Penn St Rodney 4.5 per carry Brooks 7.1
Iowa Rodney 4.0 Brooks 5.5
Neb Rodney 3.5
Wisc Rodney 3.5 Brooks 4.1
And we eat clock with a lead and it is far more likely we can convert a 3rd and 5 if necessary with a pass if we run the route beyond the sticks or pass to Rodney (neither of which we did very often) than it is throwing deep or over the middle and hoping for a miracle. Not to mention we had a fullback in a quarterback to bull his way on third and one.
3 times any of those averages is a first down. Rodney and Shannon both are like watching Adrian in years past as well...nothing, nothing, boom they rip off the big gainer. Rodney got almost all his yards all year eluding tackles in the backfield, so those opponents were nothing different. Our sequence was horrible.
Take Wisconsin, Mitch kept it on the read option in the first half for like 75 yards or something was absolutely there in the second half when he carried out his fakes. Never kept the read option in the second half and his numbers went in like half with sacks, crappy scrambles etc.
We just played dumb. Certainly absolutely not to our strengths.