P.J. Fleck's Week 2 message to Gophers: 'Be a goldfish'


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Nov 11, 2008
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Appearing on the P.J. Fleck Show on FOX 9, the Gophers coach used a Ted Lasso reference to tell his team they need to have a short memory from the loss to North Carolina.

Go Gophers!!

Will we also have a “Believe” poster taped onto the locker room wall?

Think like a goldfish is one kind of nekton mentality

What if instead he said "hey, you guys were even-steven with a team that went to the ACC title game in 2022 and beat us by 3 TD in 2023?" One that's averaged about 20 spots higher in recruiting ranks over the past few years and is coached by a national title winner?

Remember how you probably should have beaten a team better than 2/3 of the teams on our schedule? That's similar to iowa or wisconsin in quality?

God, Fleck's schtick is annoying
Fleck is trying to reach out to his players to move ahead. Meanwhile the media picks up what Fleck says and blows it out. Meanwhile Gopherhole posters respond accordingly. If you find it annoying, then you're not willing to let Fleck reach out to his players in a different way.

Fleck is trying to reach out to his players to move ahead. Meanwhile the media picks up what Fleck says and blows it out. Meanwhile Gopherhole posters respond accordingly. If you find it annoying, then you're not willing to let Fleck reach out to his players in a different way.
People that get annoyed by that are annoying.

Fleck is trying to reach out to his players to move ahead. Meanwhile the media picks up what Fleck says and blows it out. Meanwhile Gopherhole posters respond accordingly. If you find it annoying, then you're not willing to let Fleck reach out to his players in a different way.
He can reach out to his players any way he wants. Doesn't mean it's not annoying. It only matters if it works with the team and it allows him to get them where he wants them.

Fleck is trying to reach out to his players to move ahead. Meanwhile the media picks up what Fleck says and blows it out. Meanwhile Gopherhole posters respond accordingly. If you find it annoying, then you're not willing to let Fleck reach out to his players in a different way.
Media blows it out? It's a video of him saying it.

Fleck is trying to reach out to his players to move ahead. Meanwhile the media picks up what Fleck says and blows it out. Meanwhile Gopherhole posters respond accordingly. If you find it annoying, then you're not willing to let Fleck reach out to his players in a different way.
So, he said this on his TV show...which he's paid handsomely for...is that what you mean by the media?

So here's my issue. Coach Fleck just throws all these buzz words and phrases against the wall and the message gets lost. Its like he's constantly just vomiting all the gimmicky stuff he has ever heard right on the podium. The message lacks focus. HYPRR Culture, Nekton Mentality, F.A.M.I.L.Y, RTB, Ball is the Program, Failure is not Failing, Context not Content, King of To's, Eating Difficult Conversations.

Like what dude?

I get it Goldfish forget everything right away, but last week you told me that Failure is Growth.
Am I supposed to forget about it or learn from it - Im confused.

Please speak like a human, pick a message and hammer it home.
I wanna ride with him but he makes it tough.

So here's my issue. Coach Fleck just throws all these buzz words and phrases against the wall and the message gets lost. Its like he's constantly just vomiting all the gimmicky stuff he has ever heard right on the podium. The message lacks focus. HYPRR Culture, Nekton Mentality, F.A.M.I.L.Y, RTB, Ball is the Program, Failure is not Failing, Context not Content, King of To's, Eating Difficult Conversations.

Like what dude?

I get it Goldfish forget everything right away, but last week you told me that Failure is Growth.
Am I supposed to forget about it or learn from it - Im confused.

Please speak like a human, pick a message and hammer it home.
I wanna ride with him but he makes it tough.
So if he picked one phrase ... he would win more?

So if he picked one phrase ... he would win more?
Maybe - Something to be said about a consistent message and players understanding the meaning. Something to get behind and circle back to when things are challenging. Its about whats the teams identity - whether they win or lose - what one thing are they going to do really well.

Maybe - Something to be said about a consistent message and players understanding the meaning. Something to get behind and circle back to when things are challenging. Its about whats the teams identity - whether they win or lose - what one thing are they going to do really well.
Row the boat

Maybe - Something to be said about a consistent message and players understanding the meaning. Something to get behind and circle back to when things are challenging. Its about whats the teams identity - whether they win or lose - what one thing are they going to do really well.

The Goldfish thing..,.yeah that’s actually spectacularly bad advice from Lasso and Fleck. Maybe in the middle of a game, sure. Move on. But after, you sure don’t forget about it. Confidence comes from repetition and mastery.

For the real world:

Punish those who made mistakes. Pass on the lessons learned. Continue the fight.

God, Fleck's schtick is annoying
No kidding! What high-level recruit would want to put up with this childish talk? I know we get a few, but man, we'll never stack a roster with talent if the coach talks like a kindergarten teacher.

Since @MNVCGUY didn't respond yet, lemme see if I can take his place for a second...

"Good Lord, some of you people will find anything to nit pick on. It's not like other coaches and programs don't have slogans/messages that they preach to their team.... Look, Fleck is trying to do something positive here and get his team back on track. We have a winnable game this weekend - let's get out there and support them!"

Of all of my concerns with his coaching, the figures of speech he uses with his team are not among them.

He can go back to reading Everyone Poops if he can have this season resemble 2019 more than it resembles 2023.

Some of you are so miserable I’m embarrassed for you. This is college football. We are grown men posting on a message board about kids playing a silly game. Lighten up and go outside. Sweet Jesus

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