Oh. My. GOD. (Sandusky)

If all this is true, and it looks like it is, then this would not surprise me. These guys are predators and often share.

By donors, do they mean athletic boosters? Plain and simple, it is sick and disgusting if true. And if true, they (Penn State) should nuke that program, I'm talking 100% termination of activity.

Whoa ... That's awful. PSU could be in a lot of trouble and those poor poor kids, exploited for winning. Disgusting.

But I sure feel bad about joe paterno (sarcasm)

We may be seeing the tip of the iceberg, especially if his leaving in 1999 was part of a coverup.

Horrifying. I thought the angle discussed at the end of the article is very telling. Sandusky's dismissal (but not disappearance from Penn State athletic office space) is very troubling. Looks too logical to be merely coincidental (but I'll let the facts play out). If there was a cover-up, Paterno's statue will topple faster than Lenin's and Saddam Hussein's.

What is additionally troubling (and I think a bit far-fetched on the part of the writers) is that the whole Sandusky affair was, if not common knowledge among the nation's college football hierarchy, something where evidence led it to this nebulous status short of absolute truth but something more than a whisper campaign.

The jockocracy sometimes reminds me of the Masons (the society, not Glen and family) without all the secret handshakes.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but once again, this has nothing to do with football. Punish everyone involved to the fullest extent allowed by criminal and civil courts. However, the football program will not, and should not, receive any sanctions whatsoever. I reserve the right to change my stance if something further comes out that actually has anything to do with the product on the field, but until then, please stop with all the "death penalty" and "kicked out of the Big Ten" hysterics. Thank you.

My stance on "ending the program" isn't from the NCAA's perspective ... they couldn't do anything about it because like you've said many times, it's not under their jurisdiction as a governing body of athletic competition. But if boosters of the program were involved in a "pay for kiddie sex" scheme, and there was coverup from within the program, then from the University's perspective, it is a failed branch of outreach and public relations and the option to destroy it entirely should be on the table, even if it is followed by a total rebuild. Do I think they would? No...too much money involved. But Penn State is bigger than that program and if the BoT see it as causing irreparable damage to the mission of the University and its future prospects, it would be considered.

The NCAA isn't going to institute a death penalty, this is a legal matter, not a matter of NCAA rules. But kicking Penn State out of the Big Ten, that doesn't have anything to do with NCAA of Big Ten rules. It simply is a matter of whether the other 11 schools are sufficiently disgusted with Penn State to no longer wish to associate them. I assume there is a stiff buyout to kick a team out of the conference, but it is an option. I would be very surprised if this happened, I suspect that Penn State is going to do radical housecleaning from top to bottom.

IF Sandusky was pimping kids out to boosters and those boosters gave money to the program, the NCAA may (and you're right dpo, "may" is a different level than "will") try to connect the dots to attempt to implement some measure of sanctions. The more heinous and seamy the revelations, my guess is the more the NCAA will try to make the case for sanctions. Part of this is obviously public relations on the NCAA's part, but if Sandusky--in his role as an agent of the Penn State football program--was doing something illegal to help facilitate contributions from boosters (and we don't know yet if these are contributors to his camp or the Penn State program or both), the NCAA will try to make a case.

By donors, do they mean athletic boosters? Plain and simple, it is sick and disgusting if true. And if true, they (Penn State) should nuke that program, I'm talking 100% termination of activity.

The way I read it, the donors were to The Second Mile.

It wasn't clear, but I think that the donors in question were the donors to his "charity".

if boosters of the program were involved in a "pay for kiddie sex" scheme

As it relates to the article, it never states whether those involved in this particular scheme were Penn St. boosters. It says they were donors to the Second Mile Foundation, operated by Sandusky. Sure, it is possible (even probable) that they were Penn St. boosters as well, but even if they were, this is a criminal/civil matter and still has nothing to do with the product on the field. Unless and until something comes out that has to do with recruiting, point shaving, etc. the NCAA can't and won't touch this. Punishing programs because of non-sports-related legal troubles is a slippery slope and a precedent that they will absolutely not set. As for Penn St. itself, there is no way they would torch their own athletic department unless they were forced to, which they won't be. As you stated, there is too much money involved, and Penn St. tuition is already expensive for a public school as it is even with a highly profitable football team. Further, whether rightly or wrongly, large schools without athletic programs are seen as second-class when compared to their peers. Penn St. won't autonomously subject itself to second-class status.

Good Lord this is getting worse by the day.

