Oh, no........

What we can *hope* for is that the officials in Nevada delay the start of the game by a few minutes. That has happened before. Here's hoping for some running plays to grind the clock in the 4th.

30 minutes with 12:29 to play. It can be done!! Speed it up!

I simply do not understand why the UCLA running backs feel as though it is a good idea to get out of bounds.

At 41-27 they should really just cut over. but they keep saying "at the conclusion" so I'm assuming we're gonna have to wait.

I simply do not understand why the UCLA running backs feel as though it is a good idea to get out of bounds.

Or why they are still doing the no huddle and snapping the ball with 20 seconds left on the play clock.

Hearing that CBS college football music with the Gophers about to play almost makes me feel like the Gophers are playing Alabama in front of a "real" national audience. :)

I just arrived at the cabin after a 3+ hour drive, got the car unloaded, began getting myself loaded, and am safely logged onto the internet in front of my cabin TV. An old fashioned 27" low def tube never looked so good. Get this UCLA/Rice crap overwith and I will be in heaven.

On the plus side, it has been really fun listening to Ron zook. I've never heard anything like him.

UCLA should be able to run out the clock on this possession.

When the game starts, you could consider changing the title of this thread. People might log on, see a thread called "Oh, no......" and think the game was going badly. :p

why is Mora doing his best Bert impersonation? just run the damn clock out

8 to play 5. Hopefully all runs and some first downs for UCLA!

That penalty helped a bunch. Probably saved us 5 real time minutes.

3 mins with 3 mins to go... but the kickoff is 7 mins away... we should be good...

maybe rice will take it easy and just run the clock out.

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