OT: Nebraska AD retiring

I like the tweet by the Husker reporter earlier today who questioned "Osborne the most impactful Nebraskan ever"? Absurd thing to even suggest.

I like the tweet by the Husker reporter earlier today who questioned "Osborne the most impactful Nebraskan ever"? Absurd thing to even suggest.

Don't know which way you are going dpo. I think the honor of most impactful Nebraskan would probably go to William Jennings Bryan, but he's been gone awhile.

I love Dr. Tom though. It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I think Osborne has helped keep Pelini from going into orbit and his absence will send Bo careening once again.

Don't know which way you are going dpo. I think the honor of most impactful Nebraskan would probably go to William Jennings Bryan, but he's been gone awhile.

I love Dr. Tom though. It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I think Osborne has helped keep Pelini from going into orbit and his absence will send Bo careening once again.

Off the top of my head, I'd go Warren Buffett, Bob Kerrey, Johnny Carson, Marlon Brando, or John Pershing (at minimum) before Dr. Tom would even enter the conversation.

EDIT: Add Malcolm X, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Henry Fonda to this list.

Don't know which way you are going dpo. I think the honor of most impactful Nebraskan would probably go to William Jennings Bryan, but he's been gone awhile.

I love Dr. Tom though. It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I think Osborne has helped keep Pelini from going into orbit and his absence will send Bo careening once again.

What "About Schmidt"? Warren Schmidt. A Woodman will lead the way. :)

I guess the question is, impactful specifically to the state of Nebraska or the entire country? If the U.S., then yes, Brando, Johnny, Malcolm X are probably more impactful. Specific to Nebraska, though? Hard to put too many people above Dr. Tom.

Off the top of my head, I'd go Warren Buffett, Bob Kerrey, Johnny Carson, Marlon Brando, or John Pershing (at minimum) before Dr. Tom would even enter the conversation.

EDIT: Add Malcolm X, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Henry Fonda to this list.

No mention of Bob Devaney? Dana X. Bible, Biff Jones?

No William Jennings Bryan love? Three-time Presidential candidate. "Cross of Gold" speech. Most visible leader of the late-19th century populist movement that influenced much of 20th century politics. Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State. I guess his role in the Scopes' monkey trial brought him down.

Long-time Nebraska pol George Norris was very influential on the national stage as well, sponsoring the legislation that created the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Rural Electrification Act.

No William Jennings Bryan love? Three-time Presidential candidate. "Cross of Gold" speech. Most visible leader of the late-19th century populist movement that influenced much of 20th century politics. Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State. I guess his role in the Scopes' monkey trial brought him down.

Long-time Nebraska pol George Norris was very influential on the national stage as well, sponsoring the legislation that created the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Rural Electrification Act.

I neglected to mention Bryan only because you already had. I'd put him right up there as well. I've never heard of George Norris, and I was a poli sci major. He must be more well-known in-state than nationally, a la Tom Daschle for us native SoDakans.

Norris was big during the Progressive and New Deal eras and a noted isolationist, but like so many who never ran for President, his importance to history is lost. It's the curse of the legislative branch, where the person in question is 1 of either 100 or 1 of 435. Unless you are notorious (think Joe McCarthy), history seems to pass you by. For instance, Everett Dirksen (although my politics are different than his were) was a great US Senator, but few remember him now.

The pious Dr. Tom had a bad habit of running up the score, as we all know. Still, Nebraska's rise to the top from 1962-on is a textbook on how to become a football power (greatly helped by not having a pro team in the area).

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