While I don't believe PSU should receive any sanctions regarding the football program, this scandal brings the term "Lack of Institutional Control" to a whole new level.

As it relates to the article, it never states whether those involved in this particular scheme were Penn St. boosters. It says they were donors to the Second Mile Foundation, operated by Sandusky. Sure, it is possible (even probable) that they were Penn St. boosters as well, but even if they were, this is a criminal/civil matter and still has nothing to do with the product on the field. Unless and until something comes out that has to do with recruiting, point shaving, etc. the NCAA can't and won't touch this. Punishing programs because of non-sports-related legal troubles is a slippery slope and a precedent that they will absolutely not set. As for Penn St. itself, there is no way they would torch their own athletic department unless they were forced to, which they won't be. As you stated, there is too much money involved, and Penn St. tuition is already expensive for a public school as it is even with a highly profitable football team. Further, whether rightly or wrongly, large schools without athletic programs are seen as second-class when compared to their peers. Penn St. won't autonomously subject itself to second-class status.

It never clearly states that the donors were donors to The Second Mile, only "that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors." So I agree with you that if Sandusky/Second Mile were pushing this money into the Second Mile program, it is separate from the PSU athletic department (although, watch your back Matt Millen) and should be treated in a separate manner. But my initial read (which obviously could be incorrect) was that donors could have included soliciting donations to the Penn State athletic department.

Hollywood writers could not come up with this twisted sh&t. Just shows what damage a small town and a powerful man can evolve into. PSU, like the Catholic church will be tarnished for a long time. Sad on all fronts.

If this turns out to be true, it will make more sense to me. Undoubtedly, big donors even to his charity would be associated with the university, the board of trustees, etc.
IMO someone is still protecting themselves.

Lets take a step back here. There is no credible evidence at this time that this pimping rumor is true. A reporter stated that it was a rumor that another reporter was investigating. It may turn out to be true but as of right now I'll wait for some evidence.

Lets take a step back here. There is no credible evidence at this time that this pimping rumor is true. A reporter stated that it was a rumor that another reporter was investigating. It may turn out to be true but as of right now I'll wait for some evidence.

Great point. I have highlighted the "if" leading of one of my posts.

On the other hand, I'm in my late-50s and the only thing that surprises me anymore is that sometimes I'm still surprised. IF true, this would be one of those times.

IF this is true the NCAA won't have to punish Penn St. what high school player in their right mind would want to go to school their? And what parent would let them?

It never clearly states that the donors were donors to The Second Mile, only "that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors."
The context of that sentence makes it pretty clear that it would be donors to the charity.

The question then becomes is there overlap between donors to The Second Mile and the Penn State Football program.

My guess is that some young assistant district attorney is going to be up to their eyeballs in paperwork.

how much big money can there be in state college? if they're donors to this charity which had a football coach as a large part of it, then they would probably be football/school donors as well.

IF this is true the NCAA won't have to punish Penn St. what high school player in their right mind would want to go to school their? And what parent would let them?

How about the sister of one of the victims? link

The sister of one of Sandusky's alleged victims is a student at Penn State: "In a parallel universe, going to class might be a nice distraction, to get her mind off the chaos surrounding the arrest of the man accused of molesting her brother. But not as a junior at Penn State, where students are making jokes about being 'Sanduskied. 'I can't escape it,' said the junior, whose brother was allegedly molested in a shower by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky when he was 11. 'I've been going to minimal classes, because every class I go to I get sick to my stomach. People are making jokes about it. I understand they don't know I'm involved and it was my brother, but it's still really hard to swallow that.'" [Patriot-News]

It doesn't matter if there are overlaps between the donor bases. Assuming this horrid rumor is true, it doesn't mean the FB program should face any penalties. At worst PSU would want to pledge to donate the same amount of money they received from any dual donors to sexual abuse victims groups or something.

It doesn't matter if there are overlaps between the donor bases. Assuming this horrid rumor is true, it doesn't mean the FB program should face any penalties. At worst PSU would want to pledge to donate the same amount of money they received from any dual donors to sexual abuse victims groups or something.

It is premature to give credence to these rumors, but I believe the angle would be, "hey, I'm a football coach at PSU, and a founder of a charity that works with young boys. If you give money to the football program, I'll give you a young boy to molest."

If there's indication of quid pro quo, you can most certainly bet the program would face penalties. If that unbelieveable scenario were true, I don't think it would be far-fetched to see the program shut down.

That said, please keep in mind these are anonymous posts on message boards. You can't give them any weight on their own except as an opportunity to wildly speculate.

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