Opinion of Michigan Fans and the Idiot running on the field


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Not a bad showing by Michigan Fans. Several I talked to were Michigan Grads living in the Twin Cities. I'd say about 2/3's of them made the trip.

Also, who was the idiot that ran across the field in the 4th Quarter and what happened to him?

I hadn't seen anyone run on the field during a Gopher game in a long, long time. It happened at a pretty crucial moment as well. That was strange.

We were sitting near where the idiot jumped the wall. He was standing in the first row aisle for a few minutes, and I told my buddies i'm going down there to tell him to get out of there. Someone said security was coming so I let him be; and about 30 seconds later he goes over the wall behind Mich bench. Looked like a MN asst. or security guy grabbed him in a rear choke hold by the MN bench.

He was sitting about 5 or so seats down from me. He was, obviously, well intoxicated all game long.

The really strange thing was that he didn't really try to accomplish anything or get away from security at all.

It be a good way of using timeouts in the future if we don't have any..

I was quietly hoping for some more action. That was a poor showing on his part.

I hope he enjoyed his night at the Hennepin Hilton. Maybe worse, detox.


The Mich fans proved themselves to be 1 trick ponies. MN fans would taunt them about the being behind----and 99% of the mich comebacks were things like good luck getting a job. hmmmmm these smack of Mich state comments.....you can try to travel the country and put down job markets and grad job prospects but it doesn't work.

The Mich fans proved themselves to be 1 trick ponies. MN fans would taunt them about the being behind----and 99% of the mich comebacks were things like good luck getting a job. hmmmmm these smack of Mich state comments.....you can try to travel the country and put down job markets and grad job prospects but it doesn't work.

Pretty cocky fanbase for a program that got their butts kicked by everyone last year.
The younger Michigan fans were particularly bad.
I have to mention this one: Walking out there was a Michigan fan standing outside the stadium basically taunting every gopher fan he could, he got in my face. I smiled and walked by. His friend wearing gopher gear apologized to me. I asked "Is he TRYING to get in a fight?" The gopher friend, just nodded and shrugged "Yeah, he is."
Anyone want to explain that to me? I can't imagine the night ended well for them.

No fan base is without idiots. A large contingency of gophers fans in section 240 something started a "Har-baugh's autis-tic" chant. They shut up quickly when an older Gopher fan asked "Well, what does that make Claeys then?" after the horrid clock management with the game on the line.

EVERY fan base has its morons.

No fan base is without idiots. A large contingency of gophers fans in section 240 something started a "Har-baugh's autis-tic" chant. They shut up quickly when an older Gopher fan asked "Well, what does that make Claeys then?" after the horrid clock management with the game on the line.

EVERY fan base has its morons.
I find it hard to believe they started a chant with 19 seconds left in the game. Your timeline doesn't add up.

The one's in 206 proved to be the scUM that they are. As long as O-H-I-O has urban they'll be battling sparty for second fiddle in the East

Pretty cocky fanbase for a program that got their butts kicked by everyone last year.
The younger Michigan fans were particularly bad.
I have to mention this one: Walking out there was a Michigan fan standing outside the stadium basically taunting every gopher fan he could, he got in my face. I smiled and walked by. His friend wearing gopher gear apologized to me. I asked "Is he TRYING to get in a fight?" The gopher friend, just nodded and shrugged "Yeah, he is."
Anyone want to explain that to me? I can't imagine the night ended well for them.

Had the same experience after the game. This loud and drunk Michigan fan was just cheering to piss Gopher fans off, I told him to "go back home" and this young Jim Harbaugh cosplayer comes up to me and yells some obscenities at me. I ignore it but I think he wanted to get in a fight with me. What I don't find surprising at all is that the ones who dress up like Harbaugh are the most annoying fans.

The Mich fans proved themselves to be 1 trick ponies. MN fans would taunt them about the being behind----and 99% of the mich comebacks were things like good luck getting a job. hmmmmm these smack of Mich state comments.....you can try to travel the country and put down job markets and grad job prospects but it doesn't work.

I'm wondering what you'd be saying on these boards if you'd attended a road game and the other team's fans were taunting you about being behind.

if been to many of the BT (old bt ) stadiums...and have always commented on the game itself...everything else is immaterial to the delusion we at the game are sharing. Michigan fan to no one in particular 'sorry you couldn't get a job.' what does that even mean? when i go down to IA i'll comment on the advances in nylon and velcro to no one in particular...

I'm wondering what you'd be saying on these boards if you'd attended a road game and the other team's fans were taunting you about being behind.

Been there, done that. You laugh it off.

Regarding the guy who ran on the field - a guy that I knew (barely an acquaintance) did that back at the dome during the Wacker days. He was quite drunk. Spent the night in jail.

I've been to all BIG stadiums several times except for Rutgers and Maryland. Some of our fans are just as nasty as anyone out there. I never really got the "talking smack" to other fans. Talking smack or responding to it will typically expose one as an idiot.

My policy is to ignore obnoxious visitor fans behind us. Period.

Irritating to be sure but so far 100% effective. Will be really tested in 4 weeks when Becky comes to town. Fully expect to be surrounded where we sit.

My policy is to ignore obnoxious visitor fans behind us. Period.

Irritating to be sure but so far 100% effective. Will be really tested in 4 weeks when Becky comes to town. Fully expect to be surrounded where we sit.

Had a guy from Iowa very early in the 1st quarter standing up and screaming, "We're kicking your ***!" I laughed and told him he was an integral part of the team and he should probably get down on the sidelines with the rest of his teammates. Things didn't get much better for him as the day went on, and funny, he took off at halftime and never came back. Must have gotten lost.

Talked to quite a few Michigan fans and got a chuckle about their 'Poor us' attitude. Could not help but roll my eyes when listening to them talk about how their program has been horrible for so long and that the recent success has been a long time coming. I think most realized how ridiculous that comment was when talking to a Gopher fan and they even felt a little ridiculous after. All in all- OK fans.

Unfortunately, I manage to get the most loud and obnoxious fans from visiting team sitting around me for nearly every game.

I've been to all BIG stadiums several times except for Rutgers and Maryland. Some of our fans are just as nasty as anyone out there. I never really got the "talking smack" to other fans. Talking smack or responding to it will typically expose one as an idiot.

Well said. Every fan base has them. One of the worst fan experiences my parents ever had (pops is MSU grad) was the Halloween game vs. Sparty @ TCF (Brewster years), and that's saying something because they've been to both Madison and Columbus. Unfortunately, a small number of idiots can give a bad impression of an entire fan base.

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