old fan first post

klay Thompson fan

New member
Feb 19, 2010
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After years as a fan of Gopher Hole Ive finally decided to offer my 2 cents. These are thoughts some of which Ive not heard expressed: 1. Bo Ryan looks exactly like "the grinch that stole Xmas" and some artist should get posters ready for next year. 2. Iverson should be forced to stand directly under the basket and practice shooting and dunking from that position until he can make over50%. 3.Cobb's "NBA ready" body should be reduced by 25 lbs. to create some quickness. 4. We need to have someone to drive the lane and pass back out to 3pt. shooter.5.I truly believe our players pass with less velocity than the best teams from all positions. 6. I am an RSII fan who was glad to see him express excitement last night. I think it's only his personality which could keep from greatness. 7. If I were R.Williams I would realize I'm going to be viewed as a "tweener" unless he can develop skills "outside". 8.Carter is a player that could become a great player if he works on his shots from 10 to 15 ft. 9. Hoffbarger is using an all out effort all the time and plays as well as his speed will allow.----and, 10. Everyone who posts negatives about Tubby should realize that if he leaves unhappy you're going to have trouble finding anyone but a J.C. coach from Alaska.

Point number one has been made many times. And while I don't disagree with it at all, I still think this is the better comp.

Always appreciate new perspectives.

Is there any way we can get your moniker to transfer to his father's alma mater?

After years as a fan of Gopher Hole Ive finally decided to offer my 2 cents. These are thoughts some of which Ive not heard expressed: 1. Bo Ryan looks exactly like "the grinch that stole Xmas" and some artist should get posters ready for next year. 2. Iverson should be forced to stand directly under the basket and practice shooting and dunking from that position until he can make over50%. 3.Cobb's "NBA ready" body should be reduced by 25 lbs. to create some quickness. 4. We need to have someone to drive the lane and pass back out to 3pt. shooter.5.I truly believe our players pass with less velocity than the best teams from all positions. 6. I am an RSII fan who was glad to see him express excitement last night. I think it's only his personality which could keep from greatness. 7. If I were R.Williams I would realize I'm going to be viewed as a "tweener" unless he can develop skills "outside". 8.Carter is a player that could become a great player if he works on his shots from 10 to 15 ft. 9. Hoffbarger is using an all out effort all the time and plays as well as his speed will allow.----and, 10. Everyone who posts negatives about Tubby should realize that if he leaves unhappy you're going to have trouble finding anyone but a J.C. coach from Alaska.

Haha please tell me that was a joke. I've never understood all the difficulty people seem to have with pronouncing Hoffarber's name.

I've always thought Bo resembles a human badger more than anything.

I've always thought Bo resembles a human badger more than anything.
Yup. That's always been my bit. He's on my list of coaches who closely resemble their teams mascot. Others on my list were Clem Haskin, John Chaney of Temple and the all-timer, Gene Keady.

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