P.J. Fleck's Week 2 message to Gophers: 'Be a goldfish'

Appearing on the P.J. Fleck Show on FOX 9, the Gophers coach used a Ted Lasso reference to tell his team they need to have a short memory from the loss to North Carolina.

Go Gophers!!
I’d prefer -

“Let’s kick their frickin azz”

Enough of the Mamby Pampy Capri Pants BS

Sack up Fleck

So here's my issue. Coach Fleck just throws all these buzz words and phrases against the wall and the message gets lost. Its like he's constantly just vomiting all the gimmicky stuff he has ever heard right on the podium. The message lacks focus. HYPRR Culture, Nekton Mentality, F.A.M.I.L.Y, RTB, Ball is the Program, Failure is not Failing, Context not Content, King of To's, Eating Difficult Conversations.

Like what dude?

I get it Goldfish forget everything right away, but last week you told me that Failure is Growth.
Am I supposed to forget about it or learn from it - Im confused.

Please speak like a human, pick a message and hammer it home.
I wanna ride with him but he makes it tough.
Did you ever play or coach sports? Ever? This is literally something coaches do EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. From high school, to college, to the minors I don't think I've ever been coached by someone who didn't.

My high school coach, the great Dick Hanson, did these everyday. Before practice. During practice. After practice. In the weight room. Hell, I built his house around 2001 in Prior Lake and he was still doing it. It's obviously not for everyone, but to act like Fleck is the only guy doing this is comical.

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