Oh Happy Day!! Coyle announces 2017 football ticket increases will NOT happen!


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Nov 11, 2008
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per this e-mail from the U:

Thank you for renewing your Gopher Football season tickets. Please know how much we appreciate your loyalty and support of more than 700 Gopher student-athletes representing this University and state.

We wanted to update you on the scholarship seating plan at TCF Bank Stadium that was announced in the fall of 2014. Specifically, this plan called for increases to donation levels for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 football seasons.

We have decided not to implement the planned 2017 increase and we will keep the scholarship seating donations at their current levels. When forecasted in 2014, there was a need to raise scholarship seating donation levels through the 2017 season. Currently, we do not feel we must continue with the final year of planned increases.

If there are future changes to the scholarship seating program, we will update you. For more information about the scholarship seating program, please visit GoldenGopherFund.com. If you have any questions, please call the Gopher Athletics Sales and Service department at (612) 624-8080 (option 1).

Thank you again for your support. We look forward to seeing you at Gopher events this upcoming academic year.

Go Gophers!

Mark Coyle
Director of Athletics
University of Minnesota

Go Gophers!!

Smart man. Very happy to receive this e-mail!

Just saw this - this is great. Finally something sensible on season tickets.

Received the letter as well and was initially pleased. Don't get me wrong, I like this news, but I wonder if the Dept doesn't still truly need that added revenue? It's hard to get better and keep pace with the not just OSU and Mich, but even Iowa and WI without more revenue. I would still encourage anyone who can to consider giving to the Golden Gopher Fund when possible. I think this is being done to give Claeys a fighting chance. Don't want big ticket drop next year, and no one knows yet how this year will go. To-date, Claeys does not bring-out the enthusiasm from the fan base which Kill had started to generate.

Just got that email, makes sense. I figured they'd wait for the new guy to make the call / be the hero / score the layup.

Received the letter as well and was initially pleased. Don't get me wrong, I like this news, but I wonder if the Dept doesn't still truly need that added revenue? It's hard to get better and keep pace with the not just OSU and Mich, but even Iowa and WI without more revenue. I would still encourage anyone who can to consider giving to the Golden Gopher Fund when possible. I think this is being done to give Claeys a fighting chance. Don't want big ticket drop next year, and no one knows yet how this year will go. To-date, Claeys does not bring-out the enthusiasm from the fan base which Kill had started to generate.

Maybe but I'm not sure it matters if they need it if it drives down interest / income even further.

They can always change their mind and do an increase for 2018 if there is demand.

I've said it before (and many others have too) and I'll say it again (along with everyone else), win and they will come! Donors, season ticket holders, athletes, supporters...just win baby!

Just goes to show how out of touch the previous administration was. They absolutely refused to listen to their fan base.

Certainly good news, but it probably came a year too late for many people.

First of all, thank God somebody woke up and read the writing on the wall.
The idiocy of laying out a three year plan to increase prices, communicating to the fans in advance then rescinding it is mind blowing. So for every fan that didn't renew based on where pricing was going, basically this is a slap in the face. As a season ticket holder who stuck it out my reward is that 2,000-3,000 fewer seats will be filled with season ticket holders. I can also expect that more than would have otherwise been the case the open seats will be filled with opposing fans when we play our rivals that travel well.
Great Legacy Teague! Hope the 3-5 million a year in donation revenue was worth it. God forbid you get the same thing by raising the ticket price so that single game ticket buyers had to share the pain.

Just goes to show how out of touch the previous administration was. They absolutely refused to listen to their fan base.

Certainly good news, but it probably came a year too late for many people.

I'm willing to bet MEGATOUNGUE would have made the same call around this time. Last year of a couple years of increases, not a huge loss, free points from the fans. He just never never got to it yet with all the work had to do dealing with his massive tongue.

Coyle has spoken.

I assume this will help get some of the departed season tix holders back to TCF. But it may be too late and not enough incentive for some.

In talking to folks at the ticket office they have taken a lot of heat from the public and it was a priority to get the message ot Coyle.

This notice will likely mean that we will renew again in 2017.

Coyle has spoken.

I assume this will help get some of the departed season tix holders back to TCF. But it may be too late and not enough incentive for some.

In talking to folks at the ticket office they have taken a lot of heat from the public and it was a priority to get the message ot Coyle.

This notice will likely mean that we will renew again in 2017.

You have touched on it? Why now? Why not as soon as Coyle arrived or wait for the season to unfold. A miracle year and the donation could stand. If not, launch the news as part of the 2017 season ticket drive.

Odd timing to me.

