P.J. Fleck takes blame for calling a third-down run - Strib


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Nov 12, 2008
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Classy move by Fleck to talk about it.

On a third-and-2 in the final minute or so of regulation this past Saturday, the score tied at 38, Fleck decided to give running back Mohamed Ibrahim one of his 41 carries — and third consecutive — despite a box packed with Maryland defenders.

The Gophers didn’t get the first down, the last of three unfinished drives in the fourth quarter, and ended up losing the game 45-44 in overtime.

“That’s my fault, 100 percent my fault. I think it’s just as simple as that,” Fleck said Monday. “ … I wanted to be able to keep the clock moving. We thought we could get 2 yards, and we couldn’t.”..

Fleck said while in hindsight, he’d probably make some different calls, that’s not always the case in the moment.

“I make decisions with every bit of information in front of me. I never just make a decision on a whim,” Fleck said. “All the information, how the game’s going, what the feel of the team is, where we’re at, what it looks like, what we have to do to win the game. I evaluate all of that, and then I make the best decision I possibly can with the information given.

“When the game’s over, you always go back and evaluate how you could’ve done better. What could you do more?”..


That was a terrible call when the box is stacked. You have a potential first round talent in Bateman, you have Morgan...it will be one on one. I like my chances with those two vs odds stacked against you. Failure is growth PJ, lets see something different next time!

That was a terrible call when the box is stacked. You have a potential first round talent in Bateman, you have Morgan...it will be one on one. I like my chances with those two vs odds stacked against you. Failure is growth PJ, lets see something different next time!
Who did he think was to blame? Warmath? Bierman?

That was a terrible call when the box is stacked. You have a potential first round talent in Bateman, you have Morgan...it will be one on one. I like my chances with those two vs odds stacked against you. Failure is growth PJ, lets see something different next time!
You think that was a terrible call? Nobody has said that so far this week! I think we all get it by this point. Fleck I'm sure was just covering for his coach.

You think that was a terrible call? Nobody has said that so far this week! I think we all get it by this point. Fleck I'm sure was just covering for his coach.
I’m not sure.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the OC asked fleck if he wanted a run or a pass or RPO and Fleck answered. It’s a situation that is not uncommon for teams where the head coach doesn’t call the offense.
It is also why I am a proponent of the head coach being the offensive play caller (because your game management strategy will always perfectly align with your offensive play calling strategy).

No I get what your saying. That is definately possible! I was basically saying that everyone on here agrees the play calling was very conservative.

Fleck would be listening into the OC and offensive team, and could've overrode them on that decision. Or gave them a heads up after the first down play, like "hey guys we're running the ball the next two downs, give me your two best runs and get these two yards!"

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