oops -- wrong forum

I'm sure Rick Mons will count this winning thread on his resume, even though he was merely an assistant to this thread and is a liar for taking credit for this thread. Have there ever been any other posters who claim credit for a thread where they've contributed a measly one post?

Anyone who criticizes Rick Mons for this post doesn't understand the PR aspect of creating threads and impressing potential new posters to join the Gopher Hole.

Two words...

Two words...

Lois Feldman

Two more...

Go Gophers!!


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Rick Mons cannot be criticized for this post when he was working with all of The Loon's old posts. There was bound to be missteps, it happens on all posting forums when a transition is made.

Chad Alavarez

I hate Chad Alvarez.



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The criticism of Rick Mons' post makes one wonder if some posters would prefer to see the GH hit rock bottom so as to get rid of Mons rather than support the GH through good times and bad, no matter the struggles that Mons may endure.

I think Ruesse just reported that this thread won in Iowa Brewster's Junior year, Way Off!!

I can't believe the way some posters are blowing Rick's one thread so out of proportion-he made a mistake, anyone who claims they haven't made mistakes posting on this board is dishonest, and we need to overlook Rick's errors to welcome him back on the team! We should support all GH posters, otherwise we will be unable to reach the potential all the prognosticators have predicted for the GH this year!

I have a reliable source that just told me Wisconsin was thinking of starting a "oops--wrong forum" thread but they cooled on it.

I think this is a sobering reminder that we shouldn't act high and mighty when we find out an "oops, wrong forum" appears on the Wisconsin and Iowa message boards.

I have a reliable source that just told me Wisconsin was thinking of starting a "oops--wrong forum" thread but they cooled on it.

I am guessing that is because all of the Whisky posters have killed all of their brain cells and have no abilities to think objectively. Rick Mons, you have awakened a sleeping drunk!

What a beautiful picture (sorry PETA)


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Golly, gee, I was sure he said "<s>retarded</s>", not "retired." Ooops, again ... damn these trifocals!

This thread reminds of Sherels picking up the fumble and going the distance...

I'm that pumped!

We have to hold Rick Mons accountable for this "oops - wrong forum" posting. He shouldn't start a post unless he intends to deliver. He made a promise...

"These guys are hungry. They want to have a great year next year. So, realistically yes, I think we should be going to the NCAA tournament next year," Tubby Smith, April 2007

It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and criticize Rick Mons. Let us have patience.

It's time Rick Mons takes a leave of absence from posting. Rumor has it that he's been leaving "ooops's" on other boards besides this one. Some are saying he is even paying for "ooopses". He needs time off to see if he can be a better thread writer,blogger,and ooops maker. Let's give him a little space and let him pay off all the law suits that he has created and let him back on here in a year or two.

This reason this thread has become so successful is because it is motivated by a 2'x2' square chunk of REAL Rose bowl turf!

Mason said he has taken this thread as far as he can and we should be happy with what he has done with it and not have any expectation that this thread will make it to the upper half of the Big 10!

The line for this thread wouldn't be so long if it had cash registers. What kind of idiot builds a thread without cash registers!!!

This thread

just caused Jeff Wills to false start.

What song or unifying chant will this thread have at the beginning of page 6?

M & G: Another couple of problems with this thread: the lights are on all night, with too much noise, bothering the neighbors.

Channel Nine Reports

KMSP reports that this thread has been caught and arrested for provided false information to a police officer. Naturally Brewster will never suspend it for the Insight Bowl.

KARE 11's Randy Shaver reports that Iowa State would have suspended the thread, however the thread could have never gotten into ISU in the first place!!:mad:

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