1. What exactly was Kaler going to do? They could only bring in replacements if they had them on leaves of absence (where they don't get paid) or short term disability (which Sherels went on). When Sherels went on STD Claeys brought someone in as a temporary coach. I really don't know what else Kaler could do. They can only have 10 coaches by NCAA rules. Coyle should have been the one mentoring him. Kaler should have been hands off (exception of perhaps when the initial complaint came in).
2. That was about a disgruntled coach who felt her team didn't get enough support per Title IX. It had nothing to do with the the type of harassment that happened here, it was simply a question of whether they got adequate resources. They settled for $125k. Several people involved have repeatedly said there was no such harassment as happened here.
If they had known I really don't think it would have affected the decision. They "left open the possibility" but I don't believe they ever pursued it or will ever. That said, the search firm should have found it regardless, and the fact they didn't is disturbing (that's the whole reason you use a search firm!).
3. So when the high majority of sitting AD's will not move until late spring, if that is the pool you want to consider why is waiting 6 months so detrimental? The only reason Carter keeps pushing this is that had they looked earlier nearly none of the sitting AD's would have been considered and Najarian would have had a better chance at getting hired (which I still think was not desirable). Unless they just went out and hired Najarian they never would have had an AD hired in time to make a decision on Claeys regardless.
4. I'd be interested to see the specifics of what he's claiming. I would guess some have dropped, others have risen, but I don't have any data to support that.