Operation Hate Wisconsin

Ok, hate on Wiscy all you want but leave the Bodeans, Steve Miller, and old Milwaukee out of it. You're talking about a large part of my preteen, and young adult years there. I believe Old Milwaukee supplied the better part of my nutrition for one glorious year.

Madison Stoplights:

The flashing yellows at 8:30 P.M. on a Friday night. I always chuckle at the small townishness of it.

The stoplights posted across the intersection so when you pull up to the light ..like every other state...you are in the middle of the intersection about to get tboned.

Becky coach Barry Alvarez's grown son microwaving a parrot to death.

Asking for an ATM and being told where the "time machine" is. WTF?

5 wasted hours when all you want to do is get to Chicago.

The "Wis" sounds like "Piss" which is fairly accurate.

1. Russ Feingold - sanctimonious twit
2. The whale inspired art museum - pretentious and out of place
3. Worse potholes than the TCs
4. Their insanely aggressive bullying of high school teams to get them to stop using the stylized "W" as a part of the high school's logos and uniforms - regardless of color
5. The Wisc. Highway Patrol - for making getting to Chicago such an chore
6. The goofy accent - an ill thought out, poorly executed blend and overwrought combination of the worst of Minnesota and Chicago
7. The whole town of Superior
8. Donna Shalala
9. The two main exports of the state (beer and cheese) when consumed in combination produce an unpleasant gaseousness; which I think explains a lot.
10. Not having sufficient gumption to annex the UP from its illegal occupier: Michigan. (ok, I really ran out of ideas after #9 and this is a total space filler to make it to an even ten)

just thought of the best one so far.

I Hate.......From the Barn.

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