If true . . . wow. Wow.
By donors, do they mean athletic boosters? Plain and simple, it is sick and disgusting if true. And if true, they (Penn State) should nuke that program, I'm talking 100% termination of activity.
if boosters of the program were involved in a "pay for kiddie sex" scheme
As it relates to the article, it never states whether those involved in this particular scheme were Penn St. boosters. It says they were donors to the Second Mile Foundation, operated by Sandusky. Sure, it is possible (even probable) that they were Penn St. boosters as well, but even if they were, this is a criminal/civil matter and still has nothing to do with the product on the field. Unless and until something comes out that has to do with recruiting, point shaving, etc. the NCAA can't and won't touch this. Punishing programs because of non-sports-related legal troubles is a slippery slope and a precedent that they will absolutely not set. As for Penn St. itself, there is no way they would torch their own athletic department unless they were forced to, which they won't be. As you stated, there is too much money involved, and Penn St. tuition is already expensive for a public school as it is even with a highly profitable football team. Further, whether rightly or wrongly, large schools without athletic programs are seen as second-class when compared to their peers. Penn St. won't autonomously subject itself to second-class status.
Lets take a step back here. There is no credible evidence at this time that this pimping rumor is true. A reporter stated that it was a rumor that another reporter was investigating. It may turn out to be true but as of right now I'll wait for some evidence.
The context of that sentence makes it pretty clear that it would be donors to the charity.It never clearly states that the donors were donors to The Second Mile, only "that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors."
The context of that sentence makes it pretty clear that it would be donors to the charity.
IF this is true the NCAA won't have to punish Penn St. what high school player in their right mind would want to go to school their? And what parent would let them?
The sister of one of Sandusky's alleged victims is a student at Penn State: "In a parallel universe, going to class might be a nice distraction, to get her mind off the chaos surrounding the arrest of the man accused of molesting her brother. But not as a junior at Penn State, where students are making jokes about being 'Sanduskied. 'I can't escape it,' said the junior, whose brother was allegedly molested in a shower by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky when he was 11. 'I've been going to minimal classes, because every class I go to I get sick to my stomach. People are making jokes about it. I understand they don't know I'm involved and it was my brother, but it's still really hard to swallow that.'" [Patriot-News]
It doesn't matter if there are overlaps between the donor bases. Assuming this horrid rumor is true, it doesn't mean the FB program should face any penalties. At worst PSU would want to pledge to donate the same amount of money they received from any dual donors to sexual abuse victims groups or something.