other week for an occasional spin down memory lane.

Though Reusse did make that stupid tweet to Tyus during hoops season... hmmmm.

Maybe he doesn't do any research on his topics because he's too busy as his alter-ego, Panthersquawk.

what about the possibility that pantherhawk is Ruesse is disguise? it makes perfect sense to me

I highly doubt it; but it would be an interesting theory if it were true.

A high majority, if not all, do not like Fat Pat; but we still read his articles. Why do we read them or sometimes listen to his show, because we want to hear what he going to say next. There are plenty of examples of this from entertainment, politics and even sports and radio hosts where people either people have a very strong opinion and very few people are indifferent but still listen and read to their material. Howard Stern created a career based on this issue where his detractors would listen more often and for a longer period of time that fans of his show.

Also, it would be very easy to test that theory if it were Fat Pat as Pantherhawk. If at anytime he would post to scout or whatever site, we get the moderator or administrator for that site to check the IP address that it came in from and you can tell the origin point to area of the post. You would not have exact location but could tell very easily if it was Pat or not. There are ways to mask that signal but why would you to post to a sports website.

A high majority, if not all, do not like Fat Pat; but we still read his articles. Why do we read them or sometimes listen to his show, because we want to hear what he going to say next.

Not true - I don't. Why would I want to read the same thing over and over again? Besides, If you read this blog it is pretty difficult not to read some paraphrased version of his latest rant. Not only is he a hack, he is a lazy, boring and a trite hack.:banghead:

Not true - I don't. Why would I want to read the same thing over and over again? Besides, If you read this blog it is pretty difficult not to read some paraphrased version of his latest rant. Not only is he a hack, he is a lazy, boring and a trite hack.:banghead:

I agree with this.

Not true - I don't. Why would I want to read the same thing over and over again? Besides, If you read this blog it is pretty difficult not to read some paraphrased version of his latest rant. Not only is he a hack, he is a lazy, boring and a trite hack.:banghead:

Killjoy, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times: Don't exaggerate!

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