+1 to g1976b, lakerfan and bayfield as well as others. This is GREAT news and was a very smart and necessary move by Coyle. I think this will help prevent further loses in season tickets moving forward especially if they have a mediocre season this year. However, let's hope for nine or more wins!

First of all, thank God somebody woke up and read the writing on the wall.
The idiocy of laying out a three year plan to increase prices, communicating to the fans in advance then rescinding it is mind blowing. So for every fan that didn't renew based on where pricing was going, basically this is a slap in the face. As a season ticket holder who stuck it out my reward is that 2,000-3,000 fewer seats will be filled with season ticket holders. I can also expect that more than would have otherwise been the case the open seats will be filled with opposing fans when we play our rivals that travel well.
Great Legacy Teague! Hope the 3-5 million a year in donation revenue was worth it. God forbid you get the same thing by raising the ticket price so that single game ticket buyers had to share the pain.

I get what you're saying but I think saying before renewals this year "hey we won't do it next year... but pay up this year" would go over just as well.

That's really too bad, we could have used the extra revenue from the increases. Gotta fill the stadium though.

That's really too bad, we could have used the extra revenue from the increases. Gotta fill the stadium though.
I wonder what the incremental value to the team in terms of an increase in performance is from the revenue they would have received. I would be it is minimal, especially after disbursing the revenue across the entire AD.

This is good for the consumer. Hopefully it is also good for the program - which is the most important aspect. Now I'm just waiting for all the 'fans' that were 'jumping ship' due to the increases to post about how they are coming back. Not holding my breath...

With all these posts, it feels like Ground Hog Day...wasn't this discussed to death on a couple other discussion topics in the last couple months?

Good news indeed. I agree with Bayfield that this decision is good for next year renewal.
Do you think it's too late for our fans that decided not to renew this year? How about the U provide a calling campaign? Give them an incentive. I like season ticket holders. We're a rare breed.

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With all these posts, it feels like Ground Hog Day...wasn't this discussed to death on a couple other discussion topics in the last couple months?

it was discussed and i am here to state i was wrong. I figured they would never pull em back due to the backlash of droppers who feared the hike. again, i was wrong----so happy and wrong!

Someone smarter than me help me understand. I read it as we will still have scholarship donations but they will remain at the current rate. Is that correct? I read it that it won't implement the outrageous 2017 increase.

I met Teague at the old Dayton's home store (now Macy's) in Edina soon after he was hired. He was wearing an REM t-shirt and my initial thought was cool. I introduced myself as a gopher fan and was glad he was onboard. He really cut the conversation short. I assumed he had an appointment but in retrospect maybe he just didn't give two sh1ts about the average gopher fan.

Someone smarter than me help me understand. I read it as we will still have scholarship donations but they will remain at the current rate. Is that correct? I read it that it won't implement the outrageous 2017 increase.

yes Donations will remain at the 2016 rate.

This is good for the consumer. Hopefully it is also good for the program - which is the most important aspect. Now I'm just waiting for all the 'fans' that were 'jumping ship' due to the increases to post about how they are coming back. Not holding my breath...

I'm one who got priced out this year. Part of the reason we decided to give up our tickets was that it was going to be even less affordable the following year. I don't know if we'd have stuck around knowing there wasn't another whopping increase on the horizon, but it's a little late now.

That's really too bad, we could have used the extra revenue from the increases. Gotta fill the stadium though.

If there's a successful season, they'll just raise the ticket price (not mentioned in the letter) and leave the donation the same. Eazy-peezy....

They had no choice. Gophers are sucking wind in ticket sales so far this year and will lose further ground due to the new Vikings stadium. They had to do something to mitigate the ticket bleed.

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Received the letter as well and was initially pleased. Don't get me wrong, I like this news, but I wonder if the Dept doesn't still truly need that added revenue? It's hard to get better and keep pace with the not just OSU and Mich, but even Iowa and WI without more revenue. I would still encourage anyone who can to consider giving to the Golden Gopher Fund when possible. I think this is being done to give Claeys a fighting chance. Don't want big ticket drop next year, and no one knows yet how this year will go. To-date, Claeys does not bring-out the enthusiasm from the fan base which Kill had started to generate.

This move has more to do with Ticket sales for this season, IMO. They hope to get people to reconsider to jump back on board knowing that next year will not be increased.

I'm one who got priced out this year. Part of the reason we decided to give up our tickets was that it was going to be even less affordable the following year. I don't know if we'd have stuck around knowing there wasn't another whopping increase on the horizon, but it's a little late now.

I think you would be surprised where you could sit if you called the ticket office.

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