Operation Hate Wisconsin

From the Barn

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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So, we have almost a week to prepare for the biggest home game in years, and by we, I mean the fans, and especially the student section. You may have heard of Operation Scheyerface. My proposal is a bit similar...ok it is a total rip off. It is easy to pull off and all it takes is some poster board, a sharpie and a bit of creativity.

It has three steps:

1. Buy some poster board.
2. Write "I hate"... and then write (or kick it old school and print off a picture and rubber cement it on to the posterboard) what you hate about Wisconsin.
3. Bring your hate board to the Wisconsin game.

This is of course assuming that non-vulgar signs are still permitted in the barn.

In case you need ideas, why not compile a definitive Wisconsin hate list just for fun?

1. Bud Selig
2. Joe McCarthy
3. Wisconsin's failure to grow a pair in the Dredd Scott case
4. Milwaukee's Best
5. Milwaukee's left lane exit ramps
6. Sam Okey

I have no pity for that motley band of cheese eating serial killers.

I hate:

-their colors (red and white = lame!)
-the smell
-their cartoonish "W" (pretty much gives away that they became relevant sports-wise in the early 90's when zubaz and curvy bubble letters were all the rage)
-stupid brewers fans (we made the playoffs for the first time in 26 years! Look at my sweet NL Wild Card 08 shirt!)

that's all for now... good thing we have a whole week.


I love "Milwaukee's left lane exit ramps" as a reason to hate Wisconsin. That made me laugh out loud.

But let's face it, what doesn't suck about Milwaukee?

ok i grew up 18 years in wisconsin and went to the U and now hate Red with a passion, but do you guys realize that prob 30-40% percent of the die-hard Gophers fans that are now students or recent alumni are from Wisconsin and love the Brewers and Packers. I don't get why you would hate on Brewers fans for being excited that we made the playoffs for the first time in 26 years. It's not like the Gophers have done anything in any relevant sports in the last 26 years....

thanks for the lecture pops....

and to add to my last post. i've gone on a few road trips in bball and football over the last few years, and many of my closest friends from the U, are the most die-hard Gopher fans you would know. If you really wanna segregate ALLLLL of Wisconsin and Minnesota fans, then the student section and showing at Gopher events would be downright embarassing.

Now, here's to Tubby getting the best out of his players this week of practice, and coming out ready to play against Bucky next Wed. nite!!!

and this one too.....this is sports.....arch-rivals hate each other with a passion.....just let nature take its course......and relax a little

Bo Ryan
Brett Favre
Brett Favre's inability to properly pronounce his own name
Dick Bennet
Tommy Thompson
Tommy Thompson's parents' inability to be the slightest bit creative when naming their son


In case you need ideas, why not compile a definitive Wisconsin hate list just for fun?

1. Bud Selig
2. Joe McCarthy
3. Wisconsin's failure to grow a pair in the Dredd Scott case
4. Milwaukee's Best
5. Milwaukee's left lane exit ramps
6. Sam Okey

7. The Wisconsin glaciation

Don Riley, the former Pioneer Press writer, had the all time classic describing Wisconsin ( football ) fans at Lambeau -

It was - All that could be heard or seen was three cheers and a cloud of halitosis hanging over the stadium.


I dislike (mom always said never use the word hate):

1. That the Badgers are probably licking their chops at a chance to play us again, knowing that a victory in front of our fans will all but assure the Gophers finish the season in a downward spiral and out of the NCAAs, while at the same time assuring the Badgers punch their 11th straight dance ticket.

2. Mike Wilkinson's dingbat wife.

I never understood the hate Wisconsin thing or the hate Minnesota thing for that matter. maybe because I grew up in the Twin Cities and went to Wisconsin.

I certainly like beating the Gophers as much as the next guy, but the absolute lunacy displayed by both sides surprises me. Sometimes you read the crap and you have to remind yourself we are talking about basketball or football.

There is nothing better though then watching the Badgers beat the Gophers at Williams. Hopefully it will happen next week.

Waste of Time....the majority population of WI dislikes IL, but are indifferent to MN.

MN should stick to what they know......Picking on Iowa....55-0 aside.

A few....

1) "On Wisconsin"
2) Co-opting the Budweiser Song
3) "Jump Around"
4) Herb Kohl
4A) William Proxmire
5) Packers winning Super Bowls
6) Packer fans reminding us of Vikings losing Super Bowls
7) Old Milwaukee
8) Closing the Special Export factory in LaCrosse


9) The excess of Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, blue-eyed people, the cold weather, the ubiqutuous pine trees, the ice fishermen, the ...... oops, I'm starting to describe my home town in NE Minnesota!

When you say Wis-con-sin, you haven't said a damn thing.

Also, you're gonna have to do better than the "Asshole!" chant to get a rise out of anyone. That was so 1993.

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