Ohio State to give Colorado $1.4MM for one game series

It's a good payout, but the cost of getting a guarantee game has gone up a lot. I remember when a I-AA opponent could expect $150,000, now it's a lot higher. It's getting harder to get guarantee games against I-A opponents from non-BCS schools, and it's even getting hard to get them in on 2-1 deals. You don't often see a BCS school coming in for a guarantee game, so there isn't a great deal of data to say just how good a payout this is.

Still, there's something a bit galling about coming in on a guarantee game. It would have to be a pretty good payout.

Originally Posted by BleedGopher
one game series

Nice oxymoron.

It should be a one game serie.

It's is going to get very expensive to get quality schedule fillers.

Very true and the main reason that so many AD's and Presidents want a 9 game Big Ten conference scedule even though their coaches may not. Ohio State with the money they have coming in was a notable exception to that consensus.

That is actually a good deal. 800,000 for Southern Illinois or 1,400,000 for Colorado. The former you get made fun of by the national media, the latter you get your game on National TV.

Colorado's AD is actually having to pimp its football program out to OSU to pay the bills. And this, from a school that was considered to be one of the Big XII's most commercially viable members.

Good luck to Colorado on rebuilding everything after that disaster known as the Big XII.

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