Oh. My. GOD. (Sandusky)

Sundusky the pig will soon be in prison with Bubba and all his friends. Then he will be Bubba's little boy. Enjoy your life now Sundusky!

It is premature to give credence to these rumors, but I believe the angle would be, "hey, I'm a football coach at PSU, and a founder of a charity that works with young boys. If you give money to the football program, I'll give you a young boy to molest."

If there's indication of quid pro quo, you can most certainly bet the program would face penalties. If that unbelieveable scenario were true, I don't think it would be far-fetched to see the program shut down.

That said, please keep in mind these are anonymous posts on message boards. You can't give them any weight on their own except as an opportunity to wildly speculate.
Wow...you just took a rumor and tripled the size of the conspiracy in one post.

How about the sister of one of the victims? link

I wonder though, did she always know that or did she just find out about what happened to her brother recently (maybe even in the past few days)?

Wow...you just took a rumor and tripled the size of the conspiracy in one post.

I know. Ain't the internet great? The weird thing is I was just connecting the dots on other posts, but five minutes later I got a call from someone at fox news that wants me to give a statement and credit me as an 'un-named source close to the program'.

What about JoePa's legal responsibility as a Mandatory Reporter? I know that I have to agree to report anything suspicious in several volunteer experiences and as a youth baseball coach myself if it were to ever come up (thankfully, it has not). I would think that this might play some sort of role here. I would also think that this would mean reporting the situation to the authorities not just a university president. I may be wrong here, just wondering.

The question then becomes is there overlap between donors to The Second Mile and the Penn State Football program.

My guess is that some young assistant district attorney is going to be up to their eyeballs in paperwork.

District Attorney you say?


There was a district attorney who investigated Mr. Sandusky from a report in 1992 and found not enough evidence by 1998. That attorney disappeared. Then you find Sandusky "retires" in 1999. And then the report to Joe Patterno in 2002. This has been going on for over twenty years. In a small town, of 40,000. And no one heard a thing. No rumors, no inuendo, no one reported a thing. Not one Little League Coach, not one kid was heard, not one. You can bet that 9 victims will end up closer to 90. And why? Because Joe Patterno chose to keep it in house. He chose to cover it up. And his word was law.

If all this is true, and it looks like it is, then this would not surprise me. These guys are predators and often share.

Based on what?

Lets take a step back here. There is no credible evidence at this time that this pimping rumor is true. A reporter stated that it was a rumor that another reporter was investigating. It may turn out to be true but as of right now I'll wait for some evidence.


District Attorney you say?

There was a district attorney who investigated Mr. Sandusky from a report in 1992 and found not enough evidence by 1998. That attorney disappeared. Then you find Sandusky "retires" in 1999. And then the report to Joe Patterno in 2002. This has been going on for over twenty years. In a small town, of 40,000. And no one heard a thing. No rumors, no inuendo, no one reported a thing. Not one Little League Coach, not one kid was heard, not one. You can bet that 9 victims will end up closer to 90. And why? Because Joe Patterno chose to keep it in house. He chose to cover it up. And his word was law.

It is hard to imagine retaining a coach who was under investigation for child molestation. Sure, some might say that if there isn't a conviction, the coach has to stay, but that is setting the bar as low as possible. And if his leaving in 1999 was a result of allegations of child molestation, but they still allowed him to bring children to the facilities, then this blows up wider. Just how much did they know, and when did they know it? Even after it was reported to Paterno, they just told Sandusky not to bring any more children on to the facilities.

District Attorney you say?


There was a district attorney who investigated Mr. Sandusky from a report in 1992 and found not enough evidence by 1998. That attorney disappeared. Then you find Sandusky "retires" in 1999. And then the report to Joe Patterno in 2002. This has been going on for over twenty years. In a small town, of 40,000. And no one heard a thing. No rumors, no inuendo, no one reported a thing. Not one Little League Coach, not one kid was heard, not one. You can bet that 9 victims will end up closer to 90. And why? Because Joe Patterno chose to keep it in house. He chose to cover it up. And his word was law.

3 players were suspended a game for prank calling Sandusky in 2005. Why they chose to prank call a) a Penn State coaching legend and b) someone who wasn't their coach is anyone's guess.

IF this is true the NCAA won't have to punish Penn St. what high school player in their right mind would want to go to school their? And what parent would let them?
I agree completely. PSU is done as a football program. I think this could be similar to SMU in the 80's as far as the damage to the program is concerned. They may be able to rebound from this 20-30 years from now but I truly believe their football program will be a bottom dweller in the Big Ten for a long time. I don't see how they can keep any of their current recruits and how can they possibly attract good recruits to come there in the near future? I don't see how they don't become Indiana after this, I really don't.

