Omaha World: Starting the Volleyball Season Earlier Could Amplify the Sport

Ignatius L Hoops

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2015
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I like it:

Then the season ends with the Final Four on Thanksgiving weekend, not in December going against playoff football and college basketball, etc.
Both John Cook at Nebraska and Creighton’s Booth are for it.
“I’ve been for that for a while,” Booth said. “There’s a large group of (coaches) who would like to see that and finish two or three weeks earlier. It would be a win for fans, players, get more coverage and not overlap so much with football and basketball.”

Booth said the big argument against moving it up is that extra expenses in paying for players’ housing and meals two weeks early.

“But there’s a large majority of schools that are paying for summer school already,” Booth said.
All Division I schools begin play on Friday, Aug. 25. What if it began Aug. 11? That would be cool. And August could use some cool.

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