Our loss is on the offense...Wisconsin's loss is on the Head Coach

I admit I only know about the TOs because I was watching the GameCast of the game because we don't have ESPN. So, in the case of the 1st and 3rd TOs, I can see why they would be called. But the 2nd one.. That doesn't change my feelings.

Nope. I was watching the game at the time and immediately stated what a terrible decision it was. As Omega already said, there simply was not enough time remaining for any realistic scenario in which Wisconsin could score. Had there been 1:30 instead of 0:30 on the clock, it would be a different discussion. The only thing achieved by calling a TO there is making it more likely that MSU would score, which is exactly what ended up happening, even if it was on a fluke play.

:38 seconds left here


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