I always had a lot of respect for PSU. The PSU-community's reaction to this:
made me realize there was something very, very wrong with the culture at PSU. It is only within that sort of righteous environment that people think it is perfectly acceptable that the sort of evil that goes on is "okay" where it is entirely unnacceptable elsewhere.

This player's contrived little prayer put others in a position to appear cavalier about matters of faith. And make no mistake about it: he was trained to do this, wheather he realizes it or not. He was trained by just the sort of people who would burry these sort of crimes, then pretend like its a minor matter when exposed, because they belive within their hearts that they are infinitely more important than others. It is so simple it hurts; and otherwise intellegent people sometimes just don't get it, or realize when they are a part of it.

This whole Penn State thing is like a movie script. It keeps getting more convoluted and messed up every single minute. The DA disappearing in 2005 before moving forward with the case. Are you fricken kidding me?????? This cannot actually be going on.

This is absolute craziness. I'm freakin' glued to the T.V., ESPN radio, and the 'Hole over this whole thing. At any given moment this story changes or something new comes out. It's so sad for those kids. It's also too bad for a once great program because they are flat done and gone for the forseeable future. Just unbelievable.....

By donors, do they mean athletic boosters? Plain and simple, it is sick and disgusting if true. And if true, they (Penn State) should nuke that program, I'm talking 100% termination of activity.

I read it as Second Mile donors, not PSU donors...of course, there may be some that are likely donors of both.

how much big money can there be in state college? if they're donors to this charity which had a football coach as a large part of it, then they would probably be football/school donors as well.

Second Mile is located in State College, but I believe it is a national program; at least a regional one, certainly not merely local.

I know. Ain't the internet great? The weird thing is I was just connecting the dots on other posts, but five minutes later I got a call from someone at fox news that wants me to give a statement and credit me as an 'un-named source close to the program'.

I know you're being sarcastic on your last sentence, but the way, when the announcement came last night that Paterno was fired, I checked through every channel. Main channels in Pittsburgh were all local news, and of course were talking Paterno. ESPN was non-stop Paterno for the next 5+ hours. CNN was about Paterno, so was MSNBC. Who wasn't? Faux News - they had some dingalings on bitching about Obama and government nonstop for the next couple of hours, in the Faux "fair and balanced" style.

Interestingly, my wife and I had been watching the BTN's two hour football report, which happened to focus exclusively on the announcement that Paterno had made earlier in the day that he was retiring at the end of the season. Suddenly, BTN switches to a replay of an unscheduled NU/Mich game replay from earlier in the season, and we were like wtf?. After 2 minutes we flipped to ESPN and saw the breaking news that Paterno had been fired. So the BTN had been broadcasting a pre-taped episode from earlier in the day, and when the BTN producers learned that JoePa had been fired, they simply turned off that episode in the middle of it, put on old game replays, and put no scroller at the bottom of the screen. So weird.

After Penn State (Happy Valley) bans Sandusky from bringing any kids on campus what does he do? Goes to Altoona campus of Penn State and for several years runs a football camp for...you guessed it....young boys. Good job at getting the word out JoePa.

Nothing surprises me anymore about this this despicable mess and I believe there will be more muck brought to light, especially the 'convenient' retirement of Sandusky in '98, right after the initial charges against him in '97. No one knew, right JoePa?

Frankly at this point I would not be surprised to find out that Paterno himself was buggering little boys. It would explain a lot.

District Attorney you say?


There was a district attorney who investigated Mr. Sandusky from a report in 1992 and found not enough evidence by 1998. That attorney disappeared. Then you find Sandusky "retires" in 1999. And then the report to Joe Patterno in 2002. This has been going on for over twenty years. In a small town, of 40,000. And no one heard a thing. No rumors, no inuendo, no one reported a thing. Not one Little League Coach, not one kid was heard, not one. You can bet that 9 victims will end up closer to 90. And why? Because Joe Patterno chose to keep it in house. He chose to cover it up. And his word was law.[/QUOTE]

I started thinking about this on Wed. This whole putrid story keeps growing and I think it will continue to do so.

I'm sure on the organizational chart Joe P reports to AD and AD to Prez. Paterno reported what he knew to his supervisor and thereby did his legal duty. Having said that the general perception is that Paterno calls the shots when it come to anything concerning the football program.

My big 'What If' is this. What if it comes out that Paterno(with his power/unwritten authority) was the one that said or implied that this would all be kept in house. Now Paterno would be looking at criminal charges and civil charges.

This whole thing just keeps getting more and more ugly.

At-risk kids. Little did they know what they were truly at-risk of.

I Strongly believe that the NCCA should issue a waver allowing the Penn State players to transfer out and
not subject them to the one year penalty. This would lessen the blow to the Players who had nothing to do with this mess. It would severely punish Penn State.

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